Has anyone taken and Oaksterdam University Courses?

Who wants to work for a large comercomme grow anyways...They just hire the same guys who grow plants for home Depot... Especially in Canada..The product is sub par...As we all know each plant needs it's own special care and love... Everything from large commercial grows belongs in a closed loop system drenched in butane...Just like the BCs from years gone past.. "BC at least it's not mexi" Sorry..My love if Canada knows no bounds
Who wants to work for a large comercomme grow anyways...They just hire the same guys who grow plants for home Depot... Especially in Canada..The product is sub par........,.”.....”Sorry..My love if Canada knows no bounds

Don’t be sorry you’re entitled to your opinion

For me, it has nothing to do with Canada and everything to do with commercial growers. In Rhode Island in the good ole USA, prior to medical marijuana (which in my state is a JOKE), the really good weed was put out by a handful of growers. The product was special and loved. They are all selling weed through the dispensaries now (3!! Another joke) and they put out overpriced overhandled and quickly rushed to market product!!
And it’s getting worse not better. That’s why this overaged handicapped old man is learning to grow. And I’ve read Ed Rosenthal for $10 mind you (Oaksterdam official curriculum lol) and while very informative I don’t need to go to Oakland and pay real money to learn every little bit in it
Don’t be sorry you’re entitled to your opinion

For me, it has nothing to do with Canada and everything to do with commercial growers. In Rhode Island in the good ole USA, prior to medical marijuana (which in my state is a JOKE), the really good weed was put out by a handful of growers. The product was special and loved. They are all selling weed through the dispensaries now (3!! Another joke) and they put out overpriced overhandled and quickly rushed to market product!!
And it’s getting worse not better. That’s why this overaged handicapped old man is learning to grow. And I’ve read Ed Rosenthal for $10 mind you (Oaksterdam official curriculum lol) and while very informative I don’t need to go to Oakland and pay real money to learn every little bit in it

The price of GOOD lumber here in California has stayed pretty consistent...When I say good.Its like you said..Grown by a few really good growers...It represents about 10% or less of the market though. Let's be honest the strains now days are so strong that even the sh1tiest grower can get a pretty good flower out the back end now days..And the difference between 800 a pound weed and the 2000 dollar stuff as far as the the content etc is pretty slight...That extra money goes for the care it takes to get a very polished product.. The extra man hours it takes to break that threshold of quality is tremendous... And to do it consistently...Comes with time..Living with the laddies .. Watching them move, drink, eat, and breath...

Peace and good luck to everyone over next few months
Expand that first school. The ones listed below are for profit.

so which one from those two links you send is legit ? the first or the second ? Im interested on joining the cannabis industry .Im 23 now ,and i want to start getting some certificates.
so which one from those two links you send is legit ? the first or the second ? Im interested on joining the cannabis industry .Im 23 now ,and i want to start getting some certificates.
The links to actual established universities. In real life it's called "auditing" a class. No credit but no cost. You just sit in.

I'm old and experienced. I live in Alaska. Experience in early Colorado and Washington legal.

Unless your country regulations require some certification regarding horticulture it's not going to do shit getting you in a grow op. Period.

If you came here your first step is getting the marijuana handlers card and foodhandlers card . Then apply at the store front. Bring sharp trimming scissors. You're going to pay your dues. If you're lucky, good enough and not a know-it-all asshole you might get in the back starting as labor.

College don't count for shit.
The links to actual established universities. In real life it's called "auditing" a class. No credit but no cost. You just sit in.

I'm old and experienced. I live in Alaska. Experience in early Colorado and Washington legal.

Unless your country regulations require some certification regarding horticulture it's not going to do shit getting you in a grow op. Period.

If you came here your first step is getting the marijuana handlers card and foodhandlers card . Then apply at the store front. Bring sharp trimming scissors. You're going to pay your dues. If you're lucky, good enough and not a know-it-all asshole you might get in the back starting as labor.

College don't count for shit.
First of all thanks for the answer ! I come from a european country and im currently living in the UK. Can i get this handler card ? i want to make an online course on horticulture as im not living in the US. So that links you send they dont give you an actual certificate when the course finish right ?

so how can i get a job in the industry ? i mean i dont wanna get a master grower position now.I want to start from a low position and build my self to a master grower one day.Cant i find a job somewhere for basic things like watering ,ph,pruning,defoliation and all that stuff in a grow op? and slowly slowly advance my self ?
First of all thanks for the answer ! I come from a european country and im currently living in the UK. Can i get this handler card ? i want to make an online course on horticulture as im not living in the US. So that links you send they dont give you an actual certificate when the course finish ?
No. No certificate for the free classes. But I would not hesitate to note this on a resumé including screenshots of any exam results. Quiz results etc. These are state universities.
I'm getting a degree in Botany next fall fuck nut.
It’s good to have a back up degree. I have one in computer science and business own my own business working as a network engineer. On top of that I have 9 yrs of military experience. I’m currently getting a degree in botany for the fuck of it. I think all he was trying to say is have a fall back something you know can support you in the future.
It’s good to have a back up degree. I have one in computer science and business own my own business working as a network engineer. On top of that I have 9 yrs of military experience. I’m currently getting a degree in botany for the fuck of it. I think all he was trying to say is have a fall back something you know can support you in the future.
I do have one. I'm a Red Seal Carpenter and have been one for 8 years. Nobody bothered asking me lol.
I do have one. I'm a Red Seal Carpenter and have been one for 8 years. Nobody bothered asking me lol.
Tissue cultivation cloning should be easy for ypu. This is a skill that combined with a botany degree could help open doors. Not feasible or practical for small growers. Valuable at nursery level.

Snag agar plates from labs. Grow clones and shrooms.
I'm getting a degree in Botany next fall fuck nut.

The only reason for getting a degree in botany is to do research for a living. (or just for the fuck of it) The type of job you're looking for is unskilled manual labor. It'd be like getting a food science degree to work at mcdonalds. Don't shoot the messenger. I'm just trying to steer you in what I think is the right direction.
Seriously you would be better off studying HVAC and electrical. Practice your growing while going. Then you would be a head higher than the rest of the pack.
The only reason for getting a degree in botany is to do research for a living. (or just for the fuck of it) The type of job you're looking for is unskilled manual labor. It'd be like getting a food science degree to work at mcdonalds. Don't shoot the messenger. I'm just trying to steer you in what I think is the right direction.
Much appreciated man. The actual degree is in Agricultural Science, Botany was just part of the course.
For the little amount of research i've done most labs in Canada don't have terpene testing "yet". These guys claim it's coming soon. https://keystonelabs.ca/services/regulated-cannabis-testing/
Sounds just like here. Same analyses. Microbial, pesticides etc. I guess terpenes add a lot because mos legal offerings here so far lack them. There are exceptions . One grower retail has a large notebook with all the information on the strains they grow including terpenes . Very helpful in choosing strains. As much so for me as THC.