This is a perfect example of exactly what I mean. You just spent the majority of your response denigrating universal healthcare. Then at the end you claim you support it..
People who actually support universal healthcare don't spend paragraphs complaining about it or how to implement it.. They explain how every other modern nation has implemented it, how it's actually cheaper than the private system while also being more effective, etc..
You say you support universal healthcare, but it just can't be done, it's just too expensive, generic right wing talking point.
You don't actually support it if you don't support the ways we pay for it, which is taxing corporations and taxing the top earners at a higher rate
Where did I denigrate universal healthcare? I described the current state of Bernie's plan. He released it without any funding, no plans on how to implement it. I've read the plan. I didn't even denigrate Bernie's plan, I just stated factually why I think it's a losing and bad idea. No price tag. No plan for such a large expansion of Medicare.. No consideration of people who are in a plan they like. Bernie's bill isn't even the only one out there .
There are other proposed bills in Congress meant to address the same problem with different ideas. What makes more sense to me is Medicare buy-in. I suppose you are aware of that legislation?
If you think my criticism of Progressives(TM) polices are harsh, you are going to get an earful that is ten times worse than mine. Don't blame me if Gillum fails. It's his job to win enough votes in Florida which has been pretty harsh about expanding government programs in the very recent past.
We are arguing policy and Florida is beyond that. After the primary, it's time to vote tactically.. Regardless of what I think of Bernie's healthcare bill, if I were living in Florida, damn right I would vote for Gillum.