Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
I’m orrery sure it’s mdma powder in a cap iv done mdma a few times not many planning on maybe going for a walk or some shit idk I’ll prob be on here listening to music


Well-Known Member
I'm having a break ....if I keep up this pace I'll be in hospital again like in 02' with em saying better call his next of kin in I don't think he's gonna make it through the night ...coke and avid for 2 weeks straight and when that ran out a months worth of dexies in 5 days ...12 a day
I'm lucky I can function properly now but my only vice is when I'm really upset about something (Not often it comes and goes sometimes 2 or 3 months apart sometimes 6 months) it's chemicals that help ...I had my couple weeks loose and I hope I don't feel like that again for at least 6 months ...
It will always come around it's just a matter of when.
Crazy fucken thing is I thought I was over it Monday morning and feeling great then by 5pm last nite I was thinking ..fuck.i could go a couple lines...thank fuck that feeling only lasted a few hours

haha yeah drugs are a bit more-ish aye. Last time I had dexies was a lifetime ago ago (NYE Y2K) but that was a fucked up effort. ate a few trips, around a dozen dexies and drank a bottle of tequila. ended up nearly losing my nut peaking out in a forest running around barefoot for about 6 or 8 hours and cut myself to bits.


Well-Known Member
I'm having a break ....if I keep up this pace I'll be in hospital again like in 02' with em saying better call his next of kin in I don't think he's gonna make it through the night ...coke and avid for 2 weeks straight and when that ran out a months worth of dexies in 5 days ...12 a day
I'm lucky I can function properly now but my only vice is when I'm really upset about something (Not often it comes and goes sometimes 2 or 3 months apart sometimes 6 months) it's chemicals that help ...I had my couple weeks loose and I hope I don't feel like that again for at least 6 months ...
It will always come around it's just a matter of when.
Crazy fucken thing is I thought I was over it Monday morning and feeling great then by 5pm last nite I was thinking ..fuck.i could go a couple lines...thank fuck that feeling only lasted a few hours
Day at a time bro you’ll be right

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I think ill pull the trigger on a 630cmh DE early next year. Apart from the cost they don't seem to have a downside. Great spectrum. Ill be interested in coco's thoughts after harvest.
Would a light mover in a 4 x 4 be worth the hassle?


Well-Known Member
I think ill pull the trigger on a 630cmh DE early next year. Apart from the cost they don't seem to have a downside. Great spectrum. Ill be interested in coco's thoughts after harvest.
Would a light mover in a 4 x 4 be worth the hassle?
Light movers are good but the cost of good lighting has dropped so much I'd rather jam another light in,but if heat or the extra power is a concern it's not a bad option.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
On paper that's how it looks hey. It's good stuff apparently but it's as bit overpriced I reckon. I use Nutrients Tech Bio P instead
I got two small bottles as freebies a few weeks ago. Haven't used them yet but was looking into alfalfa meal as it contains trico. Was just looking at dosage rates in soil for mammoth P and its main ingredient is alfalfa. Interesting how the two separate things came together as one.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
haha yeah drugs are a bit more-ish aye. Last time I had dexies was a lifetime ago ago (NYE Y2K) but that was a fucked up effort. ate a few trips, around a dozen dexies and drank a bottle of tequila. ended up nearly losing my nut peaking out in a forest running around barefoot for about 6 or 8 hours and cut myself to bits.
Yeah they got me good I hooked on them for a gd 18 mths pill a day to 6 a day after a year...before that was hooked on duromine for nearly 3 years
Start losing your mind in the way of losing your shit at anything.....can remember sniffing amyl nitrate for 24 hrs once after I couldn't get any dexies for a few days...put myself into a coma two days in hospital came out of it ripped the drips etc out of my arm walked out of the hospital blood going everywhere ...I Jesus Christ reincarnated walking down the main street with cops closing in...
A lot more happened before I pulled out if it ...anyway no more sob stories man
I turned the corner at one stage and never looked back
I care for ppl now show respect and try and do something nice for someone EVERY day...I'm just prone to go back into my darkness now and then and last weeks was a bad one..

But I'm human just like everyone else who takes a trip down a dark path that "normal" ppl can't understand.

On that note I think I've spilled my guts enough to you n cone time who's with me?