Do normal people use the term "monkey it up"?


Active Member

Google race history in Florida

Context matters derp
LOL. You made the claim that no one in Florida believes it wasn't racist. I asked you for a citation to support that. You can't provide one. And you won't answer basic questions one would need to determine when that term can be used by a politician? If the opponent was white would it have been ok? If DeSantis was black, like Obama, would that have made it no longer racist?


Well-Known Member
LOL. You made the claim that no one in Florida believes it wasn't racist. I asked you for a citation to support that. You can't provide one. And you won't answer basic questions one would need to determine when that term can be used by a politician? If the opponent was white would it have been ok? If DeSantis was black, like Obama, would that have made it no longer racist?
I don't owe you anything. If you lived in Florida, you'd be laughing at the idea that DeSantis wasn't race baiting. I completely understand why a Trump supporter would want to deny it though.

If DeSantis doesn't engage on issues that are important to Floridians, like water quality, mass shootings in schools, flooding due to climate change, eroding quality of education, affordable healthcare, etc. and he sticks to the racist message he's going to get his ass handed to him.

Come to think of it even if he engages on those messages he's going to get his ass handed to him. Which is why he's race baiting. He wants to divide people and win that way. Typical shitty Trumpkins eat that crap for breakfast.


Active Member
I don't owe you anything. If you lived in Florida, you'd be laughing at the idea that DeSantis wasn't race baiting. I completely understand why a Trump supporter would want to deny it though.

If DeSantis doesn't engage on issues that are important to Floridians, like water quality, mass shootings in schools, flooding due to climate change, eroding quality of education, affordable healthcare, etc. and he sticks to the racist message he's going to get his ass handed to him.

Come to think of it even if he engages on those messages he's going to get his ass handed to him. Which is why he's race baiting. He wants to divide people and win that way. Typical shitty Trumpkins eat that crap for breakfast.
Yeah, nah. Cool opinion tho. That wasn't racist. I know you can't answer those questions. It would show you don't know what you're talking about.


Active Member
"Concerning the "monkey this up” comment by gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis: The meaning of words depends on one’s personal experiences.

The same words mean different things to different people. The term "monkey this up" is a U.S. Navy slang term. And DeSantis was in the Navy, so he used words known in parts of the Navy world. Others heard something different, but that does not mean that DeSantis was trying to refer to race or anything else other than to say let's not goof up the good thing we've got going in Florida (my words, of course)."

Nonagenarian steps up
"I am a registered Democrat and do plan on voting for Ron DeSantis in November. I am here to defend the Republican candidate.

As I am approaching 92 years, this has always been a part of my vocabulary and for those of us below the Mason-Dixon line. To me, it means, “Do not get into it; don’t mess with it.” Get off his back, and let the two parties continue with their campaigns."

Wilma Calmes Windermere


Well-Known Member
"Concerning the "monkey this up” comment by gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis: The meaning of words depends on one’s personal experiences.

The same words mean different things to different people. The term "monkey this up" is a U.S. Navy slang term. And DeSantis was in the Navy, so he used words known in parts of the Navy world. Others heard something different, but that does not mean that DeSantis was trying to refer to race or anything else other than to say let's not goof up the good thing we've got going in Florida (my words, of course)."

Nonagenarian steps up
"I am a registered Democrat and do plan on voting for Ron DeSantis in November. I am here to defend the Republican candidate.

As I am approaching 92 years, this has always been a part of my vocabulary and for those of us below the Mason-Dixon line. To me, it means, “Do not get into it; don’t mess with it.” Get off his back, and let the two parties continue with their campaigns."

Wilma Calmes Windermere
What you’re seeing and what you’re reading isn’t what’s happening


Active Member
It was in fact racist. Your opinion won’t change that fact

Who do you think mueller will indict next?
Nah. Not racist at all. That's a fact. You monkeying around with your opinion won't change that.
You are obsessed with mueller. If he doesn't monkey around, there could be more indictments. I haven't followed it. Who do you think?


Well-Known Member
Nah. Not racist at all. That's a fact. You monkeying around with your opinion won't change that.
You are obsessed with mueller. If he doesn't monkey around, there could be more indictments. I haven't followed it. Who do you think?
You are mistaken, this is quite common for racist trumptards like yourself so don’t feel too bad

What desantis said is racist. That is irrefutable fact

Who do you think mueller will indict next?