Electricity bills


Well-Known Member
At what point does an electricity bill become suspicious? Can a search warrant be obtained based on high utilities alone? What is the process for LEO to subpoena a power company for records? Are there trained professionals who work for the power companies who look for trends in usage or high amounts of power consumption to flag for LEO? How often do law enforcement agencies use infa red to find heat signatures? This is all assuming the grower is paying bills on time and is not stealing any electricity nor displaying any other suspicious behaviors.
People get caught doing dumb shit like selling to a minor or a guy you just met in a bar
Or the "Hi , I know so and so and they said you have good weed"
Keeping it on the downlow has worked for me for nearly fifty years
Just don't do dumb stuff
I get a report from my Electric company every couple months asking me if I would like them to show me how to lower my bill:wall:
My electric also likes to remind me that I am using 700% more than the typical home my size in the area:weed:
Be smart you should be fine
I haven't seen an infrared bust in a lot of years it was mainly to catch outdoor growers who had just watered leaving cool spots in the heat signature
Hovering over homes looking for heat signatures would cause outrage in most communities
Be smart and stay safe
People get caught doing dumb shit like selling to a minor or a guy you just met in a bar
Or the "Hi , I know so and so and they said you have good weed"
Keeping it on the downlow has worked for me for nearly fifty years
Just don't do dumb stuff
I get a report from my Electric company every couple months asking me if I would like them to show me how to lower my bill:wall:
My electric also likes to remind me that I am using 700% more than the typical home my size in the area:weed:
Be smart you should be fine
I haven't seen an infrared bust in a lot of years it was mainly to catch outdoor growers who had just watered leaving cool spots in the heat signature
Hovering over homes looking for heat signatures would cause outrage in most communities
Be smart and stay safe

what this guy said... depending on where you live the utilities might offer to inspect the house for faulty wiring or something if they see a spike in electricity bills. completely voluntary though....

what really gets people caught is the rats and the morons...

the guy that likes to slap his girlfriend/wife around and has a restraining order and has all his phones subpoenaed... the guy who always brags about hitting on underage girls... the ones who keep bringing unknown friends on weed runs... somebody who likes to smoke in their car and cloud it out driving through a school zone... the drunk driving bimbos with rich parents.... the dudes that think it's super cool to walk around with 1/4 oz of weed in their pockets EVERYWHERE they go, as if having their stash on them at all times legitimizes their masculinity.... any underage kid who likes to break windows and tag walls.... etc etc etc etc...
you pay...they don't give two farts.
you pinch....they work with the politie to track you down. well they do in The Netherlands.
People get caught doing dumb shit like selling to a minor or a guy you just met in a bar
Or the "Hi , I know so and so and they said you have good weed"
Keeping it on the downlow has worked for me for nearly fifty years
Just don't do dumb stuff
I get a report from my Electric company every couple months asking me if I would like them to show me how to lower my bill:wall:
My electric also likes to remind me that I am using 700% more than the typical home my size in the area:weed:
Be smart you should be fine
I haven't seen an infrared bust in a lot of years it was mainly to catch outdoor growers who had just watered leaving cool spots in the heat signature
Hovering over homes looking for heat signatures would cause outrage in most communities
Be smart and stay safe

I recently learned my electrical consumption is slightly higher than double the average National average
In the US they investigate if there is a complaint (usually smell or light leakage), tip from a informant, or power is being stolen/shared (utility company reports to police). OR if your area is known for drugs AND violent crime/gang activity and YOUR dwelling has been raided before.
electricity usage alone is not enough for a warrant, but when you combine that with suspicious drug activity, people coming and going all the time, contraband found in garbage etc it becomes enough for probable cause.
I have a very very small house and have 5 tents that avg e.600 watts each including everything in them. Also have a dehumidifier and a few cfl's here and there... My have gas and electric bill combined is $275 per month... It would prob be $80 without my weed setup.
man they have houses converted into grow houses and they have lights on in every room ad get away with growing huge crops

unless you can rig up a wire in to bypass your meter, i had a friend who could do it, with pay as you go meters, just useing a short length of 15 amp wire. not the best idea, just off at a tangent.
Any evidence?
One of the lads on the UK thread works for a utilities company. And no they don't flag high usage unless you are not paying and stealing. there are many ways to use a lot of electricity in your home, aside from growing. a small warehouse operation was busted along the road from me a while back. the Dutch police posted a notice on the door to explain the bust, what had been found, and the fact they were working with the electricity company to make the bust.
Other than taking my word for it, thats the only evidence I'll be giving :)
peace DST
They (any company) don't give one providing its paid for, wtf would they want to loose a good paying customer, it just doesn't make sense to me utility businesses aren't paid or concerned with who's using what imo?
One of the lads on the UK thread works for a utilities company. And no they don't flag high usage unless you are not paying and stealing. there are many ways to use a lot of electricity in your home, aside from growing. a small warehouse operation was busted along the road from me a while back. the Dutch police posted a notice on the door to explain the bust, what had been found, and the fact they were working with the electricity company to make the bust.
Other than taking my word for it, thats the only evidence I'll be giving :)
peace DST
I do not deny. It is obvious they cooperate, coz company can not punish you so the police is needed. Just wanted to know coz also live there and heard a lot of stories of people so and so and it ussually comes down to neighbours or enviers. If i got it right there is not allowed to grow, but you wont be punished when you have 5 or less plants. If you overstep the amount, than they decide the level of profesionality and according to that you are punished. Netherlands is heavily overcrowded, every second person smoke, hundreds of coffee’s and lot of lazy people making their living this way. My opinion is, when you work, pay taxes, live without conflicts with neighbours and grow only 5 plants you do not need to worry about that. Elektricity is not an issue untill you light the whole house, there are lot of houses with 4 or more minisplits, lighted gardens, waterfalls and many things which make the costs in one month like yours in whole year. Maybe I am wrong but this explanation makes me sleep without worries...
I do not deny. It is obvious they cooperate, coz company can not punish you so the police is needed. Just wanted to know coz also live there and heard a lot of stories of people so and so and it ussually comes down to neighbours or enviers. If i got it right there is not allowed to grow, but you wont be punished when you have 5 or less plants. If you overstep the amount, than they decide the level of profesionality and according to that you are punished. Netherlands is heavily overcrowded, every second person smoke, hundreds of coffee’s and lot of lazy people making their living this way. My opinion is, when you work, pay taxes, live without conflicts with neighbours and grow only 5 plants you do not need to worry about that. Elektricity is not an issue untill you light the whole house, there are lot of houses with 4 or more minisplits, lighted gardens, waterfalls and many things which make the costs in one month like yours in whole year. Maybe I am wrong but this explanation makes me sleep without worries...
pretty much about sums it up. I know people in Amsterdam who have had police round and they just left them to it. unless you got rooms, multiple (dangerous electric boards) then there is normally no problem (unless neighbours complain). most houses and apartments have an electric switch with around 40amps. stay within that for overall consumption and you are not going to get flagged. You want to run a house like a Vietnamese gang then you probably get the Big Red Key knocking on your door.
At what point does an electricity bill become suspicious? Can a search warrant be obtained based on high utilities alone? What is the process for LEO to subpoena a power company for records? Are there trained professionals who work for the power companies who look for trends in usage or high amounts of power consumption to flag for LEO? How often do law enforcement agencies use infa red to find heat signatures? This is all assuming the grower is paying bills on time and is not stealing any electricity nor displaying any other suspicious behaviors.
honestly the best way i know about hiding a high power bill and able to justify it without question is to have electric baseboard heaters, in canada the electrical code mandates the service feeding the house be atleast 200 amps if electric heat is installed. utility looks up your info and sees 200 amp service and thinks electric heat.
also in summer air conditioners drive everybodys bill sky high.