Trump gave an AMAZING speech at the UN


Well-Known Member
Then why do you presume to call me a capitalist? I might not like the system, but how we stop it is not by enacting policies which enable it. Being against a policy just because your enememy is for it but has different reason than why it should be, is plain stupid.

Until multinationals are banned as a threat to human kind, those entities sick fucks use as shields to deploy their inhumane goals of short term pleasure, which is mostly the disease known as human sex slave trafficking, globalization is their tool.

Without globalization, it makes those evil people in world have a much harder time.

Fair trade, rather than free trade to exploit is a step in the right direction.

If something says made by local artisans or fair trade on the label, even if it costs a few bucks more, I buy that over the "cooler" Nike, etc.
Isolationism is a proven failure and an invitation to war. Brought to us. Read history. You could not survive alone. Despite the inevitable proclamation that you could. Yet a nation can do that in principle? The world is too small for such unnecessary shit.


Well-Known Member
Isolationism is a proven failure and an invitation to war. Brought to us. Read history. You could not survive alone. Despite the inevitable proclamation that you could. Yet a nation can do that in principle? The world is too small for such unnecessary shit.
Is that why you're giving me shit because you conflate anti-globalization with isolationism?

Isolationism goes necessarily with anti-globalization, but not the other way around. Why not be friends? Support?

Not globalization:

Take over other countries industries by installing a McDonalds on every corner.

Placing a military base or two in every country.

Displacing leaders by shooting them in the steets while the other side mob cheers watching die over a dispute over tastes great or less filling which is none of our business.

Threatening to buy competition in another country and selling weapons to their enemy so their supply chain is gone and they're constantly attacked with no means to defend themselves because we object to their lack of democracy we ourselves don't have.

Stopping drug lords who grow opium poppies because they're evil, so we can confiscate their crop to fuel our big pharma opiad crisis because corporations hate competition.

Instead we should...

Act as guests, not the king making a visit to a peasant's house who must have every whim catered to.

Give opportunities for fair legal citizenship, but make them adhere to certain requirements such as learning the language, laws, and have a means of support, so corporations can't use them as wage slaves since they have no documentation, subverting employers from paying their fair share of taxes. While the corporations threaten us that our country can't afford to live without exploiting them because they do jobs we don't. The truth is we don't accept the unfair wages they're used to in their country and we continue for them, but in their country don't even have enough jobs to supply.

Have the other countries tell us what we can do, without at the same time violating basic human rights.

Not bow down to value added tax when our country uses a combination of sales tax and income tax which results in a trade imbalance.

Be diplomats of peace, rather than police agents for war.

Is that what a capitalist right wing fuck head wants? We need to fix those problems rather than say, "we can't so let's continue with corporate globalization rape because that's better than inviting war over isolationism, you want to be like China? Didn't think so!"


Well-Known Member
he is the laughing stock of the world. Can't tell if its just the weight gain, cocaine, or psychotics, but why does his pupils get so big, he gets so red in the face, and he gets distracted and babbles on off on a tangent, usually bout how bad ass he supposedly is. Hes the rich kid bully and his group you went to in highschool with that run roughshod on folks, till someone usually quiet and a bit smaller, beats his fucking ass. Hopefull the midterms will change things and 2020 we can have someone who is not such a fucking embarrassing imbecile. jmho Be nice to see the Chinese match our tariffs, and then start collecting on all the debt they own of ours. Lets see how it all falls out then. Also, the deflection of the election meddling from his suck buddies the russians to the chinese, is laughable. He is laughable and thats why the UN laughed at him yesterday. He's had too many hookers tell him hes hung like a horse when in all honestly, stormy says he's hung like a half eaten tic tac, lmfao.


Well-Known Member
not in these days. Drumpf has mouthed everyone and their dog, he's spoilin for a fight, plus look at the new money for Artificial intelligence, the pentagon budget, etc. There's no diplomatic peace goin on, lmfao


Well-Known Member
he is the laughing stock of the world. Can't tell if its just the weight gain, cocaine, or psychotics, but why does his pupils get so big, he gets so red in the face, and he gets distracted and babbles on off on a tangent, usually bout how bad ass he supposedly is. Hes the rich kid bully and his group you went to in highschool with that run roughshod on folks, till someone usually quiet and a bit smaller, beats his fucking ass. Hopefull the midterms will change things and 2020 we can have someone who is not such a fucking embarrassing imbecile. jmho Be nice to see the Chinese match our tariffs, and then start collecting on all the debt they own of ours. Lets see how it all falls out then. Also, the deflection of the election meddling from his suck buddies the russians to the chinese, is laughable. He is laughable and thats why the UN laughed at him yesterday. He's had too many hookers tell him hes hung like a horse when in all honestly, stormy says he's hung like a half eaten tic tac, lmfao.
Hateful garbage. You want the US to fail, you hate the president so much. Grow up. Trump will be your president until 2024.


Well-Known Member
Hateful garbage. You want the US to fail, you hate the president so much. Grow up. Trump will be your president until 2024.
Says the guy on the Obama abuse train. Funny how all you people bashed the shit out of Obama because he was black and Clinton because she was a woman when neither of them did anything wrong.

But now you support a man that takes the word of Russia over his own people, treats women like dirt, has had nearly his entire campaign and transition team sent to or on their way to prison and has the rest of the planet literally laughing at him.

Yeah. We're the ones with the problem.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Says the guy on the Obama abuse train. Funny how all you people bashed the shit out of Obama because he was black and Clinton because she was a woman when neither of them did anything wrong.

But now you support a man that takes the word of Russia over his own people, treats women like dirt, has had nearly his entire campaign and transition team sent to or on their way to prison and has the rest of the planet literally laughing at him.

Yeah. We're the ones with the problem.
To hear them tell it ...they don't consider us Americans