Well-Known Member
YepSince Australia is "The land Down Under" wouldn't it make sense that it's on the bottom of the disc?
YepSince Australia is "The land Down Under" wouldn't it make sense that it's on the bottom of the disc?
Its a special plane!Ya. See, you can make shit up as you go in never never land Shitsakes
No Australia? No prob. We’ll cut and paste a continent to to the flip side. Not sure how planes manage this. But who gives a shit
CNN=fake news.
Amazing. For a highly hidden conspiracy, they sure launch a lot of fake rockets.
There u go thinkin'I thought the moon was painted on the dome.
U can't even grow a plant bill Nye!.
Now I’m getting a little warm under the collar. They’re just flaunting science in my face. Who do they think they are ???
When is Flat Earth going to be classified as a medical condition? It’s debilitating, embarrassing, you hide this from people because people see you as insane. Must be lonely being so crazy.
If insurance saw this as a bonafide illness, maybe you could get help. You could get a special ward at the nut house. They could give you a flat earth globe so you’ll calm down during your stay.
Maybe they could even give you 3-5th grade science classes again, as you skipped all those classes with friends while you sniffed spray paint behind the grade school
In my case definitely low IQ.I don't think it's an actual medical condition. It's more like a product of intellect, or in their case, lack of it.
Remember, they tell us that the average IQ is around 100, so there are many people who fall below 100. Some of those people will cling to anything once they find some small detail to be plausible. Then their theory will explode as they pick up similar things to explain why they are right. It then becomes a life-long delusion, and allows them to reject other facts of science or reality.
It's a vicious circle, one that they will never understand.
Remember too, the guy with an IQ of 85 thinks he is smart.
Global warming‘Catastrophic’ mental health changes tied to climate change, study says.
Crisis actors n such.When you live in a fantasy world, you can indiscriminately discount entire swaths of information as fake.
Fake this, fake that. Fake NASA, fake rockets, fake news, fake everything. All to fit your pitiful little view of the universe.
You are so very clearly mentally ill.
In my case definitely low IQ.
We never walked on the moon.
Guess it takes a moron to smell that bs!