Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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I don't think it's an actual medical condition. It's more like a product of intellect, or in their case, lack of it.

Remember, they tell us that the average IQ is around 100, so there are many people who fall below 100. Some of those people will cling to anything once they find some small detail to be plausible. Then their theory will explode as they pick up similar things to explain why they are right. It then becomes a life-long delusion, and allows them to reject other facts of science or reality.

It's a vicious circle, one that they will never understand.

Remember too, the guy with an IQ of 85 thinks he is smart. :lol:

You don't actually believe infra red beams curve with the surface of the ocean do you? Naval laser guided weapons systems depend on a beam that is straight and true. Supposedly the earth curves 8 inches per mile squared. This means a target will be over 400 feet below the curvature from 30 miles out. LOL!! Very silly. Naval weapons function at a very high level because laser sites and water are flat. Laser sites are popular with gun enthusiast because the accuracy is guaranteed there is no deviation. Water is used as a tool to make things perfectly level. So the oceans curve into a 360 degree ball? This is a gross violation of the basic laws of physics. Density displacement and buoyancy is what you experience on a daily basis not gravity. It's precisely my intellect that vehemently refuses to accept these preposterous globe earth lies. :peace: bongsmilie
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It's precisely my intellect that vehemently refuses to accept these preposterous globe earth lies.
Lol!!!! I just had to reprint this. Listen to the dumbest guy on this forum. His “intellect!” OMFG

He’s a complete idiot! Jesus this is funny.


Well-Known Member
You don't actually believe infra red beams curve with the surface of the ocean do you? Naval laser guided weapons systems depend on a beam that is straight and true. Supposedly the earth curves 8 inches per mile squared. This means a target will be over 400 feet below the curvature from 30 miles out. LOL!! Very silly. Naval weapons function at a very high level because laser sites and water are flat. Laser sites are popular with gun enthusiast because the accuracy is guaranteed there is no deviation. Water is used as a tool to make things perfectly level. So the oceans curve into a 360 degree ball? This is a gross violation of the basic laws of physics. Density displacement and buoyancy is what you experience on a daily basis not gravity. It's precisely my intellect that vehemently refuses to accept these preposterous globe earth lies. :peace: bongsmilie
Did you sell an (this) arms system to some suspecting country with the promise no one else will ever have one capable of calculations?

Perhaps you're just shopping for a line of code, I'm not sure.

Your density is limited by it's porosity.


Well-Known Member
Are the Russians making it up about going to the space station? So the failed rocket was really just business as usual?

Is there really a space station?

And the footage from the mars rover. That was....?

It sounds a lot like Scientology.


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of new earth Christians who believe the earth is 5000 years old and we used to walk with dinosaurs- like Fred Fucking Flintstone

These people are just as whacked. Abandon science so their fantasy can be maintained. Come up with some bullshit science-sounding terms and the feeble minded will follow.

They want soooo desperately to whittle that square peg to fit their round hole fantasy

Because that’s all this is - fantasy


Well-Known Member
Come on now this is flat earth need a new forum for 5000 year earth :D I can only keep up with one moronic idea at a time.


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I was outside this morning having a smoke, when I look up in the sky and saw the almost full moon. I began to wonder how the moon affects the tides (Hi to Low Tide), then it dawned on me. I was wrong my whole life about believing in Science. The tides must be caused by the disc we live on tilting. I wonder how far the disc actually tilts and can it be flipped over?


Well-Known Member
Tilting disc theory! I love that! Some sort of gear mechanism under the earth that the creator put there. That creator put all sorts of low tech into the earth. All so we have a clock to look at. How sweet.

I guess the masons must hate clocks and time and shit because they’ve fooled the world since the fucking 1300’s. They musta launched some kinda major marketing campaign back in 1300. They convinced the world’s seafarers that the world was in fact round.

And for the last 700 YEARS the masons have hijacked all technology and threatened untold millions of sea and air captains, military leaders, air flight controllers and water taxi gondola paddlers that they can’t divilge the secret, or they would kill all their family. This is every fucking nation without fail. Any technology including a compass is under their control. Billions and billions of people have been fooled by these rascals for 700 years for chrissakes. Man, they gotta be good.

Any mason I ever met was an idiot, so not sure where they’re getting all this brainpower. Maybe there’s aliens involved.


Well-Known Member
Tilting disc theory! I love that! Some sort of gear mechanism under the earth that the creator put there. That creator put all sorts of low tech into the earth. All so we have a clock to look at. How sweet.

I guess the masons must hate clocks and time and shit because they’ve fooled the world since the fucking 1300’s. They musta launched some kinda major marketing campaign back in 1300. They convinced the world’s seafarers that the world was in fact round.

And for the last 700 YEARS the masons have hijacked all technology and threatened untold millions of sea and air captains, military leaders, air flight controllers and water taxi gondola paddlers that they can’t divilge the secret, or they would kill all their family. This is every fucking nation without fail. Any technology including a compass is under their control. Billions and billions of people have been fooled by these rascals for 700 years for chrissakes. Man, they gotta be good.

Any mason I ever met was an idiot, so not sure where they’re getting all this brainpower. Maybe there’s aliens involved.
Flat aliens....
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