Yes, em1 has lacto, psnb, yeasts, few things but basically that lacto is so strong that it out competes everything.
But you haveto add it every week.
No big deal, a little goes a long way and theres lots of fun recipes to play with that help breed beneficial bacteria and lots of other goodies
Activated labs
Activated em1.
Sst, corn, alfalfa,barley mungbean
Citrust ferment
Flower power
Also make your own worm bin and bokashi compost

and get lots of barley. Two row
Journal coming one of these days haha . Ive got alot of this in the works...
Look up probiotic farmers aliance on facebook and chris trump on youtube .
Ps you can use labs instead of sugar on alot of those recipes.
Ps labs is anerobic, we use it to ferment stuff . And its beneficial. So your res wont stink. Your soil wont go anearobic