Democrat House means more desperate conspiracy investigations, likely nothing else.


Well-Known Member
Maybe someone can't tolerate opposing views.
I can tolerate whatever you got. I look forward to your type being marginalized again to the chat rooms you belong in.

As far as your threads being deleted... This is a private website. They can do what they want and I have no control. Sounds like you can't tolerate property rights, freedom of speech and free enterprise. Just because the word "politics" appears in the forum title doesn't mean that your posts are about politics. Maybe you would have better luck in a thread about abnormal psychology.


Well-Known Member
Hillary lost the election.
So if you tell a lie enough and convince enough idiots that it's true, it justifies the lie?

America strives to be better than that.

Remember when Trump said Obama golfed too much and that Trump would never golf because the job of POTUS is so important? Remember when he said that Obama had no business campaigning for other candidates and should just do his job?

Are you disgusted by his lies?


Well-Known Member
I can tolerate whatever you got. I look forward to your type being marginalized again to the chat rooms you belong in.

As far as your threads being deleted... This is a private website. They can do what they want and I have no control. Sounds like you can't tolerate property rights, freedom of speech and free enterprise. Just because the word "politics" appears in the forum title doesn't mean that your posts are about politics. Maybe you would have better luck in a thread about abnormal psychology.
Just because the word "politics" appears in the forum title doesn't mean that any view other than liberal democrat or communist will be tolerated. Anything else will be "marginalized to the chat rooms you belong in." Lol.

America is the greatest country in history because of the us constitution. This is the opinion being marginalized.