You are allowed to call me names on this forum. I am a conservative republican.
It isn't his job to help me personally, but yeah I can name 3 ways trump has helped me personally.
1. Validated my mistrust of globalism and my support for the us constitution and national sovereignty.
2. Tax cuts were good for my industry, which makes it easier to make money now. Also better job security with low unemployment.
3. Made me laugh every day since his election. Either with his comments or media reaction to him.
Mistrust in globalism? When the earth has 20 billion people on it I wonder what your thoughts will be then. When other countries go to the Moon and the stars and say "FU USA" where will that nationalism get you? You conservatives think (while in your bubble) that you are the only ones who feel love for america. Is that white love you feel? The rest don't love america. How can they? A bunch of nikkas and mexicans right? Your family NEVER immigrated from another country. You've been in north america since neanderthals lived in caves. CHEER FOR YOU!!
You think that america has all the technology and people to get us into the future. It doesn't, but you may be too blind to see this. The colleges are full of drunken idiotic no brained assholes, 90% of them are american. They all want to be be rappers, artists, ball players and judges
Meanwhile the other 10% of college dwellers..............the asians, africans, indians, pakistanis and europeans. They are taking all the top jobs in this country and around the world. All the while you drunk ass college idiot graduates have no skills other than to make an app or change a tire. The world does not revolve around america anymore. Other countries laugh at us as we fall behind in pretty much EVERYTHING on the face of this planet.
But we do own this tho...................DRAMA. We are the DRAMA country of the world. This is Trumps and his lackey conservatives new world but it wont last for long. Gonna drop kick trump and all his lackeys with him.
Tax cuts good for you huh? Out right fucking drama lie. They have helped no one except millionaires. Not a single middle class or lower class person has been helped by this. Nothing has changed in 2 years. No one is out there buying up Lowes and Home Depot stocks. You have no idea how or what proves a good economy. I bet you look at the stock market and think that everything is okie pokie. Dumbass
Your last item is a good one tho. He does me me laugh like a mother fucker. AT him. 60 plus% of the country laughs AT him. 100% of the rest of the world laughs AT him. Putin even laughs AT him. Right to his face
Enjoy Fox news and your bubble in the near future while you can. I'll still be here when it bursts. I'll even let you hold me when you need someone to cry on