Hello Folks
Today I tried my hand at making cannabutter. I researched a bit and found all to be quite similar. Of course butter and coconut oil are different and to use water or not. But mostly say decarboxylate in the oven at 240° and others say 200° ( I did at 210° so I didn't blacken the buds and make my butter bitter ). For around 30 minutes. Shaking the baking tray from time to time.
Then melt butter in water ( some say bad idea to use water ) then add the decarboxylated bud. Simmer 3 hours.
My ingredients
75gr smaller buds ( not leaf etc )
300gr butter ( not spreadable )
2 tea cups water.
I simmered for 3 hours stirring slowly.
Then strained through a dish cloth and colander ( didn't have cheese cloth )
Then let room cool. Then placed in fridge to set. Took 2 hours. They say once set drain off excess water. I didn't have any excess. Simmered/steamed out well.
Tested. And yummy
( quite strong ) must make sure GF is aware of strength.
Anyone for some passion fruit chewies? Or Christmas Cake?