Yesterday they were fine...Misinformation!


Active Member
Hi! This is my first grow and I've had a few problems but otherwise I guess I'm doing now that is...

I've been all over these plants every frickin day so I don't see how it's possible to have missed. With that in mind I opened the window yesterday morning and this morning I notice these tiny filled sacs I would think they are but I'm not sure and my frickin' camera is a piece of dog ass shit and didn't take a damn clear picture so I can't even show you all because I was going to ask if I should take them off even though instinct told me to do so immediately as soon as I spotted the things. But while inspecting one it opened and I'm familiar enough with plants to know it shouldn't be there.

My ? is can this happen that quickly from opening a window because I wouldn't doubt some stupid aswould be around here with a careless grow! We're loaded with field upon field with farmers who allow the grows and just bypass em' and let the growers come grab them up when they wish.
I can only describe them. There were about 5 on one side...3 together along one side amongst the hairs so these were right next to where the normal "hair" should have been. 2 more on a branch below again amongst the "hair". On the other side of the plant there were 2 more again amongst the "hairs".

Should I move this plant away from the other? Get rid of it? I hate to do that! But I'll do so if need be. I've inspected the thing all over the place and I'm sure I'll continue to do so and so far I don't see anymore.

And obviously I've closed the STUPID window!

Here is an example of my plants they are 4 weeks into flower.

OOPS! Meant to put this in problems...Well I see I can't move it nor can I delete this thread so...fixed some of my language...I'm still really angry after going this far into it. But I guess I shouldn't be since I was lucky to get two females in the first try.
I am going to re post in plant problems though so please forgive the double post :(

Okay n/m all that bull crap, I've read some more and I guess I found a few male sacks on my female plant...
I have no idea why or if I should get rid of the thing. I'll post pics in a few minutes...


Well-Known Member
Reeeeelax my friend. If it is indeed a male it will be more than evident very shortly. I would stop manipulating them but once its clearly male you will have plenty of time to remove without sexing up the others. Just be careful and don't go "pinching" anything until you know. May be a Hermie ??/


Well-Known Member
They are swollen calyxis's this is completely normal for a flowering plant. Your plant is all female. grow it then smoke it. Nothing to worry about. They will usually continue to swell all during the flower cycle and it is normal to see a hair or 2 coming out of the calyxis. Also on the top main cola and as the plant gets older you'll notice those calyxis's stacking on one another, again totally normal. good luck


Well-Known Member
are you saying you think they went from what i see in the pics and then male due to possible contamination ???? Beautiful babies my friend, that would suck. Seperate that baby from the flock just in case. Whats your strain ??? Looks juuuust like something i have from Nirvana. Anyway, good luck


Well-Known Member
They are swollen calyxis's this is completely normal for a flowering plant. Your plant is all female. grow it then smoke it. Nothing to worry about. They will usually continue to swell all during the flower cycle and it is normal to see a hair or 2 coming out of the calyxis. Also on the top main cola and as the plant gets older you'll notice those calyxis's stacking on one another, again totally normal. good luck
Great answer....I was thinking that but not advanced enough to call it. But after reading your post again and then this answer, she's 100% correct. Same thing happens to mine when i over water. Good deal...feel better ???


Well-Known Member
You can close all the windows in the world and still get pollinated. I mean, a single insect w/a single grain of spunk often can do a drive-by contamination/fertilization.

Your pic looks just right for 28 days. I suppose it's strain dependent, but wouldn't expect swollen-to-the-point-of-worry calyxes until later in MY grows. Hopefully this is all it is in your case.


Active Member
I wish all that was the case but I'm not so sure...
The ugh hanging things I seen posted by another user here and I'll find the poster and hopefully the pic.
They were together in a group of three and two...on the other side of the upper pistil group and you'll see in the pictures where I pulled them from.
I'll try to explain as best as I can.
Oh and before all that the one i inadvertently opened was mature and had a very minimal amount of slightly off yellow dusting like you'd get maybe if you'd run your fingers across the top of a daisy plant possibly?
Alright the pictures are the plant in ?. The first few I'm trying to show the pistil groups the last 3 I believe is the area in ? you'll see less pistils...this is where I pulled the sacs.
The first three pictures the left side of the plant on the bottom part is where they were found.
The last three are the exposed area.

This was I guess bag seed. Someone gave it to me in a cigarette plastic wrap for a wee try and had two seeds along with it. I saved them for who knows what reason. For shits and giggles. Placed them in my jewelry box for a about 3 months and decided I'd put them in soil ;)
I have no idea what kind they are.

I hope that is enough info.
I can't separate the plants. I either pitch it or keep it. I've looked over both plants thoroughly several times and I see nothing more. Unfortunately I have no other light sources. :(

What a dummy I almost forgot the pics LOL



Well-Known Member
You can close all the windows in the world and still get pollinated. I mean, a single insect w/a single grain of spunk often can do a drive-by contamination/fertilization.

Your pic looks just right for 28 days. I suppose it's strain dependent, but wouldn't expect swollen-to-the-point-of-worry calyxes until later in MY grows. Hopefully this is all it is in your case.
Uh, oh......the fishman has spoken. this makes sense too. hey i know, how bout i get the hell outta this thread:bigjoint::bigjoint: Good luck dude. Hope its not pollinated


Active Member
Uh, oh......the fishman has spoken. this makes sense too. hey i know, how bout i get the hell outta this thread:bigjoint::bigjoint: Good luck dude. Hope its not pollinated

Goodness Gracious why the theatrics...I wanna go back out too. :o
Is he that dangerous? :-P

:oops: Ugh! forgot the pic this time

as close as I can recall seeing just hanging though and thinner like you'd see from a burr left behind on a dog when they get caught in a sticker bush? Hehehehe (fixed post to make sense, i have a terrible habit my thoughts run way ahead of my typing skills and i forget complete words or sentences)
Sowwy not an expert! as close as I can describe...

I suppose if it's a shim, it'll show more stuff!
Damn...wanted to add that of course it has other pistils there as seen on the pics


Active Member
They are swollen calyxis's this is completely normal for a flowering plant. Your plant is all female. grow it then smoke it. Nothing to worry about. They will usually continue to swell all during the flower cycle and it is normal to see a hair or 2 coming out of the calyxis. Also on the top main cola and as the plant gets older you'll notice those calyxis's stacking on one another, again totally normal. good luck

Yes those I see. This was different from the swollen calyxes w/pistils shooting from them.


Active Member
are you saying you think they went from what i see in the pics and then male due to possible contamination ???? Beautiful babies my friend, that would suck. Seperate that baby from the flock just in case. Whats your strain ??? Looks juuuust like something i have from Nirvana. Anyway, good luck
Thank you! As I mentioned just hmm cigarette pack seeds...:-o
I have no idea what the strain is.

I'll edit this post since I'm hogging up my own thread. But I'm trying to answer all of you.
I'll not manipulate the plant any further gosh forbid I don't want it to get to the other plant but I suppose if I accidentally popped one open it's spilled milk now ain't it?
That's a shame but it would figger.
I've smoked weed maybe at best 6 times in my life?
A few times when I was a preteen.
And two other times now that I need to prove I can compete with the yungens.
Recently on those two occasions I'd had 2 hits and felt nothing. Or at least that's what I felt but I was told I was lookin' kinda chinky ("not my words but rather a quote "please no offense intended to any of the Asian Americans that may be viewing)
And maybe a dime size worth that I took home with me along with the 2 seeds! So it would just figure that I'd mess up a good thing because I'd probably be a danger to myself if I smoked my own grown stuff (at least the way you all describe your own grows).


Active Member
You can close all the windows in the world and still get pollinated. I mean, a single insect w/a single grain of spunk often can do a drive-by contamination/fertilization.

Your pic looks just right for 28 days. I suppose it's strain dependent, but wouldn't expect swollen-to-the-point-of-worry calyxes until later in MY grows. Hopefully this is all it is in your case.
Ugh Holy Cow Hide I'm sweatin' like a stuck pig!

You need to change your rules:

#ONE RULE these are not plants! These are TREES and as such MAKE DAMN sure you place said TREE in an ADEQUATE BUCKET!
That is after you start seedling ;)

That TREE was Root bound. Everyday I go along those plants with a fork just like I would my rose garden to aerate the roots. Well I didn't think much of it in the last few days... that is... it was harder and thicker than usual, :dunce: that I am thought it was the Molasses!'s NOT.

So much for not tossin' it around but I thought what the hey, I already moved the branches all over the place, I may as well move the blasted TREE to check it.
They need see through potters ;) sure fire sign there is something wrong it's staring you right in the face.:wall:

Sorry for constantly editing I'm done this time I think...
I opened the blasted window back up it's hot in that room!

Re Edit of the Editing (LOL)
Okay I'm assuming everyone else is following along the same lines of my train of thought. WRONG!
I'm guessing by what I've read that possibly due to some stress on the plant that possibly hidden traits that may go by undetected or never known is being brought forth in the plant... for instance Hermaphroditus...the few sacs that I seen. They definitely are not supposed to be there given what I see is being displayed by the rest of the plant...That being until now Female Genetics. Hopefully they stay away. :(


Well-Known Member
" Oh and before all that the one i inadvertently opened was mature and had a very minimal amount of slightly off yellow dusting like you'd get maybe if you'd run your fingers across the top of a daisy plant possibly? "

Describes opening male pod, IMO.


Active Member
" Oh and before all that the one i inadvertently opened was mature and had a very minimal amount of slightly off yellow dusting like you'd get maybe if you'd run your fingers across the top of a daisy plant possibly? "

Describes opening male pod, IMO. thoughts as well.
The reason I thought I'd start looking for possible problems, since I'd read various thoughts and individual ideas of genetics.
Above post explains my thoughts there and it all makes sense. Given I'd gotten my seeds from probably bag seed, not a seed bank that specializes in making sure you receive genetically feminized seeds.


Active Member
Well so far.....

Both plants like their new pots. :)

I've got a few wilting leaves on the smaller plant, but I expect that to pick up nicely in a few days.

Both plants have a good bit of new growth on them. I am especially surprised that the bottom of both plants are getting a good bit of new growth given the input I've seen on so many posts. That being that the bottom leaves eventually wilt, curl up and die.
Both plants are bushing out more as well with a ton of new growth.
I will update the pictures on my update post when the plants reach 6 weeks into flowering, which will be on the 20th of this month.

Hmm, the sacs or whatever I seen are not coming in with the new growth, which is a good sign and a relief at this point, hopefully they stay away.

I want to thank everyone that added suggestions and whatnot.

I added some dried blood with the new soil, the plants seem to really like that.

I do have another question though.....
Should I give the plants some nutrients or molasses with the next watering?
The reason I ask is...
New soil and I've added dried blood and maybe they should have more time for their transition before I add anything else.

Looking forward to any suggestions.


plant girl

Active Member
i have a really clear picture of the sacs on a plant i had. if i knocked the sac pale yellow fine powder came out

am looking for it now


Active Member
Plant Girl awesome pictures.
Yes and No.
I'll make that clearer.

On those pictures you can clearly see the whole sac.
Do you see the individual sacs or sections (look like little fingers) contained within the sac?
Mine were obviously several pistils coming from catalysis... now amongst those pistils were a few 2, 3 or 1 of those sections you see contained within the whole sac on one branch of the plant. As well as being on the opposite branch but fewer pistils effected. ( I think there was one or two)
Soooo that whole Sac was not there just a few of it's innards.


Phew, Finally a good clear picture and I could explain what it was I saw.


Active Member
Wellll no responses yet...

So I will water with molasses only.


Seems best since I just added the dried blood and they are picking up so nicely.

I haven't noticed any of those weirdos hanging around my pistils either so thats a good sign.

plant girl

Active Member
Plant Girl awesome pictures.
Yes and No.
I'll make that clearer.

On those pictures you can clearly see the whole sac.
Do you see the individual sacs or sections (look like little fingers) contained within the sac?
Mine were obviously several pistils coming from catalysis... now amongst those pistils were a few 2, 3 or 1 of those sections you see contained within the whole sac on one branch of the plant. As well as being on the opposite branch but fewer pistils effected. ( I think there was one or two)
Soooo that whole Sac was not there just a few of it's innards.


could it be that the outside of the sac has fallen away? i say this as they are realy delicate.

i would worry i think and move it away but its probably too late. it will be interesting to see what happens, keep us up to date with this:weed:

Phew, Finally a good clear picture and I could explain what it was I saw.
could it be that the outside of the sac has fallen away? i say this as they are realy delicate.

i would worry i think and move it away but its probably too late. it will be interesting to see what happens, keep us up to date with this:weed: