Old World Genetics - DJ Short

The Mantis

Well-Known Member
I looked for awhile and couldn't find another thread for these guys. Really surprised as DJ Short is a legend.

Just ordered some New Berry beans off JBC. Anyone else pick these up? The pics on IG look awesome.

I've never grown any DJ Short stuff, but this is my 2nd purchase. I brought back some Blueberry seeds I bought in Amsterdam 2001 and helped a couple friends set up a grow under the stairs in their townhouse. They only got 3 females but the buds were "the best weed they have ever had." Unfortunately, they didn't save me any.
10 years ago there was plenty of talk about him. But 1000s of mutants and average plants later, he is not talked about as much. Too many breeders and strains that have surpassed what he brought to the table... Don't get me wrong, he was an innovater many, many years ago, but sooner or later the horse whip company goes out of business and the leather car seat company takes over.

Oh, just to throw in, he does have some good stuff. Just not high in demand with people. Also, his most popular strain (blueberry) was lost and he has tried to recreate it but hasn't been able to do it.
Newberry and Happy Pussy are a couple coming out. I got an old pack of F-13 to try this next grow as this used to be DJ's favorite for psychedelic action.

A lot of unhappy campers concerning his strains these days. Not sure what to make of it. I am gonna have to hear some good things on the new lines before buying. His older lines did have a following. Old story now with Sensi and many other breeders being thought of as passe. Best days over and gone.
I looked for awhile and couldn't find another thread for these guys. Really surprised as DJ Short is a legend.

Just ordered some New Berry beans off JBC. Anyone else pick these up? The pics on IG look awesome.

I've never grown any DJ Short stuff, but this is my 2nd purchase. I brought back some Blueberry seeds I bought in Amsterdam 2001 and helped a couple friends set up a grow under the stairs in their townhouse. They only got 3 females but the buds were "the best weed they have ever had." Unfortunately, they didn't save me any.

lol 225 for a pack of regs? Dudes stuck in the past
10 years ago there was plenty of talk about him. But 1000s of mutants and average plants later, he is not talked about as much. Too many breeders and strains that have surpassed what he brought to the table... Don't get me wrong, he was an innovater many, many years ago, but sooner or later the horse whip company goes out of business and the leather car seat company takes over.

Oh, just to throw in, he does have some good stuff. Just not high in demand with people. Also, his most popular strain (blueberry) was lost and he has tried to recreate it but hasn't been able to do it.

I heard the Pot Cast with him on there and knew I would buy this pack. He might have had a few years, but he's put in the work and seems to go through a long selection process. I'll just have to hope this pack wasn't a waste of money.

Newberry and Happy Pussy are a couple coming out. I got an old pack of F-13 to try this next grow as this used to be DJ's favorite for psychedelic action.

A lot of unhappy campers concerning his strains these days. Not sure what to make of it. I am gonna have to hear some good things on the new lines before buying. His older lines did have a following. Old story now with Sensi and many other breeders being thought of as passe. Best days over and gone.

Many a breeder still use his genetics, albeit mostly using blueberry.

lol 225 for a pack of regs? Dudes stuck in the past

Hope I didn't just waste the money. I'll try to pop and share soon.
I’ve had amazing blueberry years ago, but it’s honestly something I avoid now. I’m sure there are good cuts floating around, but it’s one of those strains where everyone sells a blueberry and a lot of them suck.

As for DJ Short’s stock, everything I hear sounds like inbreeding depression. Mutant plants, no vigor... A lot of people are really into the whole linebreeding thing, but there’s a serious downside to it. It’s my guess that this is why his stuff seemed to fall off over time.
grown 3 females to fruition now from a new pack of dj’s Blueberry. All three plants were similar in structure and look, except this last one had major stretch and got a bit foxtaily. I do not claim to know what his previous stock was like as I never grew it but this current line Is solid, even if it is not the “same”. Blueberry smells ranging from blueberry muffin type to a more acidic blueberry.

Here is the latest one I grew
Having ran Dj gear from long ago I was not disappointed in anything of the recent stuff. I wish I would have kept around one of the blueberry or wizard cuts ran in 2016-2017. Currently have grape krush throwbacks vegging, they came as freebies.

If you haven't ran any of his gear you might want to find a reputable cut and or some flowers you can trace back to a cut. Or take a chance at something but understand the lineage and what you're getting into.

It's like top end scotch, craft beers or cigars, not everyone is going to like every single thing but every single one of those things can be viewed as top shelf depending on the vantage point. It's for detail snobs imo or people who like the eclectic. You're going to find some weird plants that are routinely very pretty and enjoyable to consume.

While I have been happy with much of what I find in these packs I can appreciate why some might not be happy about it being not what they were looking for. The same can be said for a lot of cuts/packs/breeders.

New Berry prices just mean I won't be buying them without some real serious praise and consistency.
I guess its his kid or nephew or something running the gear now, is what I heard the difference. Customer service sucks or kid has attitude or something. But he has access to the genes. Damndest thing, guys like DJ and Mr Soul worked lines like nobody does now, picking plants per gens, actual breeding, cubing, etc to stabilize what they found and people give two shits, lol. But let a guy get a cut give to him, let him be a good grower, pass around said cut, and its gets hyped and becomes popular. he's a breeder. Especially if he be kin to a rapper, lol. And better than any before him, LMFAO. jeez.
I guess its his kid or nephew or something running the gear now, is what I heard the difference. Customer service sucks or kid has attitude or something. But he has access to the genes. Damndest thing, guys like DJ and Mr Soul worked lines like nobody does now, picking plants per gens, actual breeding, cubing, etc to stabilize what they found and people give two shits, lol. But let a guy get a cut give to him, let him be a good grower, pass around said cut, and its gets hyped and becomes popular. he's a breeder. Especially if he be kin to a rapper, lol. And better than any before him, LMFAO. jeez.
Yeah, his son. Several years ago he popped up on this site trying to get things going, but he was a pretty entitled guy with an attitude. He is also one of the breeders who thinks he should be collecting royalties on every strain sold since DJ Short genetics have been used so much in so many different strains.
Yeah, his son. Several years ago he popped up on this site trying to get things going, but he was a pretty entitled guy with an attitude. He is also one of the breeders who thinks he should be collecting royalties on every strain sold since DJ Short genetics have been used so much in so many different strains.
Josey and his lawsuit got everyone thinkin they can do that, lol. And he lost. I'd just be happy it was my old man everyone thought of when the strain is mentioned, even with the negatives. jmho
I heard the Pot Cast with him on there and knew I would buy this pack. He might have had a few years, but he's put in the work and seems to go through a long selection process. I'll just have to hope this pack wasn't a waste of money.

Many a breeder still use his genetics, albeit mostly using blueberry.

Hope I didn't just waste the money. I'll try to pop and share soon.
The same man no longer breeds beans to sell but HIS SON has took over now from what I have heard.
I run his clown royal, old and newer blueberry, as well as his Whitaker blues, and farmers fire.

Newer blueberry= sucked ass all females from regs. I run entire pack and half of another pack. Only had 4 females total that smelled even remotely close to blueberries. Had very high female ratio out of 19 seeds total popped. Got 14 females.

Clown Royal= regs 6 females from a 13 pack. Only 1 I run twice. Smoke was subpar high wise. Taste great.

Farmers fire= run half a pack. Popped 6. Got 3 females. One pheno I run 4 times before letting go. Other phenos were 1 and done.

Older blueberry= pack from his original blueberry release. Only popped 5 beans. 2 females. Both super heavy blueberry taste n nose.

Whitaker Blues= popped 4 beans got two and two. One pheno jis put out small fluffy airy buds. No nose at all during flower. Low yield, low trich production, very lose nose. Second pheno was a 6 outta 10. Low yield but checked the rest of the boxes. I enjoyed the smoke. But I think I was the only one. Was indi dom. Finished in under 60 days. Run it twice. Had a grapey nose with hints of vanilla. But as of right now. None of them are my garden anymore.

Overall his gear isnt worth the price IMHO. Not that it's not good. But the fire phenos arent in every pack. And seem to few and far between in his newer line. I may revisit some of the half packs I have in the future. But not near future. Just my experience with his and his sons gear.
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yea, you get spoiled when you live in OR and you get the cuts, don't have to worry bout seeds. I never seen anyone there growin his gear from beans, lol. always from cuts. the Sat dom, the menthol indica pheno we found, hardly ever see an indica dom, everyone wants the other one. But yea, I'd say his son didn't want to work, so he's trying to bank off dad, see it happen more and more in all corners these days, entitled kids, lol, our ruination, lol. Looks like Rado runs a flo cut and I see a flo cut in CO alot, so I guess you have to try and pick the right strains.
Did you listen to that Pot Cast from a few months ago? DJ seems very much so involved in the breeding. He barely mentioned his son at all.

JD is the son, DJ is the dad.

Open the website of any pot shop in Portland.

Almost certainly, there's something blue on the menu—Blue Dream, Blue Cheese, Berry Bomb, Blue Headband, Blue Diamond Phillips.

According to cannabis lore, the taproot of all those strains can be found in Eugene. You've probably seen it, too: Blueberry, arguably the most widely seen genetics of its generation.

The legendary Blueberry was bred by a man named DJ Short, who runs Old World Genetics, which is now based outside Los Angeles. His son, JD Short, is still in Eugene, recently launching a breeding company called Second Generation Genetics.

Maybe you've heard stories about a seed hunter finding Blueberry in the mountains outside Chiang Mai, or a soldier bringing it back from 'Nam.

The actual truth is less exciting, says JD Short.

"It's Thai, Chocolate Thai, Afghan and Oaxacan," he says. "Those were the four strains DJ started with. All his strains started with those genetics."

Why are Blueberry and its many offspring so wildly different from other strains? That has to do with a tiny twist on the basics. More on that in a minute.

Traditional cannabis breeding involves pollinating a female plant with a male. Because the males don't produce flowers of their own, it's hard to know exactly what traits they have unless you pollinate many female plants and observe the commonalities in the offspring. DJ Short did that, keeping rigorous notes about each phenotype that emerged and his efforts to stabilize the genetics into a consistent set of characteristics—a strain.

"Blueberry's been around since, I don't know, 1980?" JD Short says. "The Blueberry pheno that everybody loves and raves about now showed up in DJ's work probably around 1979."

Blueberry stood out from the start. The color and aroma that emerged from that plant were unlike anything American cannabis users had ever seen.

"When it first came out, what set his stuff aside was that he had stabilized the color purple, with berry and fruit," JD says. "A lot of the herb that was around at that point was spice weed, or it was the Afghan, which was skunk. DJ came along with these things that were berry and purple, and it just blew people's minds."

The starter seeds weren't necessarily exceptionally rare, JD says. He figures they may have come through the American government, as is common lore in the trillion-dollar U.S. pharmacopeia industry.

So why didn't another berry bloom for another breeder?

While the complex genetics of the cannabis plant mean there are always oddities, you'd think that such strong berry notes would have shown themselves elsewhere if they were common enough to be stabilized.

Therein lies the big secret of Blueberry.

In the late '70s, breeders were just starting to experiment with indicas. To create Blueberry, DJ Short used female sativas, pollinating them with male indicas. He was swimming against the stream.

"When the Afghan came around, what everybody was doing was using the female Afghans, because they were indicas, they were novel and they produced well, they finished quick, they were short and they were potent," JD Short says. "DJ didn't like the Afghans—he didn't like the smoke. All his strains are about the end product. He preferred the sativas as his mother, so he used his male Afghan on his sativas, which was the opposite of what everyone else was doing."

The results of his little twist? Blueberry.

"The reason it's in everything is, they're some of the most reliable true-breeding strains on the market," JD says. "You get your pack of seeds and you get your male, you throw it on your favorite female, and you have stabilized strains."

But are all those blue and berry strains really descended from Blueberry? As far as JD is concerned, they are.

"To be honest with you, my nose hasn't come along with anything yet," he says. "There's a certain smell in there—a floral-berry-earthen-hash smell in there—that's unique. I've been smelling it literally since I was in diapers, so it's hard for me to miss."

How could a little strain from Eugene spread its genetics across the world? JD has a theory on that, too. Call it the lore of the tour.

"Back then, Eugene was known as the stopover town," he says. "There was a really good music scene that happened in this town. It was a pretty happening place for musicians who wanted to play in Portland and then maybe scoot down to Eugene and have a little retreat. It was known as the cool retreat place. The cool rich kids kinda wanted to come here and hang out. They would come here and get genetics, and they would take them back to Northern California. Once those genetics made it to Northern California, it was quickly established. And it changed the industry at that point."
The Blueberry Sunset (Sherb ×(NL#5 ×Blueberry)) that I found from @eastcoastmo #eastytreats
Has that strong blueberry smell Dj talks about. The older packs of blueberry I have from dj that I run. Is kindve close to the blueberry sunet keeper I have. It's super prominent. And very strong smelling. I think the sherb helps bring out the fruity blueberry nose. And it yields tremendously which is prob some of NL#5 side of it. But I havent smelled a blueberry scented plant like anything that comes close to the Bb sunset I have in almost the last 10 years. And I love BB. So I've run a good bit of BB and BB crosses. She is 1000% a keeper. I'd love for someone else to run this cut. That wont give it out. It needs to be kept. So it's not whored out and lost like Dj's BB is. It literally makes your mouth water from the nose on it. The only thing lacking is the purple color. I have a few purples in my stable that I'd like to try to get some color from. I have some reversed female star pupil pollen that's been in a deep freezer for about 11 months. I'm sure it's still viable. But I hate to lose that BB nose. Bc star pupil carries heavy traits over in crosses.

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I'll share my grape krush throwbacks here when there's something to show.
If you dig back in some thread you can find photos of the wizard and the blueberry grown from recent seed stock. very good herb on both counts
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