Best light on the market ?

keeps forgettign, we have been running HPS and COBs for a few years, it's not like we went and bought a light and had a decent harvest after 1 grow. Then started spewing lies. Just telling our experiences. Talking about having an "open" mind. lol
I know man, the 1200 watt cob setup built in my veg room absolutely murders my old dinosaur 2 600 watt MH setup in every way shape and form.

I get faster growth and healthier plants.
You proved leds grow weed like any other light, you didnt prove they yeild more except in your own personal situation.

Now back to science and explain where im wrong?

Explain why cmh/lec growersxare distancing themselves from led scoence claims and ego.

Explain why its a toxic market and subject

Explain why many struggle with hid but do better with led when wes all doing just asxgood as you with hps¿

At some point us real growers got bored with you and hoped you troll off, take them weak diodes with you all spaced put on a diy boardxstruggling to deliver a weak shifting overlapping spectrum and light.
Post up some pics man or stfu. All your doing is staking claim to a whole lot of words. Can you post up some pics please of your "real grower " experience. You cant even post a proper chart that proves a hps puts out more useable light than LED.
Keeps forgetting, we have been running HPS and COBs for a few years, it's not like we went and bought a light and had a decent harvest after 1 grow. Then started spewing lies. Just telling our experiences. Talking about having an "open" mind. lol

No thats exactly what happened, anyone here over half a decade will testify to that one.

Jeeez its been terrible herexfor a while with this whole led crap, at the end of it they were exspensive, bullshitted science and aint much better than cheap ass single point lights.

Now that use to be called snakeoil but were you here when every led user was trying to say scrogs erre the best yeilders... fucking embarresin :-)
You owning exspensive leds made you a troll, mot owning one makesxyou impqtial.

I thought i answered your weak putdown a few posts ago, going round in a circle to avoid any science, its bern said so unless theres any to add ya just trolling again dude...

Whats that you own an led and they are hands down better than cmh for yeilds? Good luck there mate :-)
Yeah that's because I spent over 7000 dollars in lights because I hated them so much.. I suppose you think I only have one cob setup lol.

After the first full grow using a 15 cob setup over a 4x5 that was all I needed.

I ran 840 watts of cob right next to a 1000w double ended cmh and posted 2 videos on the results.

Your just hard headed and dont wanna see the facts. That's real world comparison and so far your not proving anything. You dont even own one single led lol. Wtf
No thats exactly what happened, anyone here over half a decade will testify to that one.

Jeeez its been terrible herexfor a while with this whole led crap, at the end of it they were exspensive, bullshitted science and aint much better than cheap ass single point lights.

Now that use to be called snakeoil but were you here when every led user was trying to say scrogs erre the best yeilders... fucking embarresin :-)
Post some pics of your grows homie.

Otherwise your like a dentist with no teeth trying to give an opinion on something you just have an opinion on. Let's see the pics of these big monster plants u grow under hps.
Yeah that's because I spent over 7000 dollars in lights because I hated them so much.. I suppose you think I only have one cob setup lol.

After the first full grow using a 15 cob setup over a 4x5 that was all I needed.

I ran 840 watts of cob right next to a 1000w double ended cmh and posted 2 videos on the results.

Your just hard headed and dont wanna see the facts. That's real world comparison and so far your not proving anything. You dont even own one single led lol. Wtf

You spent that much on lights? Yikes!

A personal grower like myself would be crazy to do that. If your making your living using them that's another thing. But damn. No way I'll ever spend that much on lights to grow weed. Not that I don't have the money. But I'll spend it on something else or just save it.
Post up some pics man or stfu. All your doing is staking claim to a whole lot of words. Can you post up some pics please of your "real grower " experience. You cant even post a proper chart that proves a hps puts out more useable light than LED.

You know what really shocks me is that i know what ppfd is and why its inaccurate, why wouldnt led users know this or fimd tjis info on tinternet if they dick sling it about so much?

i have other questions back for led users like in five years whats the total damage in moneitary terms¿

And other stuff we can all have a good laugh at...

Forget mecdudeclets pick you apart for a bit first :-)
You spent that much on lights? Yikes!

A personal grower like myself would be crazy to do that. If your making your living using them that's another thing. But damn. No way I'll ever spend that much on lights to grow weed. Not that I don't have the money. But I'll spend it on something else or just save it.
That's why hes "so invested" in the "fact" everything else is trash.
He can't have any chill with people who do well with other lights.

Its whatever, clearly it was the best choice for him because as he said over and over he couldnt grow with HID. But that doesnt mean that HID isnt the best for other people. A fact he ignores angrily.
You spent that much on lights? Yikes!

A personal grower like myself would be crazy to do that. If your making your living using them that's another thing. But damn. No way I'll ever spend that much on lights to grow weed. Not that I don't have the money. But I'll spend it on something else or just save it.

Fucking hilarious what they spend, nobodies not laughing at them there :-)
You know what really shocks me is that i know what ppfd is and why its inaccurate, why wouldnt led users know this or fimd tjis info on tinternet if they dick sling it about so much?

i have other questions back for led users like in five years whats the total damage in moneitary terms¿

And other stuff we can all have a good laugh at...

Forget mecdudeclets pick you apart for a bit first :-)
I'm stuck on a 12 letter word. mecdudeclets???
Zoom in on a leaf dude, is it all green or are there gaps in the Chlorophyll?

Am at a very high level because this site forced me, no arhument you bring up a good point i hope you agree with my answer but there is more to the story of gree light lower down in the canopy.

Highly studied sciences, i merely give the answer science gives mot my opinion :-)
Can you cite any of these highly studied science? How close you want to zoom? I have a 1500x microscope. Sure like I said MOST gets reflected it’s why I said it’s used in small amounts. When had some labs to do last semester when I wanted to get yet another piece of paper saying I know something lol.
Amazing how a "3 letter" word can cause such a division between good and experienced growers. lol

Thesedays its better to troll them otherwise they just troll you, ya seen what this guy spent on leds only recently, its not just the light its his pride and money at stake so they want their egos massaged.

They aint the good or experienced growers :-)
I never spend 7000.00 but I will tell you, I started making my investment back as soon as I plugged the light in. Have paid for mine time and time again. Best (long term) investment I've made.
I never went out and just "jumped" on the "band wagon" I done my homework and learned to design and build the lights, so I do know a little more than your average LED "lunatic". lol
I never spend 7000.00 but I will tell you, I started making my investment back as soon as I plugged the light in. Have paid for mine time and time again. Best (long term) investment I've made.
I never went out and just "jumped" on the "band wagon" I done my homework and learned to design and build the lights, so I do know a little more than your average LED "lunatic". lol

LED's will grow good weed. There is nothing wrong with using them.
HID's will grow good weed. There is nothing wrong with using them.

End of story...
You spent that much on lights? Yikes!

A personal grower like myself would be crazy to do that. If your making your living using them that's another thing. But damn. No way I'll ever spend that much on lights to grow weed. Not that I don't have the money. But I'll spend it on something else or just save it.
Yeah man I run several 4x10 areas and they aren't cheap but it's a one time thing. Those cob setups are good for the next 10 years on the 18 6 and probably 15 years or more on 12 12.
I'm pulling the same weight as the old HPS setups but using 20 percent less electricity.

Every 4x5 cob setup I have cost me 1.056 a day in electricity
Every DE HPS cost me 1.58 a day so with 6 4x5 areas the HPS cost me over 3 dollars a day extra to run that's an extra 90 dollars a month and almost 4 BTU's a watt to cool the extra 2400 watts I dont have to use every day by not using the HPS. That's over 8000 btu of EXTRA heat per hour that I dont have to deal with.

I see NO difference in weight loss of the cob scrogs. If anything I'm getting more and I'm not having to blast the extra 8000 btus of air to keep things cool.

So dudes posting graphs and bullshit but these are real ass numbers.

And I dont have to worry about any bulbs blowing out or replacing ever.
Thesedays its better to troll them otherwise they just troll you, ya seen what this guy spent on leds only recently, its not just the light its his pride and money at stake so they want their egos massaged.

They aint the good or experienced growers :-)
Lol. Ive been growing for over 25 years (20 of that with HPS/MH) and i love my HLG QB. I frankly don't even care anymore whether you like LEDs or not because you are completely unreasonable about the topic, but to try to say that experienced growers don't use LED is beyond even your level of delusion.
Also, my QB cost me less than $200 US and i get result that are every bit as good as i did with my HPS.
You know what really shocks me is that i know what ppfd is and why its inaccurate, why wouldnt led users know this or fimd tjis info on tinternet if they dick sling it about so much?

i have other questions back for led users like in five years whats the total damage in moneitary terms¿

And other stuff we can all have a good laugh at...

Forget mecdudeclets pick you apart for a bit first :-)
Lol Google @Growmau5 and call that dude stupid. I dare you.