Best light on the market ?

Plus 2 different phenos. Not a fair comparison. I offered to do a proper grow and give results, but these people aren't interested in promoting their product this way. oh well.
If it's better than my LED lighting, I will be honest and show the facts.
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Not on the market yet. But stay tuned...

Bro, the spectrum on that thing is poop. I converted my entire flower room and am now running gravitationally fixed binary micro stars. They are the size of marbles and i keep em about 3 feet above the canopy. Each one puts out about 2.3 million lumens. Room gets a little warm, but I'm averaging about 137 gpw. Suck it noobs![/QUOTE]
Bro, the spectrum on that thing is poop. I converted my entire flower room and am now running gravitationally fixed binary micro stars. They are the size of marbles and i keep em about 3 feet above the canopy. Each one puts out about 2.3 million lumens. Room gets a little warm, but I'm averaging about 137 gpw. Suck it noobs!

Damn! I'm still living in the past.
Bro, the spectrum on that thing is poop. I converted my entire flower room and am now running gravitationally fixed binary micro stars. They are the size of marbles and i keep em about 3 feet above the canopy. Each one puts out about 2.3 million lumens. Room gets a little warm, but I'm averaging about 137 gpw. Suck it noobs!
You might wanna stick a "4" fan' in the corner to help with that heat issue.
Hey. kingrow finally went led.

I wouldnt change my winning formula without there being clear gains, most hps growers arent ready to change just yet.

Light is but a part of it, without producing perfect green plants from start to finish your not making the best use of anything really.
thanks for your science kingrow. dont know where I'd be without it.
and HPS growers you are referring to people who actually grow, not yourself right? :D
still waiting for pics of your grows that you obtained all this knowledge from lol!
thanks for your science kingrow. dont know where I'd be without it.
and HPS growers you are referring to people who actually grow, not yourself right? :D
still waiting for pics of your grows that you obtained all this knowledge from lol!

And theres the thing....

By not dick slinging grows or trying to compare i am and always will be a better member who contributes more than just aggression hype and heresay.

What your doing is nothing short of the broscience attitude you havectowards leds i have described :-)

It always comes down to a grow off, never any answers to the myriad of science claimed. If an led grower does better that means leds yeild 15% more and save $200 a month.... hmmmmmm
I wouldnt change my winning formula without there being clear gains, most hps growers arent ready to change just yet.

Light is but a part of it, without producing perfect green plants from start to finish your not making the best use of anything really.
I posted a pic of a perfect green plant grown under cob led from start to finish.
Wonder how people get purple strains under HPS to turn purple. I really dont follow what your saying.
I posted a pic of a perfect green plant grown under cob led from start to finish.
Wonder how people get purple strains under HPS to turn purple. I really dont follow what your saying.

Well thats fine because im not following what leds are saying obout outyeilding evetyone and saving loads on electricity at the same time, ive given my reasons and this wasnt a plant posting thread realky so ill guess most of you have egotistical issues.... :-)
Well thats fine because im not following what leds are saying obout outyeilding evetyone and saving loads on electricity at the same time, ive given my reasons and this wasnt a plant posting thread realky so ill guess most of you have egotistical issues.... :-)
Why did you bring this thread back to life with your troll pics?
This thread was pretty much dead yesterday.
Irony - Led users who make wild scientific claims getting pissedoff with someone else making wild scientific claims...

Ha :-)
Why did you bring this thread back to life with your troll pics?
This thread was pretty much dead yesterday.

The mods reqire me to have one day off in four so i couldnt make it to the party yesterday sorry.

Some may like to argue make wild claims and dick sling their plants before sulking off but my wild light and led plus green light claims still exist and so far thats still a current issue here :-)