Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Yeah would make good sense but I'd have to run long lines up a hill to get to em. If I owned this place it'd be a no brainer but its a rental and I don't want to drop the coin. Never know when you gotta move house
Yeah might not have the pressure if ya go that far either.


Well-Known Member
Yeah might not have the pressure if ya go that far either.
Drippers prob wouldn't work as well as a spray system with the distance involved so I'd want to bury any irrigation hose if I did it and that's a cunt here - would need around a 15 metre trench and the clay here is a motherfucker to dig through


Well-Known Member
Yep. Gonna be hard work keeping the chillies well watered this summer. I'm giving each 4 litres every 2 days by hand. Would just use the sprinkler but whenever I leave the hose on the kids flog and put it under the trampoline so they can jump around on the wet tramp little fuckers
Haha yeah kids are clever when it comes to making fun .could be worse could be living in sa


Well-Known Member
Next grow in the 8x4, looking to have about 10 viable females already, I want to do a another sog grow, is 16 plants a side too much? I’m going to pop some more beans if I’m going this way, wedding cake f2 x jungle cake and tropicanna cookies f2 will be getting wet I think ;) maybe a cookies and chem too. Might even drop a wonder weed in for shits and gigs


Well-Known Member
Next grow in the 8x4, looking to have about 10 viable females already, I want to do a another sog grow, is 16 plants a side too much? I’m going to pop some more beans if I’m going this way, wedding cake f2 x jungle cake and tropicanna cookies f2 will be getting wet I think ;) maybe a cookies and chem too. Might even drop a wonder weed in for shits and gigs
I reckon you could manage the numbers in that space if you kept them single cola style plants but having 32 going at once would make me a touch nervous


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was sweating on 10 but 32 sounds good... 24?
Haha yeah sounds 25% safer ;)

My bro only grows 4 at a time in the same size space but he grows trees and doesn't mind vegging for a fair while and he does that cos of plant count. Still fills it though and yeilds pretty decent numbers. Not trying to talk you out of it though man - I'd enjoy having 32 plants made up of diff strains to work with. Minimal veg with good yields would be great


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah sounds 25% safer ;)

My bro only grows 4 at a time in the same size space but he grows trees and doesn't mind vegging for a fair while and he does that cos of plant count. Still fills it though and yeilds pretty decent numbers. Not trying to talk you out of it though man - I'd enjoy having 32 plants made up of diff strains to work with. Minimal veg with good yields would be great
Haha I know what u mean tho , it’s a high count, would come with high risk but the reward would be pretty cool, :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Next grow in the 8x4, looking to have about 10 viable females already, I want to do a another sog grow, is 16 plants a side too much? I’m going to pop some more beans if I’m going this way, wedding cake f2 x jungle cake and tropicanna cookies f2 will be getting wet I think ;) maybe a cookies and chem too. Might even drop a wonder weed in for shits and gigs
U keeping cuts of all these man? Ur gunna need another 4x8 for mothers


Well-Known Member
Haha I know what u mean tho , it’s a high count, would come with high risk but the reward would be pretty cool, :eyesmoke:
Man the way I see it, where I am anyway, anything grown indoors gets hammered lol, may aswell go right on with it if u got a clean record. You got a job kids etc. Even if somehow ya did go down ya wouldn't do time anyways, suspended sentence or home d surely. Should get some books and shit on medical cannabis and some resources printed off about making rso and shit man, for your anxiety etc ;) handy to have laying around if ya get raided.