This ovule (not seed) thing needs explained by an experienced grower please


Well-Known Member
have noticed in recent years that many strains I’ve grown have a penhead sIzed ball inside each and every calyx. It starts as green and turns brown as plant matures. These are not seeds and never grow in size. They are present inside the very first calyxes and inside every single calyx from the beginning of flower on. After much research and really having to dig for information, I came to the realization that these are ovules from which the pistils protrude. Bust open a calyx and inside will be a tiny ball with the hairs coming out. The bud I grow is top notch potency but these ovules do crackle a bit . This is not just noticeable by me. I’m wonderin* if anyone’s knows the cause for these bigger than normal ovules or if there is a strain you can recommend that will not have such big ovules. I’m tired of the crackling and having to explain to those who notice. Not everyone notices. I just want to get back to smoking “regular “ bud that doesn’t have the bigger ovules. I’ve come to the conclusion that this is a problem that is starting to show itself more and more in recent years with others as well. What is going on with the genetics that is causing this? I need a strain to not do this. Any input or help would be awesome as this has been driving me insane. I thought I had a nonstop hidden nanner issue for crop after crop after crop but these are most definitely not seeds. No signs of pollination. Calyx don’t get early swell or early red pistils. Never the stripe on center of calyx. Ovules. Damn ovules
DD6EE70F-0D27-40C6-AE99-DBA1A67340ED.jpeg 9BAD5A93-E8E3-4A5E-82A5-A55626F3EC25.jpeg Here are pics of the ovules. The bigger green ovule is from a newer calyx that hasn’t really swelled and has white pistils. The smaller brown ovule is from an older calyx that has swelled ( not a seed swell) and hair is red. Keep in mind that I can predictably dissect any other older calyx at random, whether it have a red or white pistil, and it will most certainly have same smaller brown ovule. Since the ovule is what the seed will grow out of ,or rather it becomes the seed or something like that, one would expect it to grow in size. Instead the ovules get a bit smaller over time and that’s how they permanently are. This is the exact opposite of what happens when seed is being created. I know this by obsessively dissecting calyxes of all ages and sizes for over a year and half. Ovules. I need a strain that has only tiny tiny ovules E280D64E-4822-4C08-870D-AE69EB77D92E.jpeg
Ovules start green and turn brown with slightly smaller size as the mature. I’d love to get someone else to dissect a few calyxes every few weeks to see. I think ovules just vary in size by strains. I’m getting the wrong strains.
I've seen these in my plants also, but I don't know what to think, I figured they were from stress, not sure.
I've seen these in my plants also, but I don't know what to think, I figured they were from stress, not sure.
These are not seeds. No hermies. They are ovules. Possibly stress can cause abnormal ovule growth. Not so sure. Maybe. You’ve had them in all of your weed just usually too small too notice. Want to see some more ovules of your own? Pluck off a calyx and carefully open it. Inside you will see either a small green ball or brown ball. Go ahead and try it. I just pulled one off a plant that is still in veg but preflowering. There is a little green ball inside
These are not seeds. No hermies. They are ovules. Possibly stress can cause abnormal ovule growth. Not so sure. Maybe. You’ve had them in all of your weed just usually too small too notice. Want to see some more ovules of your own? Pluck off a calyx and carefully open it. Inside you will see either a small green ball or brown ball. Go ahead and try it. I just pulled one off a plant that is still in veg but preflowering. There is a little green ball inside
Some strains are much worse than others with ovules appearing much like seeds and when breaking up this weed can be very disappointing.
I've seen these in my plants also, but I don't know what to think, I figured they were from stress, not sure.
Think about it, I’ve discovered them to be inside every calyx. Literally inside every single calyx of every single plant time and time again. Never a male plant near..never a hermie flower found. Never a developed seed in the buds. These little balls in calyx are present from day 1 till chop. Seeds grow fast. They don’t stay same size or shrink for months. Example, I can check any calyx I want at week 3 flower and they will 100% guarantee have a small green ball inside them. Week 5 pick a random calyx and it’s same small ball. Week 7. Same size ball. Week 9 pick a random calyx.,same size ball actually smaller than younger ones. They never grow and are present in every last calyx of every plant. That’s not seeds
Some strains are much worse than others with ovules appearing much like seeds and when breaking up this weed can be very disappointing.
These large ovules have been in my deep cheese, dinachem, Kali China, Pakistan Chitral Kush, Jack 47, blue widow, special queen. All of the strains I’ve grown last two years. It’s a curse. What strain doesn’t have large ovules at this point ? Something has happened to cannabis genetics in very recent years. Makes me wonder what is in common is all the crosses suddenly
That's an ovule with the pistils removed. When you peel back the bracts of the female flower you should see two pistils protruding from the ovule, or female egg. The pistils catch the male pollen which fertilizes the female ovule.

Think of the ovule as an egg in a mammal. It's there to be fertilized whether it is or not. Some eggs may have slightly different phenotypes.

Full flower, bracts removed, and fertilized.


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Some strains are much worse than others with ovules appearing much like seeds and when breaking up this weed can be very disappointing.
Also would like to note, I never had this issue until I started ordering seeds online and using feminized. Before, I honestly grew mostly seeds from brick weed I used to get. Surprising to find some gems in those seeds that were clone worthy. Ran into some hermies here and there but never big ovules. Never once. I rarely notice it at dispensaries. What strain is safe to grow? I’m done with ovules. I need to find a solid strain with the smallest ovules possible, no crackle
That's an ovule with the pistils removed. When you peel back the bracts of the female flower you should see two pistils protruding from the ovule, or female egg. The pistils catch the male pollen which fertilizes the female ovule.

Think of the ovule as an egg in a mammal. It's there to be fertilized whether it is or not. Some eggs may have slightly different phenotypes.

Full flower, bracts removed, and fertilized.
Thank you for the pic. That is exactly what I have but they crackle. They seem bigger than on other strains that others have. Over 6 strains last two years have had ovules that crackle and just are bigger than what they should be.
Thank you for the pic. That is exactly what I have but they crackle. They seem bigger than on other strains that others have. Over 6 strains last two years have had ovules that crackle and just are bigger than what they should be.
It makes sense to me that feminized strains or ones more prones to hermie might have the ovule problems discussed in this thread.

Get yourself some trusted clo yes or seeds from a reputable breeder here in the states.
I break up enough bud for a joint and there are literally dozens of ovules looking like the tiniest baby seeds ever. 20 -30 or more. The finer you break it up, the more ovules will come out. It’s ridiculous. You have to really look close and move the weed around with your finger but they’re there. Everywhere. First hit in a bowl gets livery crackly. By the third hit there all burnt up. Does seem to slightly affect flavor
It makes sense to me that feminized strains or ones more prones to hermie might have the ovule problems discussed in this thread.

Get yourself some trusted clo yes or seeds from a reputable breeder here in the states.
Not in legal state so ordering is actually easier from online at attitude or Seedsman. Dinafem, sweet seeds, royal queen and ace seeds are the sources of my big ovule fem strains. Nobody else seems to be btichjng about ovules crackling though with these breeders. Perhaps they don’t care or don’t pay attention. Lol. Maybe they smoke with loud music on. I am going to order some regular seeds but really nervous to pull the trigger on a particular breeder or strain. Looking close at Tga subcool, Rare Dankness, brothers Grimm and Bodhi. For the longest time, I have been stressing thinking these were micro seeds that wouldn’t grow for some reason. I spent almost two years crawling around under the lights with a flash light going over every inch of my girls 2-3 times a week lookkn* for the the mysterious hidden hermie flower. Never found it. Lol. Relieved to discover they are ovules but now is the dilemma of finding a strain. As of now, seems my odds of big ovules are very high. It’s either me doing something to cAuse this (seems unlikely as plants thrive and look great) or just horrible luck
Not without risk of being wrong. I quit doing recommendations for banks/breeders, this market is wild.
if you can track down a cut of pre98 i don't find offensive ovules in it
I wish I could get cuts. I think I’m going to try TGA Dairy Queen and brothers Grimm Apollo. What’s weird is this never used to be an issue and nowadays it is. All the strains I’ve tried from multiple breeders have the issue. Seems they are breeding specifically for large ovules. Seriously, how does it go from no noticeable ovules tomall,of a sudden a big ovule party in years time? How do you accidentally get big ovules in 6 strains from 4 different breeders? Lol. Seems they’re breeding big ovule plants exclusively and only assholes would do that
Not without risk of being wrong. I quit doing recommendations for banks/breeders, this market is wild.
if you can track down a cut of pre98 i don't find offensive ovules in it
I can’t find the thread but Subcooll was saying how feminized plants produce micro seeds, and by this, I believe he means the large ovules that crackle. I’ve heard others call them microseeds. He will not make fem seeds. It may just be the fems mostly. Something in their genetics telling them something didn’t go normal with pollination in their past. Ovules enlarge because of this to be more fertil for whatever reason. I’m sure someone could make it sound good. I have a sneaking suspicion this could be a reason
I can’t find the thread but Subcooll was saying how feminized plants produce micro seeds, and by this, I believe he means the large ovules that crackle. I’ve heard others call them microseeds. He will not make fem seeds. It may just be the fems mostly. Something in their genetics telling them something didn’t go normal with pollination in their past. Ovules enlarge because of this to be more fertil for whatever reason. I’m sure someone could make it sound good. I have a sneaking suspicion this could be a reason
I didn't start noticing it a lot until Colorado went legal. Might be completely unrelated coincidence but with more growers running fems with legalization this might be supporting of what you're suspecting though this is pure speculation.