Roger A. Shrubber
Well-Known Member
if you don't have a point....why do you "talk" so much? the "sound" of your own thoughts?i don't even have a point other than my original comment, and the comment you quoted just now was in response to your comment that you cited there is a registry which i was clarifying for the second time that i didnt't say "none" i said no "public" one. other than that i have simply been replying to the same cpl triggered dopes is all. dopes like grubber or whatever his name is that think they can win an argument by yelling louder without making any points at all. this all started because i said canadians can be hypocritical because they complain about amercian law and policy yet they use it to determine enrty into their country. the sex offender registry came up because i cited it as an example of canadians seeing the american legal system's registry as nonsense compared to theirs. anyway i said in 3 seperate posts i don't even care about canada or the u.s yet ppl want to be triggered so i will entertain them
you can say whatever you want....the sadness underneath comes through, and that's why we're trolling're a hateful little shit with a superiority complex....a very undeserved superiority complex. no one here really gives a flying fuck at a rolling rat's asshole what your opinion of Canada, the U.S., or anywhere else is....just like you don't give a fuck what any of us think. you came here to be an asshole, to tell people they were wrong for not agreeing with you....good luck getting anyone here to eat that shit.....we'll just fling it right back at you, monkey