Well-Known Member
A Democratic president oversee a balanced the budget. As soon as Republicans got control the deficit ballooned when they borrowed money and gave it away to wealthy backers. The next opportunity for a Democratic President came under Obama and he reduced the deficit each of the last five years in office. Trump and Republicans took control and the deficit ballooned when they borrowed money and gave to wealthy backers. The pattern is easy to see.idk why you think i'm defending reps. and as i said it is also irefutable if the dems wanted to balance the budget they would give a rep president or any president line item veto power. i mean is your argument my party is less evil? if so that is what they want ya know, an endless debate on who is worse while they all do whatever suits them and the 1%
It is naive to say Republicans are same as Democrats.
Given how shitty Republicans have been at governing, I can see why they want to say otherwise. However facts clearly show that Democrats are fiscally responsible and Republicans are rapists in every way imaginable.