Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

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Synthesized lysergic acid diethylamide crystal seized by the DEA.

So this was one of my favorite reads
Where are art thou tributing, @throwdo ?
found this deep in a subforum group thought you all would find it interesting

60-110 mic TABS [0.25 inches by 0.25 inches a hit] ~ “10 strip” = 2.5 inches by 0.25 inches

Usually $70 in 2011. One time I picked up a whole strip of white on white for $35 in 2011.

Total Microgram per purchase = 600-1,100 micrograms a purchase

150 mic TABS [0.25 inches by 0.25 inches a hit] ~ 10 strip = $20-$30 ~ 83 hits for $100-$200 in 2016.

Way more potent and quality than the white on white I used to eat in 2011.

Total Microgram per purchase = 1,500 micrograms a purchase

360 mic TABS ~ “strip” = Turned out to be 1.75 inches long and 0.3 inches wide. One time for $20, another time for $25. And others time for $50+.

Total Microgram per purchase [1/4 inch by 1/4 inch] = Around 2,625 micrograms a purchase

So You are telling Me that I was spending $70+ dollars on 500-600 micrograms back in 2011?

But I was buying 2,000+ micrograms for $20 in 2018 from family? WoW.

10 hits = a strip of 360 microgram LSD = Around 4,000 micrograms TOTAL

A strip that is 1/4 by 1/4 wide and 2.5 inches long at 360-400 mics a dose.

SHOULD COST $80-$100.00

10 hits = a strip of 150 microgram LSD = Around 1,500 micrograms TOTAL

A strip that is 1/4 by 1/4 wide and 2.5 inches long at 150 mics a dose.


10 hits = a strip of 50-60 micrograms LSD = Around 500 - 600 micrograms TOTAL

A strip that is 0.25 inches by 0.25 inches wide and 2.5 inches long at 5-60 mics a dose.


1 microgram should be 3 cents

50 micrograms should be $1.50

100 micrograms should be $3.00

250 micrograms should be $6.25

500 micrograms should be $12.50

1,000 micrograms should be $25.00 [10 strip of 100 mic dosed acid]

2,000 micrograms should be $50.00

3,000 micrograms should be $75.00

4,000 micrograms should be $100.00

A sheet of low quality blotter 50-60 microgram doses = 5,000 - 6,000 micrograms

Should be $125.00-$150.00

A sheet of 100 microgram dosages = 10,000 micrograms

Should be $250.00

A sheet of 150 microgram doses = 15,000 micrograms

Should be $375.00

A quarter sheet [25 hits] of 300-400 microgram doses should be = $190.00-$250.00

A sheet of 300-400 microgram doses should be = $750-$1,000

20,000 micrograms = $500.00

25,000 micrograms = $625.00

30,000 micrograms = $750.00

40,000 micrograms = $1,000.00

1/2 a gram of pure crystal form = 50,000 micrograms


1 gram of pure crystal form = 100,000 micrograms

100,000 micrograms should be $2,500.00

Teenagers and college students back in the late 60s and early 70s were easily eating 700-1,600 micrograms a night for only five US dollars.
lol you must have a sweet hook up. I thought getting liquid for $1.50 a hit was a decent deal. When I've talked to people about crystal I've never heard a price under $4500/g and I thought that was a hell of a deal(such a good deal I was worried about quality). I've been quoted between 6k-10k normally for what I know is premium fluff.
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1,000 micrograms should be $25.00
[ 10 strip of 100 mic dosed acid] or [ 2 1/2 hits of acid {400 ug each tab} ]

A ten strip of 50-60 mic acid should cost $16.00 = 500 - 600 micrograms
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