Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

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If I had to guess, the propionyl group that is added to LSD in 1P-LSD is present in the polycyclic indole group of LSD before it is bonded to the lysergic acid at the other end of the molecule. I'm no orgo chemist but without the paper on its synthesis I can't say much for it other than that LSD was never present before introducing the 1P because its addition was necessary to complete the LSD molecule. Again, you'd need a paper on it, because I imagine that there are many ways to go about synthesizing 1P-LSD all with different contaminates and procedures.

And what they using as a coupleing agent then for n-propional lsa if so i wonder
Types of LSD crystals [highest to lowest]:
1.) White Fluff
2.) Needlepoint
3.) Silver
4.) Amber
5.) Lavendar
6.) Tornado Juice
7.) Champagne

Types of Lysergimides / LSD analogues [strongest-weakest]:
1.) ETH-LAD [500-1,000 micrograms A TAB]
2.) ALD-52 [300-360 ugs a hit]
3.) 1P-LSD [50-225ugs a tab]
4). AL-LAD [50-225 ugs a hit]

This is still being further looked into.
Types of LSD crystals [highest to lowest]:
1.) White Fluff
2.) Needlepoint
3.) Silver
4.) Amber
5.) Lavendar
6.) Tornado Juice
7.) Champagne

Types of Lysergimides / LSD analogues [strongest-weakest]:
1.) ETH-LAD [500-1,000 micrograms A TAB]
2.) ALD-52 [300-360 ugs a hit]
3.) 1P-LSD [50-225ugs a tab]
4). AL-LAD [50-225 ugs a hit]

This is still being further looked into.

Supposedly the 1cp-lsd the new one is meant to be at least as potent but its subjective as we know i aint had a chance to sample this analogue yet a few people i know have and liked it idk time will tell
Types of LSD crystals [highest to lowest]:
1.) White Fluff
2.) Needlepoint
3.) Silver
4.) Amber
5.) Lavendar
6.) Tornado Juice
7.) Champagne

Types of Lysergimides / LSD analogues [strongest-weakest]:
1.) ETH-LAD [500-1,000 micrograms A TAB]
2.) ALD-52 [300-360 ugs a hit]
3.) 1P-LSD [50-225ugs a tab]
4). AL-LAD [50-225 ugs a hit]

This is still being further looked into.

You are just full of all sorts of in accurate copy and paste info huh. Needle point is the highest grade. Your first post in the thread where you c+p’d ChinaCat even states that.

You should really get your head out of your ass before you post and stop trying to look like some sort of psychodelic know it all.
You are just full of all sorts of in accurate copy and paste info huh. Needle point is the highest grade. Your first post in the thread where you c+p’d ChinaCat even states that.

You should really get your head out of your ass before you post and stop trying to look like some sort of psychodelic know it all.
There’s pages and pages of copy paste... Maybe he’s getting paid per word or something?? There was another guy like that, Finshaggy


10 ugs - Microdose [increase of focus and energy]. Feeling LSD's effects to the slightest. Rushing senses [conscious or not]. Marijuana increases the effects of LSD. Lasts longer and is similar to a microdose [-0.25 grams] of shrooms.


20 ugs - Some euphoria, extreme mood lift, and body high. {10ugs x 2} Synesthesia [a state of mind that reintegrates the senses] or confusion can appear. Visual acuity is enhanced, micro perspective convergences. and some unpredictable object torsion {this effect increases with dosage}. Creativity and pleasure becomes very apparent. Extraordinary weather conditions. Total effects last about 8 hours. Slight rise in tolerance. {see Hedonism/ Hangovers @ 40ugs}


30 ugs - Low 'tripping' effects. Some use this as a 'microdose' [additional increase of focus and energy]. Slight rise in anticipation. Obvious change in consciousness. A little bit more sensitive to emotions and energy. Distracted or reminiscent thoughts; especially with marijuana. [Going in and out of consciousness is common.] Your imagination is increased and improved. Very slight visuals, patterning, and optical illusions start to appear. Slight sensory enhancement [colors, emotions, and senses are amplified a little bit]. Appreciation for music. Some Third Eye Visuals. No Closed Eye Visuals, at all.


40 ugs - Clearly tingling and undergoing LSD's effects. Slight breach out of the ego barrier [aka 'tripping' but still 'sober'].

Profound over analyzations, epiphanies, and mystery can arise [especially when mixing with cannabis]. Beneficial increase of energy, confidence, accuracy, and courage. There is an enhancement of the imagination. Mild 'Synesthesia', euphoria, or confusion can appear x2. {see 20ugs} Some psychedelia; [i.e. some flashing, 'trippy' moments, appreciation and some awareness...etc] CEVs are barley noticeable. Some minor TEVs [a great dose for meditation]. Hedonism and endurance hang overs from over use [such as depression, aggression, and/or boredom]. {300+ micrograms in a week}

Level 1 ~ {10ugs - 50ugs} ~ LSD-25
You are just full of all sorts of in accurate copy and paste info huh. Needle point is the highest grade. Your first post in the thread where you c+p’d ChinaCat even states that.

You should really get your head out of your ass before you post and stop trying to look like some sort of psychodelic know it all.
Needlepoint IS the highest grade AKA most potent form of LSD-25.

White fluff is the PUREST.

About to drop 2 freshly cut microdoses. [estimated 20-25 mics each]

I love brand new microdoses cuz You know They've got to be more potent. :P
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50 ugs - Medium 'tripping' effects. {Slow come up with no tolerance.} Starting to feel the next level of LSD-25’s effects, especially with cannabis. Your field of vision is brighter, colors are more vibrant. There is some more flashing, after imaging, and noticeable trails.
Your thought patterns are noticeably altered. Brain high and euphoric energy; mental and physical stimulation. {Interesting cognition.} Focus and visual clarity is further increased; along with distractive thought patterns. Heightened sense of awareness and intellect. A lot more sensitive to energy and vibes. Some barley get any closed eye visuals at all; some do very easily. -This dosage makes for a good time, even though it isn't considered 'tripping'.
-Lasts longer than You think and is similar to half a gram of shrooms or incredibly high amounts of cannabis.


75 ugs - This is where You start to feel LSD’s ‘tripping’ effects. {Slow come up, Eye dilation can be prominent. Rise of anticipation.} Bright colors; surfaces start to bend or breathe slightly [there can be some shuttering and fluttering]. Left and Right brain cues and signals. You start to think a lot more; a vast increase in brain activity and appreciation. Insightful thoughts and memorable moments of clarity. Flashbacks to past experiences / memories surface and emerge. Change of short term memory lapses leads to continual distractive thought patterns. Closed eye visuals are faint and start to appear. Sensitive to energy, vibes, and music.
- Extraordinary weather conditions x2.
- This is a great dose to go out in nature and on hikes with.
- Very real looking surroundings
- Noticeable changes in reality and perception.
- Sensory and sensual enhancement [Food smells / tastes amazing].
- Slow come up with no tolerance ["should we take another?"]

Lasts longer and is similar to 125 mgs of MDA
[just more visuals/ consciousness].


100 ugs - The most sought after LSD dosage [Deep meditation and meaningful appreciation] - "Yup! I feel it."

[A great dose for events, creativity, vivid mindscapes, and noticeable visuals.] Visuals are getting more obvious now [i.e. tracers, trails, shimmering...etc]. Natural perception filter is somewhat dropped [by 10%]. A large increase in appreciation and surreal thoughts; trippy sensory stimulation & enhancement. Profound wonder, expansive thoughts, and synchronicities [Memory Trances are possible.]. Some people have been caught laughing their arses off for no reason at this dose [literally to the point where they grow a six pack ab].
-Going in and out of consciousness is very common.
-Very sensitive to energy and vibes @100 mics.
-Synesthesia, euphoria, or confusion can appear x3.
-Some realistic imagery, 'make belief' visions & imaginary thought trains [Third Eye Visuals]. {see 20ugs & 40ugs}.
-There is some CEVs [2dimensional especially with cannabis]

[Under Entheogenic Threshold]

Most that intend to have a level 3 trip and do not take enough usually get here. Whole experience lasts 10-12 hours. -

Level 2 ~ {50ugs - 125ugs} ~ LSD-25

Recommended to not work at Level 2!!!!-
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