Helio ogk grow journal


Active Member
Seedling day 2

, the purpose of this journal is for me personally to have a safe place to keep track of my progress, and hopefully a few of you get entertained in the process.
Short backstory: I’m growing legally outdoors in the middle of winter in my shed, I have a small area built in the attic fully insulated heated with a heat lamp and a space heater as a backup. This is not my first grow yet I am no expert, I do enjoy growing my own food weed etc.
I don’t have any blessings from my wife on this project so I’m doing it as cheap as possible with all the spare money I can muster which means my financing is coming from my weekly petty allowance usually less than $20. All in including seeds I am at about $120 so far and expect to spend another $70 or so before finished, not including electricity.

I can post pics of my room if there is any interest, keep in mind I had to use stuff I could scavenge or already had laying around.

I’m growing a single feminized mosca helio ogk from glg, using a 2gal ceramic pot with 3 parts burpees organic soil and 1 part ferry Morse seed starting mix. I started the seed directly in soil in my basement at 60 degrees f while I was finishing and fine tuning my room. Yes I probably got lucky that it popped at such a low temp, it’s not the first time I have done it, it took 7 days to surface.

My room temp ranges from 70-80 degrees and with the space heater I am struggling to keep humidity at 20%, I am going to add a small humidifier probably tomorrow. Running 18h days and if you are wondering the light from the heat lamp is housed in a ghetto trash can setup I have with a computer fan circulating air from it. There is very little light leak from the lamp and none of it shines on the plant at dark so I think it’s fine, wouldn’t mind hearing what you guys think on that subject.

For lighting I am using cfls from start to finish, I have my reasons for doing so. Right now I have 3 23 watt 6500k bulbs on them in a homemade hood made from aluminum sheet that comes pre painted. In the next week I hope to get another $25 together to make another hood for veg, then another a week or two after that. The plan is to have 9-12 23watt bulbs on it before I start flowering with the 3 hoods hung vertical surrounding the plant.

I have not been able to afford fertilizer yet and not sure what I’m going to buy, I will be making a trip to the local grow shop soon to see what they have in stock and get prices for my budget, no rush on that asthe soil is good for a bit pic enclosed.

The only way I can test ph currently is with aquarium drops so I can only test the water I put in, that is at a ph of 6. No other fancy gear of testing ppm or other whatnots and I never used it before. I would like to get strips to test runoff but that’s at the bottom of my list.

I can’t think of any more info to add, any questions feel free to ask. I will try to update every week or two, I’m really excited to start growing again especially since I’m out of smoke until I get some out of this
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Seedling day 5

Decided on adding 2 bulb adapters to my hood mainly to get bulb angled away from plant rather than pointed straight at it, added one bulb to center socket will fill in other two later. Will most likely do just two hoods until finish vertically and use the splitters and if needed extenders to get bulbs where they need to be.

Added fan to room for better circulation and keep bulbs cool since they are pretty close to each other.

One spot on tip of leaf appeared a day after I misted plant with filtered tap water on day 3, doesn’t seem to be an issue. Humidity is climbing since I added small essential oil diffuser without the oil of course.BFAFBBDC-C745-471F-A67F-A11BC6AC8ECE.jpeg
Decided to post more on my setup, it’s hidden primarily from my wife and thrown together as quickly and cheaply as possible.156FE766-B08B-4749-A470-4CE95D97FC7D.jpeg
Here is the hidden entrance behind the wasp nest, the scrap sheet is used to hide the clips that would otherwise stand out. I initially tried using magnets inside to keep door closed but the weather stripping needs something more so I use two eye and hook clips outside , the magnets keep it tight enough when I’m inside.
Here is the inside it is about 4.5’ tall above plant 3’ or so wide and 10’ long. Added water tray with humidifier wick pads to hopefully help raise humidity. You can barely see my trash can heater in the back housing a 250watt heat lamp. The space heater barely kicks on even so it’s been hell keeping humidity above 20%. Fan on the floor blowing up at my lights.
Yes yes it’s all very jerry rigged, time and money are in short supply because of my situation. All in all I’m growing outdoors in the middle of a Michigan winter with temps ranging from -3 to 30 degrees so far, just waiting till 4 weeks into flowering when my power will go out (just my luck).

Questions, advice, and comments welcome
Seedling day 7

Might as well update put more humidity in today hopefully. Decided to buy some cheap fertilizer in light of my budget and not really going to need much if any for veg. Wanted it on hand in case I need it in the next week or two.
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No, I smoked when we met she was cool with it had kids and until recently it was illegal so made me quit she dumped my stash down the toilet a few years back.
So now I’m a midnight toker and it’s legal here so...
Well good luck keeping her out of it. Just remember she has the pussy. And all the power lol. Women are like the FBI. They find out everything. Lol.
If I could offer a bit of advice, read a lot. I have had gardens all my life but MJ is a new animal altogether. And if you are going to invest 4 months in growing it, I would invest in a nutrient or set of nutrients specifically designed for MJ. It doesn't have to be some expensive 20-part kit, but there are specific needs the plant has at different times during growth. Any of the MJ-specific nutrients are designed for this and have instructions. this.

Same thing for soil. Avoid ones with 'time releases' nutes. They rarely release the right nutrient at the right time.
Well good luck keeping her out of it. Just remember she has the pussy. And all the power lol. Women are like the FBI. They find out everything. Lol.
I hear ya, she rarely goes out to the shed and only peaked in attic once before we bought the place. Can’t imagine her ever going up there without good cause like smelling something.
If I could offer a bit of advice, read a lot. I have had gardens all my life but MJ is a new animal altogether. And if you are going to invest 4 months in growing it, I would invest in a nutrient or set of nutrients specifically designed for MJ. It doesn't have to be some expensive 20-part kit, but there are specific needs the plant has at different times during growth. Any of the MJ-specific nutrients are designed for this and have instructions. this.

Same thing for soil. Avoid ones with 'time releases' nutes. They rarely release the right nutrient at the right time.
I have been, reading that is, so many opinions and methods out there it makes my head spin and it seems like everyone’s method is the only way to go lol. Not disagreeing with you I’m still trying to process it all I’m sure it will sink in eventually, hell people cant even agree when veg technically starts and I’m trying to fathom the complexity of organic growing with home brews and what not.

I plan on using something better for flowering just wanted something on hand if I need it, this stuff has a good mix of NPK and cal mag and a few other micro nutes and microbes which honestly I don’t think is worth a damn. I really think you have to letmicrobes grow on there own or they won’t survive, sure it will add a temporary boost but just like bacteria in a fish tank I believe it’s better to grow them naturally rather than buy a bottle of them from the pet store that will die off in a week or two and hinder new growth.

Anyhow for veg I think it will do just fine if I even need it, not planning on vegging more than a month so will probably do a couple half doses or so.
You can get what I use megacrop. 1 part. That's it. Sample pack. 300 grams. Max dose is 5 dry grams per gallon. It works amazing. And it's free. Designed specifically for mj. I've used it for almost 2 years. Look up greenleaf nutrients. You start off using 1/4 strength. Then half then 3/4 then full in flower. 300 gram sample pack will last almost two grows. Small pot like that. You can get two feedings out of 1 gallon. So it lasts.
I have been, reading that is, so many opinions and methods out there it makes my head spin and it seems like everyone’s method is the only way to go lol. Not disagreeing with you I’m still trying to process it all I’m sure it will sink in eventually,

I am rarely offended ;) I also won't try to sell you what I use because I use it. Things like "Miracle-NO" are a scary thing. You can have a wonderful healthy plant, flip to 12/12 and everything goes to crap because the dirt is still full of the wrong nute. "Flushing" (lots of plain water. maybe an additive) at certain times helps prevent some of this, Flushing when there is a timed release ball of Nitrogen or Potassium that keeps producing doesn't work.

Like @whytewidow said, free s good!

Also, look at your goal. If you want to try and get a few ounces per plant and keep your self in prime smoke, it's easily doable (and tedious). That said, we have all learned from mistakes, and every new grower seems to find some version of the same problems. Just trying to help.
Assuming you don't get into a fancy watering system, your only huge expense would be a primo light, many kinds and advice out there, if you get into it that much. My advice on that end is to make due until you can afford the perfect light for your space, and buy it once. I have 2 blurple lights of progressively higher wattage - in a drawer.

Next would be an exhaust fan. Get bigger than you think you need, so you aren't looking at high temps and a maxed out fan. That said, a hole in the wall with a $9.99 clip-on fan blowing out is also an exhaust ;)

Ph testing. Do it religiously, and you'll figure out what you want there. There are some decent meters that are in the $30-50 range, and some that are stupid expensive, then there's the pool test equipment from Lowes ;) The color change drops work too, just not as precise.

Last thing for now is a fabric pot. Before you transplant, buy some. They are a newbies best friend to keep from overwatering, cheap, and work well.

Have a good weekend!
I'm not trying to sell anything, or push anything on anyone. The only reason I said to use megacrop. Is bc it works very well. Better than any bottled garbage nute out. ANY BOTTLED NUTE OUT THERE. And he can get a sample pack for free right now. It's designed for mj. Idc what he uses.
I'm not trying to sell anything, or push anything on anyone. The only reason I said to use megacrop. Is bc it works very well. Better than any bottled garbage nute out. ANY BOTTLED NUTE OUT THERE. And he can get a sample pack for free right now. It's designed for mj. Idc what he uses.
How can you be accused of trying to sell something that is a free sample? :)

If you want to experiment, Nectar for the Gods has a "free" sample available (you have to pay about $30 shipping) but from what I have heard it is great, and the sample will grow 2-3 plants start to finish. Completely organic, but a little high maintenance (feeding daily with different stuff at points) for my taste.

Haven't tried it - not trying to sell it either LOL
Veg day 9

Noticed a bit of light curling on the leaves not sure the culprit, moved the lights up a few more inches last night hasn’t gotten any worse since I first noticed it two days ago.

Have a few bucks to spend so first thing tomorrow will get some ph strips to test run off and slurry from the soil to rule that out.

Been having difficulty maintaining regular temps and humidity. 10% change in humidity seems to affect the thermostat on the space heater by 10 degrees, two days ago temp dropped to 60 with 75 degree high last night low of 70 high of 88. Might be stressing her out but seems to be growing just fine.
It looks like you basically have it in an attic? If that plywood and no insulation faces the sunshine, you will have lots of fluctuations. Do those temps match the weather? Was it warmer the second day outside, or sunnier?
It looks like you basically have it in an attic? If that plywood and no insulation faces the sunshine, you will have lots of fluctuations. Do those temps match the weather? Was it warmer the second day outside, or sunnier?

It’s in an attic fully insulated even the floor I used some spare siding with foam backing. It’s not due to outside temps been fluctuating about 10 degrees no matter the outside temps until I brought the humidity above 20%. I know temps affect humidity but it seems humidity also affects certain types of thermostats.

The only plywood you can see is outside the room where I built a false wall to hide my grow from the wife lol.