Last minute forced resin production???


Well-Known Member
I have that book... its really good. It teaches you some stuff for sure... I recommend everyone reading it. if you are serious about growing.


Well-Known Member
... oh great guys... i did all that crap before finshing readin the thread! Now i got my plant in a pot of boiling water with a damn nail in it! :wall:


Well-Known Member
just so everyone knows, this is a myth. You can do it and it wont hurt the plant since you will be harvesting it the next day. but the resin is there to help catch the pollen from males and is not a defense mechanism. it works the same way that wheat reproduces. so maybe you should tell the plant that its going to get laid to increase resin. Furthermore, it takes much longer that 24 hours for the plant to produce 2x the resin. late
not really a myth, just another diff way to increase resin production. The resin glands on marijuana i am actually pretty positive are the plants defense mechanism, ( i am sure some other people will confirm that ). But you cannot say it is a myth unless you have done it because even in jorges bible book he says he knows LOTS of growers that will stress their plants right before harvest to increase the resin. SOOOOOOOOO i am going to believe the growers that have tried and said it works than people who have never done it ya digg?


New Member
Im going to start by saying that there are alot of "myths"or theories which makes the plant force resin production like crazy.Some might work,others are just crazy talk...It all comes down to what exactly resin is used for by the marijuana plant..Ive read everything from keeping the plant cool from the heat,a "sunblock"from the UV rays whcih might hurt the seeds inside the buds...etc. Ima list all of the technique Ive ever read on how to make the plants force resin....

1.During the last 1-2 days of flowering,keep the plant in total darkness,this will supposedly stress the plant out,and tricks it into thinking that its gonna die soon from lack of light,thus forcing mad resin production in order to capture pollen and make seeds before it fact,alot of White Widow breeders and other white strain breeders encourage growers to do this in their seed descriptions...its an old proven way to force more resin.

2.Use mollases...

3.Stick a nail in the stem,or put a strong fan on it.

3.Use UV light bulbs to make the plants produce more resin in order to keep itself from drying out,or to protect the seeds inside form the harsh UV rays....this is a well documneted form right here.

4.Heat stress the plant,and possibly starve it of water for the last 2-3 days...this will REALLY stress the plant out,and trcik it into thinking its dying.ONce this happens,the plant produces more resin in order to catch more pollen before it dies..Also,the resin keeps it from drying out from the intense heat,and water deprivation makes the plant more resinous in order to stop or limit transpiration of tyher leaves and buds....thus conserving more water.This is another well proven method right here....


Active Member
It's not a myth -I TRIED IT. I just put a thick nail (about 5mm wide) through the base of the plant and it went nuts over about 4 days. Not sure if i'll get another harvest out of her but the nail through her definetely made a difference.


New Member
It's not a myth -I TRIED IT. I just put a thick nail (about 5mm wide) through the base of the plant and it went nuts over about 4 days. Not sure if i'll get another harvest out of her but the nail through her definetely made a difference.
Um..any details into how "it went crazy"..more resin,bigger buds???Also,you only have 1 post,so what experience do you have?Any other details?:fire:


Well-Known Member
Im going to start by saying that there are alot of "myths"or theories which makes the plant force resin production like crazy.Some might work,others are just crazy talk...It all comes down to what exactly resin is used for by the marijuana plant..Ive read everything from keeping the plant cool from the heat,a "sunblock"from the UV rays whcih might hurt the seeds inside the buds...etc. Ima list all of the technique Ive ever read on how to make the plants force resin....

1.During the last 1-2 days of flowering,keep the plant in total darkness,this will supposedly stress the plant out,and tricks it into thinking that its gonna die soon from lack of light,thus forcing mad resin production in order to capture pollen and make seeds before it fact,alot of White Widow breeders and other white strain breeders encourage growers to do this in their seed descriptions...its an old proven way to force more resin.

2.Use mollases...

3.Stick a nail in the stem,or put a strong fan on it.

3.Use UV light bulbs to make the plants produce more resin in order to keep itself from drying out,or to protect the seeds inside form the harsh UV rays....this is a well documneted form right here.

4.Heat stress the plant,and possibly starve it of water for the last 2-3 days...this will REALLY stress the plant out,and trcik it into thinking its dying.ONce this happens,the plant produces more resin in order to catch more pollen before it dies..Also,the resin keeps it from drying out from the intense heat,and water deprivation makes the plant more resinous in order to stop or limit transpiration of tyher leaves and buds....thus conserving more water.This is another well proven method right here....

So which 1 would u recomend Crazy? I would do the darkness rather than the no water sounds a lil harsh.. Well let me know if ne 1 else has had a 1st person experience with ne of these methods or mtyhs


New Member
What Ill actually do,is continue flushing with MOLLASES...and 2 days before harvesting,stick a medium size nail throgh the lower main stem...then give it 24 hours of complete darkness...I really support the dark period though,because it makes alot of sense..The plant would be so stressed from the pierced stem,and the lack of lighting,that it would go into resin overdrive thinking it was close to dying.Remember,any plant's main concern is if you can trick the plant that it's gonna dies soon,it'll start making more resin in hopes of catching male pollen and making seeds....

The second thing I recommend is bring the temps up,and humidity down..this will REALLY force resin production simply cus the plant will be trying to keep from getting dry.....also,the heat will stress it,and its been linked that stress variables in the late flowering=resin...


Well-Known Member
Thanks crazy +rep for u man.. Everyday i learn something new on hea.. And just to let every1 know just because som1 doesnt have alot of posts doesnt mean shit.. They coulda been a member on another growin site or just because u dont post on hea doesnt mean u cant read books.. I take tips from hea and been readin chapters in a lot of different growin books and i onl have 150 posts.. Im gonna try the darkness for the last 2 days with 1/4 water in the rez to see how that goes..


i thought the day of darkness was for a different reason. i heard that all the moisture absorbed through the roots in the dark and kinda sits until the lights are on when the lights come on the vascular system in the plant livens up and sends this moisture throughout the plant. therefore people will let the plant sit in 24 hours of darkness to keep the moisture levels down in the plant before harvest for a better smoother cure.


New Member
i thought the day of darkness was for a different reason. i heard that all the moisture absorbed through the roots in the dark and kinda sits until the lights are on when the lights come on the vascular system in the plant livens up and sends this moisture throughout the plant. therefore people will let the plant sit in 24 hours of darkness to keep the moisture levels down in the plant before harvest for a better smoother cure.
Thats a very good point..but its open for debate.I personally think that that the lack of light sends a message to the plant that the "fall"is coming,or that its nearing its life cycle.Just like the 24 hour dark period that most advanced growers use to initiate flowering ALOT basically resets the plants intrnal "clock",and can shed a couple days off the flowering time...


Well-Known Member
Im going to start by saying that there are alot of "myths"or theories which makes the plant force resin production like crazy.Some might work,others are just crazy talk...It all comes down to what exactly resin is used for by the marijuana plant..Ive read everything from keeping the plant cool from the heat,a "sunblock"from the UV rays whcih might hurt the seeds inside the buds...etc. Ima list all of the technique Ive ever read on how to make the plants force resin....

1.During the last 1-2 days of flowering,keep the plant in total darkness,this will supposedly stress the plant out,and tricks it into thinking that its gonna die soon from lack of light,thus forcing mad resin production in order to capture pollen and make seeds before it fact,alot of White Widow breeders and other white strain breeders encourage growers to do this in their seed descriptions...its an old proven way to force more resin.

2.Use mollases...

3.Stick a nail in the stem,or put a strong fan on it.

3.Use UV light bulbs to make the plants produce more resin in order to keep itself from drying out,or to protect the seeds inside form the harsh UV rays....this is a well documneted form right here.

4.Heat stress the plant,and possibly starve it of water for the last 2-3 days...this will REALLY stress the plant out,and trcik it into thinking its dying.ONce this happens,the plant produces more resin in order to catch more pollen before it dies..Also,the resin keeps it from drying out from the intense heat,and water deprivation makes the plant more resinous in order to stop or limit transpiration of tyher leaves and buds....thus conserving more water.This is another well proven method right here....
just so you know your theories that you say are "well documented" are it a defense mechanism...pollen catcher...or sunblock. you cant have em all. also, you should know that the amount of resin produced cant be altered in a few days, it must start at the beginning. these plants cant even produce resin at that fast of a rate.


Well-Known Member
It's not a myth -I TRIED IT. I just put a thick nail (about 5mm wide) through the base of the plant and it went nuts over about 4 days. Not sure if i'll get another harvest out of her but the nail through her definetely made a difference.
just so you all know, the plants are maturing the most in the final weeks. this "difference" you all keep talking about may just be the plant maturing and finishing its cycle, you know, getting crystallized, swelling up. these are all natural stages of the life cycle. not some voodoo that was caused by a nail. and last time i checked plants are not conscious. furthermore, if any of these so called techniques work then why isn't the beer industry doing this with its hops before they harvest. as i am sure you all know hops are related to MJ and produce oils in much the same way. why is this stuff not being done to hops?
late, i am through arguing this.


Active Member
just so you know your theories that you say are "well documented" are it a defense mechanism...pollen catcher...or sunblock. you cant have em all. also, you should know that the amount of resin produced cant be altered in a few days, it must start at the beginning. these plants cant even produce resin at that fast of a rate.
Hi bud i digged your thread any chance you could help me out with root problems plz let me know appreciated:bigjoint:


New Member are right that my theroies are conflicting,but I never said I agree with them,just that those are the ones I have read from various sources.I strongly believe that resin serves as a pollen catcher,causing any pollen that falls on it to stick to the buds,and then travel down to the buds themself....there is also some minor evidence that resin blocks harmful sun radiation from causing harm to the developing seeds inside.
There are ofcourse other theories on why resin exists,and what outside variables can cause the cannabis specimen to produce more of it...The nail theiry sounds unbelieving,but try using UV lught through the entire flowering stage,and documnet the results...


hey kingpin i have done this only once many moons ago to some outdoors shit.a day before was harvested put a nail thru the bottom of the stem,next day put the whole plant up roots and all and hung it upside down for about a week in a shed,it was very skanky shit,i would do it again if i had the time or privacy again.:peace:


New Member
hey kingpin i have done this only once many moons ago to some outdoors shit.a day before was harvested put a nail thru the bottom of the stem,next day put the whole plant up roots and all and hung it upside down for about a week in a shed,it was very skanky shit,i would do it again if i had the time or privacy again.:peace:
Um..dude so are you saying that you SAW an increased resin overall???If so,please be more specific.I would probably do the nail method for 3-4 days before harvest.As people have mentioned before,resin does not increase that much in one day...Ill also try leavig them in dark for 2-3 days before harvest...let the plant think its dying,through stress variables..this will make it strat to producd more resin in order to either get fertilized,or if it alraedy has seeds,,to protect the seeds inside.Why do you think if a bud has prodces less resin.It has already complteed it life mission which is to propagate...resin=pollen cathcer...


i dont know if i can say i saw a difference in the resin build up,but i would say a combination of the nail as well as slow drying upside down in a shed did help with the quality of the would have been nice to leave it a bit longer but nerves kicked in:peace:


Well-Known Member
this has been one of the most informative threads ive seen here yet, an open debate about techniques and trying to manipulate the plants, since all we are doing is trickery with cannabis, i believe jsgrown said something that it cant be all three, a pollen catcher, sun blocker or defense mechanism....why not? all three make sense


just so you all know, the plants are maturing the most in the final weeks. this "difference" you all keep talking about may just be the plant maturing and finishing its cycle, you know, getting crystallized, swelling up. these are all natural stages of the life cycle. not some voodoo that was caused by a nail. and last time i checked plants are not conscious. furthermore, if any of these so called techniques work then why isn't the beer industry doing this with its hops before they harvest. as i am sure you all know hops are related to MJ and produce oils in much the same way. why is this stuff not being done to hops?
late, i am through arguing this.

:?:being related to the hop plant but no way are they put thru the same process so the strength might not need to be as high to produce a legal drug probaly other wise you might see farmers doing this as well.:-P

:idea:just as a side note old timers round my area which just happens to be a main and one of the best producer of hops for all of my country use to graft there plants on to a root stock of a hop plant with amazimg results. :peace:
as well how can you say plants are not conscious when its been proven playing certain music to plants will make them grow may not be conscious like you know it,i would have to disagree with that comment jsgrwn