Best light on the market ?

I already did the test with 2 diuble ended 315s and the cobs killed em. That's the reason I went up to 1000w cmh.
It's usually people who dont have cobs and only hps or cmh that are always saying there is something wrong with the comparison. I have cobs,cmh, double ended cmh, 315s, al ilm that shit and my cobs are far better than everything in the building.

I've also used all those techs, bar DE.

If the tops are being fried the light height or set-up isn't right, that aspect alone means the flawed test and your claims are highly disputable, respectfully. It isn't normally my style to assume but if you done that with the 1k how am I to know you didn't mess up with the other set-ups and practices put in place?. You fried the tops so the tech sucks, you don't take any responsibility for that?, ontop of buying a high powered single light source that isn't a great idea anyway (in contecxt). What's more curious to me, if you tried single cmh and found it was that bad, why did you step up to de and then 1k?. For example, if I bought a 300w blurple, then realised it was garbage, I would not then go out and buy a 1k unit of the same brand. It doesn't add up, I don't care how much money you've invested testing things. Throwing money at techs doesn't make you an expert if you can't use the techs with ought burning the plants. I'm really not trying to be nasty but you are wrong to assert facts with that in mind. But I still give you lots of credit for doing your own tests.

I do personally think cobs have the edge over cmh, but it isn't by miles like you are making out, cmh isn't shit. If I was forced to choose, I'd rather use hps over cfl, cmh over hps and cob over cmh. I'd happily use cob, cmh or hps. Probably not clf.
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I've also used all those techs, bar DE.

If the tops are being fried the light height or set-up isn't right, that aspect alone means the flawed test and your claims are highly disputable, respectfully. It isn't normally my style to assume but if you done that with the 1k how am I to know you didn't mess up with the other set-ups and practices put in place?. You fried the tops so the tech sucks, you don't take any responsibility for that?, ontop of buying a high powered single light source that isn't a great idea anyway (in contecxt). What's more curious to me, if you tried single cmh and found it was that bad, why did you step up to de and then 1k?. For example, if I bought a 300w blurple, then realised it was garbage, I would not then go out and buy a 1k unit of the same brand. It doesn't add up, I don't care how much money you've invested testing things. Throwing money at techs doesn't make you an expert if you can't use the techs with ought burning the plants. I'm really not trying to be nasty but you are wrong to assert facts with that in mind. But I still give you lots of credit for doing your own tests.

I do personally think cobs have the edge over cmh, but it isn't by miles like you are making out, cmh isn't shit. If I was forced to choose, I'd rather use hps over cfl, cmh over hps and cob over cmh. I'd happily use cob, cmh or hps. Probably not clf.
Dude the tops weren't fried it was a figure of speech. I know how to raise a light. I have 10 foot ceilings and a 2 ton mini split 5 feet from that scrog. I raised the light and the outside was just way to dark. That 1000w cmh sucks just accept it. I didnt spend 400 dollars on a light to talk shit about it for nothing. I know how to grow that is a fact
Heisenbeans had bad results. I believe that, I also believe the many grow journals I've seen using 315's.....I don't need "the best light" w/e that is....just something that works.

Its the one lighting source that most closely simulates the sun. Argue that point and you are just too dumb to debate.