so much for up and running by September 2018! was just served papers for my wife's medicine I am growing in a 4x4 grow tent. They want to put my wife and I in prison and take our kids, no distribution charges, just criminal tools and cultivation 200 to 1000 grams
so much for up and running by September 2018! was just served papers for my wife's medicine I am growing in a 4x4 grow tent. They want to put my wife and I in prison and take our kids, no distribution charges, just criminal tools and cultivation 200 to 1000 grams
Any updates on this? What region of Ohio are you in?My only suggestion would be to contact the nearest NORML and ACLU chapters, in hopes of connecting with an attorney who is well versed in marijuana-related laws.

As far as I know, Ohio law affords no protections to medical growers, and frowns heavily upon any growing, regardless of any lack of actual distribution or medical status. A persuasive lawyer and getting lucky with a sympathetic judge may be your only chance of getting off here. It is sad that Ohio is still so far behind the times in prohibiting all growing despite finally admitting that there legitimate medical uses for cannabis and even allowing limited (and expensive!) state-sponsored sales. We may have the votes soon for recreational legalization, and I'd bet we'll get that before we expand and fix our flawed medical model.
Already a member of norml Appalachia we both have representation now but it is Bill's are unpaid because of it. Pre trial is the 25th
Already a member of norml Appalachia we both have representation now but it is Bill's are unpaid because of it. Pre trial is the 25th
Good luck brother, fingers crossed for you both. I have no brilliant advice for you but I hope you'll let us know how this goes.

Maybe some day we'll fix our laws so we aren't wasting valuable law enforcement and court resources on injustices like this.
so much for up and running by September 2018! was just served papers for my wife's medicine I am growing in a 4x4 grow tent. They want to put my wife and I in prison and take our kids, no distribution charges, just criminal tools and cultivation 200 to 1000 grams
How did they finf out you were growing it?
How did they finf out you were growing it?
They said an anonymous tip. Pretrial was postponed untill april 17th got a great lawyer he briefly talked to the prosecutor about our case after a trial he had here in fairfield county he said they are suggesting a fine and a year rehab but with my mmj card and a letter I received from my lawyer since we are not charged with selling and there is no evidence of abuse he thinks he can change the rehab to community service which I already do of my own violation so community service for me is not really a punishment. We will se the 17th though. On another note if you are in ohio Norml Appalachia and the Sensible Movement Coalition have a loby day scheduled for June 19th at the state house and have guest speakers comming. If you are in ohio or have friends in ohio put the word out. If 200 people show it isnt a big deal but when 10,000 rally at the state house it makes a loud statment
They said an anonymous tip. Pretrial was postponed untill april 17th got a great lawyer he briefly talked to the prosecutor about our case after a trial he had here in fairfield county he said they are suggesting a fine and a year rehab but with my mmj card and a letter I received from my lawyer since we are not charged with selling and there is no evidence of abuse he thinks he can change the rehab to community service which I already do of my own violation so community service for me is not really a punishment. We will se the 17th though. On another note if you are in ohio Norml Appalachia and the Sensible Movement Coalition have a loby day scheduled for June 19th at the state house and have guest speakers comming. If you are in ohio or have friends in ohio put the word out. If 200 people show it isnt a big deal but when 10,000 rally at the state house it makes a loud statment
Shit I'll be there seeing as I only live a few blocks from there.