The far red thread

Y'all hatin on the classic 15 min interval push switch timers man. They're mechanical. I like that part. As long as you keep them plugged into an outlet you don't have to go near or need to be around by, you're good. Check the thing every now and again to see if the arrow is pointed to the right time.
Hey guys

Last night, i installed reds on the frame
8 Osram square 660nm / 2 oslon ssl 150 730nm per 50cm strip drive by an hlg60h24a
Plants are 15 days from 12/12
I have not used them yet 8-)


Are these genuine HLG boards?
Nice tops!

Doubt far reds will signif affect frostyness, but if you have enuff deepred going, far red for full lights on could boost photosynthesis and add some additional weight, fatness; and running fr for 5-15mins after lights out could perhaps speed up harvest a few days....

That's what I meant. Deep red. I have 4 strips that have 120 diodes on each strip. 60 deep red and 60 HE photo red. A buddy made them for me. On copper pcbs. I push them with a LPV-60-24 so 60 watts of red. Well its actually 54.8w is what the driver puts out. Bc none adjustable. But I think I'm gonna add them to help with weight. I rebuilt my light that had them on it. Added two more f562bs and 1 96 diode sunboard. And didnt put the red back on yet. I was running them first 15 mins of light on. Then the whole 12hr cycle. But shut off the samsungs and sunboards for the last 15 mins of the day is reds only. And was pulling decent weight from 1 and 2gals.
That's what I meant. Deep red. I have 4 strips that have 120 diodes on each strip. 60 deep red and 60 HE photo red. A buddy made them for me. On copper pcbs. I push them with a LPV-60-24 so 60 watts of red. Well its actually 54.8w is what the driver puts out. Bc none adjustable. But I think I'm gonna add them to help with weight. I rebuilt my light that had them on it. Added two more f562bs and 1 96 diode sunboard. And didnt put the red back on yet. I was running them first 15 mins of light on. Then the whole 12hr cycle. But shut off the samsungs and sunboards for the last 15 mins of the day is reds only. And was pulling decent weight from 1 and 2gals.

Shit yeah, get those deep reds on yesterday. Your girls will love em, and will fatten up nicely.

No need to run deep red after lightsout, if you have far red, run it full lightson with deep reds, plus first 5-15 mins of lightsout - for extra boost....
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I know a lot of people are a bit apprehensive running 730nm on a separate timer - I myself have been burned by the 730nm timer getting off and coming on at the wrong time due to power outages, etc... So, after seeing the HLG solution I got to thinking. I"m pretty sure you could use a dusk/dawn photocell switch (made for outdoor lighting) and a cheap cycle timer to take care of it. I have a cycle timer that runs on 12V DC, I bought a $3 photocell sensor that is made for DC up to 10A. My cheapo 10W 730nm "cob" also takes 12V to run. So, I can use a cheap 12V ac/dc brick to both power the cycle timer and run my 730nm. The sensor allows power to flow to the cycle timer when lights go out, cycle timer is set to come on by default and then stay on for X seconds then turn off. The light sensor then cuts power to the whole circuit when lights come back on.... I ordered the sensor, I have all the rest of it... I'm going to test it when the sensor arrives and report back.
I'm back to report that the above setup works exactly as I thought it might. I'm quite pleased with the dusk/dawn sensor so far, even build quality is better than I expected for $3. Unfortunately, I was an idiot and fried my little 10W 730nm cob. Somehow I got it stuck in my head that it was a 12V light, in actuality it is a 5-6V light..... so, the little guy is dead and I had to order a replacement.
as a tie in question to reggie1387's above what percentage of red/deep red/far red should be added to a standard white light build like a 288qb rig or samsung strip build?.
i know the ratio is around 2:2:1 red/deep red/ far red but roughly what percentage buy wattage should it be compared to the whites?.
say i have a lm301b rig with roughly 600w of power what wattage or percentage of red should be added? 10%,60watt of red, 10%,60watt of deep red and 5% 30watt of far red?, more?...less?...

calling randomblame... come in randomblame...
as a tie in question to reggie1387's above what percentage of red/deep red/far red should be added to a standard white light build like a 288qb rig or samsung strip build?.
i know the ratio is around 2:2:1 red/deep red/ far red but roughly what percentage buy wattage should it be compared to the whites?.
say i have a lm301b rig with roughly 600w of power what wattage or percentage of red should be added? 10%,60watt of red, 10%,60watt of deep red and 5% 30watt of far red?, more?...less?...

calling randomblame... come in randomblame...

just quoting myself hoping randomblame will see it.
as a tie in question to reggie1387's above what percentage of red/deep red/far red should be added to a standard white light build like a 288qb rig or samsung strip build?.
i know the ratio is around 2:2:1 red/deep red/ far red but roughly what percentage buy wattage should it be compared to the whites?.
say i have a lm301b rig with roughly 600w of power what wattage or percentage of red should be added? 10%,60watt of red, 10%,60watt of deep red and 5% 30watt of far red?, more?...less?...

calling randomblame... come in randomblame...

am i doing this right? when i start typing a drop down box appears and i can see the user names but i cant select them? or am i not meant to be able too?.
does a member get a notification if you put a @ in front of his name?

am i doing this right? when i start typing a drop down box appears and i can see the user names but i cant select them? or am i not meant to be able too?.
does a member get a notification if you put a @ in front of his name?
Yes it notifies in the alerts that someone mentioned them in a thread.
as a tie in question to reggie1387's above what percentage of red/deep red/far red should be added to a standard white light build like a 288qb rig or samsung strip build?.
i know the ratio is around 2:2:1 red/deep red/ far red but roughly what percentage buy wattage should it be compared to the whites?.
say i have a lm301b rig with roughly 600w of power what wattage or percentage of red should be added? 10%,60watt of red, 10%,60watt of deep red and 5% 30watt of far red?, more?...less?...

calling randomblame... come in randomblame...

sorry for the mess in thread everyone...