Archive Seed Bank

The norcal icmag dosidos cut was selected from only like 20 seeds, maybe 6 or 10 females. That's the one that everyone else uses in their work including out house.

I've ran over 500 Dosidos seeds in the last 6 years and only kept the best females, which are the ones I use. The male used is the same one that has already been proven over the last several years.

We originally told retailers we don't want our products carried next to knockoff brands. Kinda like Nike not wanting to sell in Pay Less. I didn't prevent them from carrying In house, I simply told them I won't supply them or support their profiting on my products if that's their business practices. But that was like 3 years ago, and now I just don't give a shit at all. Nobody cares about the old guard and respect in the community. It's a straight free for all with no morals, so I really don't care anymore. Anyone can use whatever they want whenever they want. Just don't expect me to sit idly by and not blow ur knockoff strategy out of the water with cheaper products made with my original gear. Capitalism at its purest form, and the person that wins the most is the customer.


Pbb from thug pug and dolato were very good and even better for pbb ,then the dosidos i've smoke wich was very good too, you just bitter thats all , watered knockoff as good as your top breed gear... and looking at how they selling good maybe all their customer are fine with watered genetics ya know because we dont smoke good weed... :hump:
Why did the IG post about the new drop get deleted?

Dropping those $60 Slurricane packs is pure gold. If there is one way to make your point it's to hit them in the hip pocket. Bitching and moaning doesn't achieve shit but now you got banks, cough Neptune cough, not even listing those packs, you definitely know you got em flustered faf!!

Its just wood for the fire imo ihg gonna make him regret doing this im just waiting for the next promo clash
well aren't you a fucking piece of shit ;)

Sherbface is nice if you're trying to move somewhat away from the cookie/z side of stuff. Hazmat's always a banger. I laugh when people think GMO has a halitisos smell. It's a bland halitosis compared to Hazmat and OneEye's Dawgwalker. The Hazmat and Dawgwalker are really similar in odor/taste.

Its just wood for the fire imo ihg gonna make him regret doing this im just waiting for the next promo clash

He's gonna make me regret it by buying more of my seeds to make his gear from? How you think he's going to make his M/F line of slurricane? By buying my Dosidos seeds to start with, just like he will always be doing. One step behind. haha
Sherbface is nice if you're trying to move somewhat away from the cookie/z side of stuff. Hazmat's always a banger. I laugh when people think GMO has a halitisos smell. It's a bland halitosis compared to Hazmat and OneEye's Dawgwalker. The Hazmat and Dawgwalker are really similar in odor/taste.

He's gonna make me regret it by buying more of my seeds to make his gear from? How you think he's going to make his M/F line of slurricane? By buying my Dosidos seeds to start with, just like he will always be doing. One step behind. haha

So you never bought seed to breed with?? :joint:
Regret doing what? Using his own gear to make a cross? Dosi x PP = Slurricane. Now who do you think has the better cut of Dosi?

Yep just wait for ihg , to drop the new archive in fem mode , i can see it coming... like i said before i smoked a really good cut of dosidos and sorry not sorry but pbb was way better and my cut of dolato was on par with it, ive bought a pack of archive slurry to compare it with my keeper of slurricane, so i will see who is better simple , for now as a customer i win on both side because they BOTH raise their price like crazy , 200$ for a pack, 3 time higher than before, its just greedyness ,knowing 1 plant can give you thousand of beans... but theyre gonna say they have the fire and if you want fire you pay for it.. now im just running my cross and some others from chuckers paradise , that having way more fire, then most of the 150$+ pack sold on the market...
Wouldn't you say that the one who put in the work, worked the lines, grew hundreds of seeds to find the right one is more appropriate to increase price? In contrast to the other one who bought seeds, chucked it with a clone, and who's prices are higher then the source of the breeding stock?

I have no dog in this fight, but if greed is one of the concerns then I find it very difficult for IHG to justify their prices.
too much bullshit for me to buy either ones beans TBH.

I enjoy reading the drama, I don't want it in my garden though :)

Over $100 USD for a pack of beans and you can pretty much count me out. You need to be doing something pretty fuckin special for that money. I've only spent it once, and I got mostly males from the pack.

$200+ is a fucking joke IMHO. I respect the work folks are putting in, but I'm so over this hype shit, and that seems to be the marketing angle for so much of these new seeds. Mofo's actin like De Beers trying to act like there's a limit on the amount of seeds they can breed or these shits are limited editions, that's a choice the breeder makes, and I'm not into paying extra for their choices.

I've played the value:quality seed game before too, I've often been most impressed with strains I got for free from nice generous folks on here or very cheaply from a few lower key breeders.

Those $60 beans are super fucking tempting though. Not gonna lie I've had them in the cart a few times, but I just don't feel right with all the nonsense.

Just my 21 cents, I'd give ya .02 but yall sonsabitches want to rape my wallet and take 10x and a bit what you're worth.
Complain about pricing?

this hobby aint shit compared to my electric guitar addiction, or the money I spend on fking golf....the car payments some folks shell out every neighbors are installing a small swimming pool for 15k, talk sbout shitting your money dwn the toilet

a cpl hundred bucks once a year for some bitchen genetics? Gimme a fkn break
Complain about pricing?

this hobby aint shit compared to my electric guitar addiction, or the money I spend on fking golf....the car payments some folks shell out every month....a cpl hundred bucks once a year for some bitchen genetics? Gimme a fkn break
I mean you're not wrong. I've spent more on this damn bike I bought in September than I have in my grow in a long time lol and i've barely had it out with all the shit weather.

My issue is I have a stock pile of genetics now. I see other breeders out there with damn good quality gear for a lot cheaper, I'd rather buy something like Bodhi or something and possibly get a BOGO and spend my money on my other hobbies and still have quality smoke.

Are Archive/IHG really putting out shit that's 3x better than everyone else? because it's 3x the price and me being a cheap cunt can't justify that.

It's more to do with me personally being cheap as fuck. But at the same time all these guys would sell way more beans and make way more money if they wouldn't price themselves out of so many peoples grows. I know it's not just me..
Well then have at it....every market has high end and low end pricing product. You’re here at the ferrrari dealership bitchen about prices.....
See is it a Ferrari dealership though?

There's a point to buying a Ferrari. You're getting a super car, are you getting better quality beans here than you are from other respected folks? It's an honest question, I've never grown dudes gear. That Grimace OG has had my eye for a long while though. I'm honestly not trying to shit on dude. I'd love to try his beans but haven't due to my already mentioned issues.
See is it a Ferrari dealership though?

There's a point to buying a Ferrari. You're getting a super car, are you getting better quality beans here than you are from other respected folks? It's an honest question, I've never grown dudes gear. That Grimace OG has had my eye for a long while though. I'm honestly not trying to shit on dude. I'd love to try his beans but haven't due to my already mentioned issues.

Bruddah I’ve got some bodhi ssdd running and fantastic she is, dank she is not.
I’m m sure its gonna be ‘quality’ smok tho. Best of luck, I hope we all aquire the fire we desire :joint:
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Well I would be good with hearing thoughts from archive on his gear, double check your intentions with the haven't run his stuff and won't posts, nobody fucking cares and your making shitty content, just sharing thought folks