Well-Known Member
If you have an opportunity, try goat. Seriously one of the best chillis I've ever had
If you have an opportunity, try goat. Seriously one of the best chillis I've ever had
Freeware aim trainer? It's not an aimbot is it?Guys - you are not going to believe this -
I got into Apex Legends (a video game) because - you know boredom. ON PC with a gamepad (can't do KB/M - long story) but I was on that struggle bus for 20 hours. Only 3 kills and couldn't for the life of me do well, a lot of games wth little to no damage, deadweighting every squad I went near. I was so frustrated.....
So I got a freeware aim trainer on Steam and sat for 5 hours this weekend just practicing my flicks to aim, practice practice practice.
Sat in the game for 30 minutes last night and racked 5 more kills in less than 10 games. It's still kind of sad- but I revived squadmates in clutch situations, landed killshots we needed and actually helped get a damn team win... FINALLY!! I can say I now found the exit to the struggle bus, I'm still on it- but now I need to work on my positioning and fight picking, and I'll be able to hang with the PC boysss...
I'm never going to be a ranked dude, never top tier, always casual - but screw it now I'm learning to pull my own - it's happening FINALLY boooyaaaa
But the team win felt goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood....
Freeware aim trainer? It's not an aimbot is it?
I play blackout on bo4, fortnite, Apex and some other battle royals.
I'll give you a couple tips. All of them have a slight aim assist with a controller. Not so much with a mouse. Use a controller for better aim. Also let go of the aim button and reaim a couple times to help lock on. Don't adjust your aim with the look stick or mouse. Use your movement stick or arrows to fine tune your shot. It's easier.
Set the sensitivity as high as you can and feel comfortable. After a few days increase one more.
Apex is a great game for being free. Call of duty went to shit and I wouldn't even play it if it weren't for winning a free copy.
You tried Ring of Elesyium? Not sure on the spelling.
I guess I get to play honey bee... the unidentified pepper plant that I put out in my grow room is blooming. I think it might be a Korean pepper from some ancient seeds that were laying around here that my sun put into a pot for grins. I guess I'll find out if I get peppers off it. I have never seen a pepper plant get flowers all over the top and nowhere else.
There were plenty of faster bikes back in the day, KZ900/1000's come to mind, but they were fast in a straight line. I saw a Gold Wing with a blower and a 4 barrel on it at the rock store, the thing could burn the back tire for a mile.
I suspect colon peeI'm inork, ham,garbanzo and pinto soup tonite
edit: dunno how that pink smiley got in
I saw blooms on my young peach trees yesterday. Sloe trees were blooming last week, and huckleberry two weeks ago.spring is pretty much here for us, birds are coming in......red birds especially down here...saw a couple sissor tail yesterday playing in the trees, also heard a couple of red tail hawks around
I saw blooms on my young peach trees yesterday. Sloe trees were blooming last week, and huckleberry two weeks ago.
Ahh, butt pee it isI suspect colon pee
colon uppercase pee
Ahh, butt pee it is![]()
It was just the tip
I did that with a semicolon, which places your answer in range of being half-assed
Lol empires have been founded and broken on just the tipIt was just the tip
I saw blooms on my young peach trees yesterday. Sloe trees were blooming last week, and huckleberry two weeks ago.
Yep just ask JussieLol empires have been founded and broken on just the tip
What? No turbo?I had a 73 Z1 Kaw in high school, re-enlisted in 81 & Uncle Sam gave me a big handful of cash that I promptly used to upgrade her frame & boxed swing arm. MTC engineering punched it out to 1400 w/ a set of jugs - new h/p head & smooth bores+ 4-1 Kerker header.
I’d be a dead duck if I still had that girl - too many close calls.
More blooms than leaves on the peach trees. Sister said her blueberries are blooming. i haven't thought to look down to that end of the fruit trees, so not sure if mine are or not.we got a peach tree here too it about 2yrs old now, we can see the buds, but no leafs yet, time will tell though....after this week we a going to have a 30 degree drop in temps, which isn't to bad
we got a peach tree here too it about 2yrs old now, we can see the buds, but no leafs yet, time will tell though....after this week we a going to have a 30 degree drop in temps, which isn't to bad
More blooms than leaves on the peach trees. Sister said her blueberries are blooming. i haven't thought to look down to that end of the fruit trees, so not sure if mine are or not.
That woulda killed me for sureWhat? No turbo?