Fixing root rot: Hydroguard v Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide

Update: So been a week now since going back to using the Piranha and results are a little mixed.

Their is no doubt that the Piranha is helping but I'm starting to question if anything will actually cure the super bad case of pythium I have.

Starting to think I may have to completely start over and use the Piranha as a preventive. Gonna wait it out a couple weeks though before making that decision.

Sure is stressful.
So just ordered a gallon of Hydroguard. Figured I've come this far, might as well take one last shot with it. If it doesn't work than I think it's start all over time.
I haven't read through the entire thread or anything but have you tried the sterile method to rid any pathogens first before adding the bennies? On my dwc grow I was using Hydroguard for about 4 weeks then I started seeing some film in my res, didn't even drain my res I just added H202 for about a week and it cleared everything up. Not even using hydroguard anymore just about 10mL of h202 every few days keeps the baddies away for me. Working with about 20gal solution.
That dwc grow is my mother site. 4 strains gelato, cookies n cream, pb soufflé and icicles. Going on 5 weeks with no res change so far. Water temps are about 71 with ambient air ~75
I haven't read through the entire thread or anything but have you tried the sterile method to rid any pathogens first before adding the bennies? On my dwc grow I was using Hydroguard for about 4 weeks then I started seeing some film in my res, didn't even drain my res I just added H202 for about a week and it cleared everything up. Not even using hydroguard anymore just about 10mL of h202 every few days keeps the baddies away for me. Working with about 20gal solution.
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Yep I have. Unfortunately did nothing. Currently using Piranha and it definitely helps but seems to be an up and down battle.

I tried the SAG too and it did literally nothing for me. I suspect the Hydroguard won't help either since the sag never did but going to try it anyway just for piece of mind.
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Yep I have. Unfortunately did nothing. Currently using Piranha and it definitely helps but seems to be an up and down battle.

I tried the SAG too and it did literally nothing for me. I suspect the Hydroguard won't help either since the sag never did but going to try it just for piece of mind.

Sorry to hear about your troubles it can be frustrating I know. Best solution to all of this is preventative measures. It's hard to get rid of it once you have it. What have your water temps been?
Sorry to hear about your troubles it can be frustrating I know. Best solution to all of this is preventative measures. It's hard to get rid of it once you have it. What have your water temps been?
Fuck, tell me about it lol. To say lesson learned here would be an understatement. I've never really had root rot issues before so I didn't catch it until it was already super bad. I'll be watching like a hawk for now on though.

My water temps are currently between 76-78f. I believe that the problem originated from fungus gnats.
So just ordered a gallon of Hydroguard. Figured I've come this far, might as well take one last shot with it. If it doesn't work than I think it's start all over time.
Damn man, this has been brutal. I feel for ya buddy, sending positive mj vibes your way...... There's always something good to take away from shit happening too, I'm sure you've learned numerous things from this.
Thx brother, I do appreciate your help.

Maybe I should roll by a pet store today and if I can grab one of those uv lights and see if it makes any difference. Feeling pretty desperate right now.

I had been battling root rot for about six months after never having had an issue with it for years using my well water(.1ec and around6.9to7ph)in my flood and drain set up. Got to the point that my harvests were about one third what i was used to. Had limited success with s.a. ,hydroguard ,mykos,azos and great white but still wasn't seeing the response i needed. It helped but did not resolve the problem. Thinking i may have a bacterial or fungal issue with my water i tried the standard well shock treatment with chlorine. Flushed a bunch of ugly looking crap out of the lines after the shock and that seemed to help for a couple months but still needed to use a lot of beneficials to keep everything looking healthy. Got an inline uvc water sterilizer for constant water sterilization and have seen a significant improvement in root health and vigor to the point i have been able to stop using the beneficial additives and my roots have been exploding out the bottom of the rock wool like they did before this problem started. In addition my clones are rooting again in one to two weeks with 95-100%success and significantly better root mass. they were previously taking 3-4 weeks with about 50-60% success.i would definitely recommend getting an inline sterilizer mine was around 150 from Amazon and you may get a portable aquarium sterilizer to treat your reservoir as needed. It doesn't change anything about your water chemistry just kills all pathogens with the uvc. I have read that it may cause some drop out of iron if used in the reservoir due to the high uv levels. Btwi did some tests with rooted clones using the southern ag and hydroguard and did not see any difference using either,they both reduced root rot and increased healthy root mass.
I had been battling root rot for about six months after never having had an issue with it for years using my well water(.1ec and around6.9to7ph)in my flood and drain set up. Got to the point that my harvests were about one third what i was used to. Had limited success with s.a. ,hydroguard ,mykos,azos and great white but still wasn't seeing the response i needed. It helped but did not resolve the problem. Thinking i may have a bacterial or fungal issue with my water i tried the standard well shock treatment with chlorine. Flushed a bunch of ugly looking crap out of the lines after the shock and that seemed to help for a couple months but still needed to use a lot of beneficials to keep everything looking healthy. Got an inline uvc water sterilizer for constant water sterilization and have seen a significant improvement in root health and vigor to the point i have been able to stop using the beneficial additives and my roots have been exploding out the bottom of the rock wool like they did before this problem started. In addition my clones are rooting again in one to two weeks with 95-100%success and significantly better root mass. they were previously taking 3-4 weeks with about 50-60% success.i would definitely recommend getting an inline sterilizer mine was around 150 from Amazon and you may get a portable aquarium sterilizer to treat your reservoir as needed. It doesn't change anything about your water chemistry just kills all pathogens with the uvc. I have read that it may cause some drop out of iron if used in the reservoir due to the high uv levels. Btwi did some tests with rooted clones using the southern ag and hydroguard and did not see any difference using either,they both reduced root rot and increased healthy root mass.
Ok thx for the advice, I'll look into that. Wouldn't surprise me at all if it was something in the water. The problems for me started when I moved to this place about a year and a half ago. Not one single good crop since moving here.

My plants are slowly looking better everyday now though with the Piranha. Just wish things would move a little faster.
I had been battling root rot for about six months after never having had an issue with it for years using my well water(.1ec and around6.9to7ph)in my flood and drain set up. Got to the point that my harvests were about one third what i was used to. Had limited success with s.a. ,hydroguard ,mykos,azos and great white but still wasn't seeing the response i needed. It helped but did not resolve the problem. Thinking i may have a bacterial or fungal issue with my water i tried the standard well shock treatment with chlorine. Flushed a bunch of ugly looking crap out of the lines after the shock and that seemed to help for a couple months but still needed to use a lot of beneficials to keep everything looking healthy. Got an inline uvc water sterilizer for constant water sterilization and have seen a significant improvement in root health and vigor to the point i have been able to stop using the beneficial additives and my roots have been exploding out the bottom of the rock wool like they did before this problem started. In addition my clones are rooting again in one to two weeks with 95-100%success and significantly better root mass. they were previously taking 3-4 weeks with about 50-60% success.i would definitely recommend getting an inline sterilizer mine was around 150 from Amazon and you may get a portable aquarium sterilizer to treat your reservoir as needed. It doesn't change anything about your water chemistry just kills all pathogens with the uvc. I have read that it may cause some drop out of iron if used in the reservoir due to the high uv levels. Btwi did some tests with rooted clones using the southern ag and hydroguard and did not see any difference using either,they both reduced root rot and increased healthy root mass.
Were you using r/o water as well?

I tried the sag but it literally did nothing for me. I have some Hydroguard on it's way but not expecting much from it. Bought it out of curiosity more than anything I think.
Were you using r/o water as well?

I tried the sag but it literally did nothing for me. I have some Hydroguard on it's way but not expecting much from it. Bought it out of curiosity more than anything I think.

No my well water is naturally .1 ec and 6.8-7.1ph depending on time of year...probably the best water I've ever had to grow with. I was seeing improvement with the hydroguard and southern ag but it was at best a stop gap solution.since installing my uvc sterilizer i have been able to stop using them or great white etc with much better overall results, no root rot and excellent growth again. I had run 2 tables with the beneficial additives and 2 without since uvc and actually had a heavier yield without using them so for now i am not using any of them.i do think hydroguard, southern ag, mykos , azo s and great white are great amendments if needed and plan to do more testing with them now that I've resolved my long term root rot issues.
Update: So been 13 days now since just using the Piranha and even though it's been a bit of an up and down battle things are starting to look a little better everyday now. I'm still going to try the Hydrogaurd when it gets here along with the Piranha.

Going toss a few plants into flowering tonight. Although they are not completely healed I'm hoping that they will recover over the next few weeks. Hard to say if they will for sure or not but going to give it a shot anyway. It appears that the young plants seem to be recovering faster than the older ones.

Gonna cross my fingers and give it a go.
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Update: So been 13 days now since just using the Piranha and even though it's been a bit of an up and down battle things are starting to look a little better everyday now. I'm still going to try the Hydrogaurd when it gets here along with the Piranha.

Going toss a few plants into flowering tonight. Although they are not completely healed I'm hoping that they will recover over the next few weeks. Hard to say if they will for sure or not but going to give it a shot anyway. It appears that the young plants seem to be recovering faster than the older ones.

Gonna cross my fingers and give it a go.
Yikes bro, what a battle! The only time I've had to fight something this long was spider mites. Have you taken backup cuts?
Yikes bro, what a battle! The only time I've had to fight something this long was spider mites. Have you taken backup cuts?
Ya, the biggest problem I think is that it took so long for me to recognize the issue. By the time I figured it out it was super bad and tougher to comeback from. Now that I know better, in the future I'll be on top of it big time, before it gets to this point.

Yes I have cuts.

I threw a few plants out into flowering tonight. They're far from fully healed but preventing me from starting new ones in my veg so decided I'll give them a shot anyway. The younger ones seem to be doing much better than the older ones so want to get more young stuff going.