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I'm no expert, but don't "breeders" actually work their lines to isolate specific traits?
Heisen & Gu are pollen chuckers. There's absolutely wrong with that as long as they don't act like something they're not.

Ever want to cross a couple of killer mainstream strains?
You've gotta "acquire" good DNA from both sides, then reverse/breed em in a way that's isolated to prevent bastards.
Several months later, you've got your new F1 strain.

Or you could just send a few bucks to a chucker & get your beans in a week or two... :roll:

Wait wait a minute.. are you calling Heisen a Pollen chucker" the dude all these people were frothing at the mouth for genetics.

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imagine how many more seeds he could sell if he wasnt a dbag. I checked out his videos and insta. hes a hack.

I warned him on his thread months ago his temper is gonna ruin him. Yes hes got some elites, but my god I have never seen so much over promising and under delivering. couple hundred pages, and he hasnt even delivered one seed yet. If you ay attention to the time g=frames he was quoting, he wasnt even curing seeds or anything.
But you've gotta admire his enthusiasm and work ethic. :clap:
I'm seriious.
Ol Heisen has many flaws, but he's alright in my book.

I'm no expert, but don't "breeders" actually work their lines to isolate specific traits?
Heisen & Gu are pollen chuckers. There's absolutely wrong with that as long as they don't act like something they're not.

Ever want to cross a couple of killer mainstream strains?
You've gotta "acquire" good DNA from both sides, then reverse/breed em in a way that's isolated to prevent bastards.
Several months later, you've got your new F1 strain.

Or you could just send a few bucks to a chucker & get your beans in a week or two... :roll:
I have a homosexual custom

I'm no expert, but don't "breeders" actually work their lines to isolate specific traits?
Heisen & Gu are pollen chuckers. There's absolutely wrong with that as long as they don't act like something they're not.

Ever want to cross a couple of killer mainstream strains?
You've gotta "acquire" good DNA from both sides, then reverse/breed em in a way that's isolated to prevent bastards.
Several months later, you've got your new F1 strain.

Or you could just send a few bucks to a chucker & get your beans in a week or two... :roll:
no money in me arguing schematics I am in the low rent district in weed town , here to clown and learn something so I can graduate to chucker status
imagine how many more seeds he could sell if he wasnt a dbag. I checked out his videos and insta. hes a hack.

I warned him on his thread months ago his temper is gonna ruin him. Yes hes got some elites, but my god I have never seen so much over promising and under delivering. couple hundred pages, and he hasnt even delivered one seed yet. If you ay attention to the time g=frames he was quoting, he wasnt even curing seeds or anything.

Sometimes YoU pick the Wrong One, and then things FaLL apart for you.

Tread softly in life:peace:.

None delivery after 300 pages, you say Interesting Indeed.
his collecting pollen sac by sac is laughable. he is spread too thin. if yall think he isnt in it for the money yall crazy. yes hes already doig well $$ wise, but that paper chase is real.

hes chasing to be a legit name in the undustry, and his personality is going to ruin him. he will never make it over 20k followers.

My buddy Eric from DVG used to be the same way. he shit his mouth and got rich. living in $500k house and traveling the world off seeds. 100k followers and mucho respect.

50 cent is perfect example here...
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