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his collecting pollen sac by sac is laughable. he is spread too thin. if yall think he isnt in it for the money yall crazy. yes hes already doig well $$ wise, but that paper chase is real.

hes chasing to be a legit name in the undustry, and his personality is going to ruin him. he will never make it over 20k followers.

My buddy Eric from DVG used to be the same way. he shit his mouth and got rich. living in $500k house and traveling the world off seeds. 100k followers and mucho respect.

50 cent is perfect example here...
Free seeds ....Then bastard seeds No testing no finished buds of crossings.... all seemed to good
to be true .
This whole GPS thing is one big money grab -that heisen insisted he wasnt about. Im not doubting heisen does what he does because he likes what he does, but he cant have me believe he dont need the extra money and that he isnt backing up what he says hes about. Why the preorders all of a sudden after the "list" being around for a month or better? Why the new team up with GPS of all people? Is there a shortage of seed banks I dont know about?? Does his own website not work?? Whatever though. Good luck to both of em.....
I didn’t think money was a factor for Heisenbeans but he did say he needed help after he realized how much work was involved..wondering if this is why him and @Gu~ joined forces?
I have no problem buying seeds from Heisen's own website. Whatever he did with Gu is none of my business. I know why Hydro is pissed and I don't blame him. But when he's able to post on Heisen's forum and speak to him he may relax a bit.

In this dog eat dog business sometimes it's better to get into bed with a competitor than go down without a fight. Heisen aint going down. He's looking at and weighing his options.
This whole GPS thing is one big money grab -that heisen insisted he wasnt about. Im not doubting heisen does what he does because he likes what he does, but he cant have me believe he dont need the extra money and that he isnt backing up what he says hes about. Why the preorders all of a sudden after the "list" being around for a month or better? Why the new team up with GPS of all people? Is there a shortage of seed banks I dont know about?? Does his own website not work?? Whatever though. Good luck to both of em.....
January the list came out of Testers
its now march
I done a whole grow and started a new one
your buddy shit in his mouth?
show me what your are pre ordering ?
Your ordering blind .... NO ?
I'm aware I'm ordering blind but it's the chance I'm willing to take to possibly have genetics I never would have otherwise. Yes it's a huge risk for me and I really dont have the money to be wasting but again that's the risk I'm taking. I didn't mean to offend I just was curious on your stance.
I have no problem buying seeds from Heisen's own website. Whatever he did with Gu is none of my business. I know why Hydro is pissed and I don't blame him. But when he's able to post on Heisen's forum and speak to him he may relax a bit.

In this dog eat dog business sometimes it's better to get into bed with a competitor than go down without a fight. Heisen aint going down. He's looking at and weighing his options.
Cause ur his friend bro
for someone who hates the guy, you sure spend a shitload of time posting in threads about him. you know it puts the post back to the top every time you post, right? you're not doing anything other than giving him exposure.

you're posting at a clip that would give that greenthumb guy a run for his money.

Wow guy gets ban and look how quickly you all turn on him.. No worries though It's not about the $$$$$$ lol
Dont make us the bad people here as just said the ship is sinking and some of us just seen it way before this .
People have money out least he could do is email every1 that has preordered an give money back if no seeds are available . .

I'm aware I'm ordering blind but it's the chance I'm willing to take to possibly have genetics I never would have otherwise. Yes it's a huge risk for me and I really dont have the money to be wasting but again that's the risk I'm taking. I didn't mean to offend I just was curious on your stance.
Your right its your money
for someone who hates the guy, you sure spend a shitload of time posting in threads about him. you know it puts the post back to the top every time you post, right? you're not doing anything other than giving him exposure.

you're posting at a clip that would give that greenthumb guy a run for his money.

Wow I guess but ya know what been biting my tongue in all this .If i burn bridges that nobody can get hurt on again ,,,Im ok with that .
This whole GPS thing is one big money grab -that heisen insisted he wasnt about. Im not doubting heisen does what he does because he likes what he does, but he cant have me believe he dont need the extra money and that he isnt backing up what he says hes about. Why the preorders all of a sudden after the "list" being around for a month or better? Why the new team up with GPS of all people? Is there a shortage of seed banks I dont know about?? Does his own website not work?? Whatever though. Good luck to both of em.....

Where are all the cult followers.
We need answers..

Oh they were supposed to get free seeds or something.

You can see who they are!
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