Apex fucking LEGENDS

I can't get a squad until I improve - nobody wants a low level 10 kill deadweight :(

I also don't have any friends that like video games like I do..... all of them are too 'serious' or 'old' .... I'm in my mid 30s but shit I'll play that shit... when my daughter goes to bed the wife watches her soap opera and I scream at my computer.... :)
So far the best battle royal game I've played. Altough I'm usually quite good in FPS games, it took me 2 weeks to finally win a game for the first time :D.... Btw what is your favourite landing location? I normally go for the Market or Skull Town.

So far the best battle royal game I've played. Altough I'm usually quite good in FPS games, it took me 2 weeks to finally win a game for the first time :D.... Btw what is your favourite landing location? I normally go for the Market or Skull Town.


I'm never jumpmaster bc I always miss the target but the Market, Artillery are my two best spots so far. I always do bad when landing the entire east airbase and whatnot. If you land airbase rush the parked planes inside is always one blue/purple shield and good guns.... forget the supply bins in this area....

I have taken a liking to the Wingman. It'll be nerfed soon though... it is a revolver but you can use a ext mag to increase it to 9 shots. It is 45 damage on body shots..... it is nuts...
I'm never jumpmaster bc I always miss the target but the Market, Artillery are my two best spots so far. I always do bad when landing the entire east airbase and whatnot. If you land airbase rush the parked planes inside is always one blue/purple shield and good guns.... forget the supply bins in this area....

I have taken a liking to the Wingman. It'll be nerfed soon though... it is a revolver but you can use a ext mag to increase it to 9 shots. It is 45 damage on body shots..... it is nuts...
It was nerfed it's fine easily countered with r-99/hemlock tbh almost anything u can hit shots with the reason it hits so hard is because the time it takes to put shots out I can out do u in dmg with just good aim but yeah wingman is craaazzzyyy but doesn't need a Nerf and less damage and it's unusable and recoil is already high idk maby they will make more time between shots idk, and if ur ganna land East side of map try going pit the house to the South outside of pit then cross into runoff amazing loot and gets u into some action to get that aim better :)
Drop ship all day every day lol
Ha ha, last time I tried that I got a golden knockdown shield out of that drop ship and that turned out to be a game winner for us in the end (self revive). But in general, I got killed on the drop ship more times than I managed to get out alive... :D

Ha ha, last time I tried that I got a golden knockdown shield out of that drop ship and that turned out to be a game winner for us in the end (self revive). But in general, I got killed on the drop ship more times than I managed to get out alive... :D

Haha yeah it's a cluster foxtrot lol, I hate the knock down shield I can never make use of it
when this fucker gets crossplay we gotta squad up from time to time - when it comes I'll drop my tag :P

let it be known I suck major tiddies at this still but I don't care it's fun....
Yeah, shouldn't take too long. Let's see, it's usually Sony who has a problem when it comes down to cross-platform... I'm not particularly good in this game, but still, it's a hell of fun :D

it happened. the game balance update is live. they reduced the wingman fire rate and increased the hipfire spread to force players to aim down sights... i played today and got more kills than any other day and came in 2-3rd quite a few times. so it helped me at least....

\some of the adjustments made....


  • Wingman
    • Rate of fire reduced from 3.1 -> 2.6 shots per second.

    • Skullpiercer Headshot damage multiplier reduced from 2.5 -> 2.25

    • Increased base hip fire spread and decreased the rate at which hip fire spread decays (shrinks back down).
  • Peacekeeper
    • Shotgun Bolt rechamber rate has been reduced for the Peacekeeper only.
      • Level 1 mitigation 10% -> 7.5%

      • Level 2 mitigation 20% -> 13%

      • Level 3 mitigation 25% -> 16%
  • Wingman and Peacekeeper availability has been reduced in all zone tiers.

  • Increased availability of energy weapons & ammo in all zone tiers.

Major balance changes:

  • Hit box size reductions and optimizations for Caustic, Pathfinder and Gibraltar
    • We’re better sizing hitboxes to character gear & model

    • Since these adjustments have a MAJOR impact on the game, we want to make sure there aren't any major bugs, so we didn’t want to rush them out

    • If these adjustments prove to be insufficient, we’ll consider additional adjustments during Season 1

Minor balance changes:

  • Caustic
    • Traps - Reduced cooldown to 25 seconds from 30 seconds

    • Traps - Increased radius and proximity radius by about 10%

    • Traps - Removed a 1 second delay on the smoke dealing damage to players
  • Pathfinder
    • Insider Knowledge - Increased the number of beacons in the world to 12 from 10
  • Lifeline
    • Care Package - Removed slight chance that level 4 armor and helmets will drop
  • Wraith
    • Into The Void - Cooldown increased from 20 -> 25 seconds
  • Bangalore
    • Double Time - Reduced move speed bonus to 30% from 40%
it took me 5 days and 17 hours of playing to get my first kill man. Yesterday we had a team down to one guy and he downed us, I pushed too quick and missed a jump fell to the low ground and he grenaded my ass, my squad was down to 1 player and the guy that bsically carried us the whole round also fucked it up at the end and we lost.... we had it - I landed 3 hits on the guy -2 more and victory.....

I'm mid-30s very casual gamer, mostly play RTS and sports games...... but this was free to play and I saw some vids I said I'm getting on this shit.....

I also have a problem: I play on PC, not console. And this means I tried with KB/Mouse. But I have an issue with my right hand(I broke it when I was12 and even though it works for daily life for twitchy PC gaming it's just not fast/flexible on the pinky and ring finger and I can't move the mouse with my right hand I'm a lefty - just doesn't work. So I play with a gamepad makes it easier for me -

but you can imagine gamepadding on PC is always a losing venture - but I'm getting better.

I saw a streamer that only plays PC with gamepad and he kills it but obviously he's a full time gamer - but I'm gonna keep practicing I'm going to hang with the KB/Mouse guys on this game - it's doable..

I saw a video of a guy on console that has one arm he does it with his one arm and his toes (granted he's on console, console games have slight aim assist and everybody's on gamepads, PCs have no aim assist and very very few play with pads at a HUGE disadvantage) and he got a victory.... it's gonna happen... I can feel it.
Just change your controller setting make the vertical motion less sensitive and the horizontal motion more sensitive it helps alot you will get more headshots and be able to turn around faster. Also always play as a team if you have to rush in and die to save your teammate at least try it you won't win solo so keep your team alive at all costs!
Just change your controller setting make the vertical motion less sensitive and the horizontal motion more sensitive it helps alot you will get more headshots and be able to turn around faster. Also always play as a team if you have to rush in and die to save your teammate at least try it you won't win solo so keep your team alive at all costs!

in the beginning I always tried to track dudes who jumped up and down and I'm not good enough for that..... now I just turn sideways and wait for them to come down... still a disadvantage as they land 1-2 hits... but it's a technique thing..... I'll try the Y sensitivty thing out. It makes sense as you don't want to look up and down as quick as side to side....
it happened. the game balance update is live. they reduced the wingman fire rate and increased the hipfire spread to force players to aim down sights... i played today and got more kills than any other day and came in 2-3rd quite a few times. so it helped me at least....

\some of the adjustments made....


  • Wingman
    • Rate of fire reduced from 3.1 -> 2.6 shots per second.

    • Skullpiercer Headshot damage multiplier reduced from 2.5 -> 2.25

    • Increased base hip fire spread and decreased the rate at which hip fire spread decays (shrinks back down).
  • Peacekeeper
    • Shotgun Bolt rechamber rate has been reduced for the Peacekeeper only.
      • Level 1 mitigation 10% -> 7.5%

      • Level 2 mitigation 20% -> 13%

      • Level 3 mitigation 25% -> 16%
  • Wingman and Peacekeeper availability has been reduced in all zone tiers.

  • Increased availability of energy weapons & ammo in all zone tiers.

Major balance changes:

  • Hit box size reductions and optimizations for Caustic, Pathfinder and Gibraltar
    • We’re better sizing hitboxes to character gear & model

    • Since these adjustments have a MAJOR impact on the game, we want to make sure there aren't any major bugs, so we didn’t want to rush them out

    • If these adjustments prove to be insufficient, we’ll consider additional adjustments during Season 1

Minor balance changes:

  • Caustic
    • Traps - Reduced cooldown to 25 seconds from 30 seconds

    • Traps - Increased radius and proximity radius by about 10%

    • Traps - Removed a 1 second delay on the smoke dealing damage to players
  • Pathfinder
    • Insider Knowledge - Increased the number of beacons in the world to 12 from 10
  • Lifeline
    • Care Package - Removed slight chance that level 4 armor and helmets will drop
  • Wraith
    • Into The Void - Cooldown increased from 20 -> 25 seconds
  • Bangalore
    • Double Time - Reduced move speed bonus to 30% from 40%
No change to Mozambique though :D
in the beginning I always tried to track dudes who jumped up and down and I'm not good enough for that..... now I just turn sideways and wait for them to come down... still a disadvantage as they land 1-2 hits... but it's a technique thing..... I'll try the Y sensitivty thing out. It makes sense as you don't want to look up and down as quick as side to side....
I do the same thing if I can land the headshot it usually works out for me. Let me know if the sensitivity change helps you out
I do the same thing if I can land the headshot it usually works out for me. Let me know if the sensitivity change helps you out

I did it... it did help with missing high and low... I still suck ballsacks though... i found a squad where everybody is kind of bad and wanting to improve....... tonight we're dropping to the high tier area every single drop to improve dammit....

yesterday we finally got a lobby where everybody felt noobish and I got into some fun gunfights.... I finally unlocked mirage and he's quickly becoming my favorite - I bamboozled the hell out of 2 teams and beat them after the squad was knocked down.... which a week ago there was no fucking way.....

the champion and I can imagine the top 5-6 squads were TTV someshit hardcore pros - so we didn't win or place super high... but it was fuuun...... finally... or maybe I'm just improving......
I did it... it did help with missing high and low... I still suck ballsacks though... i found a squad where everybody is kind of bad and wanting to improve....... tonight we're dropping to the high tier area every single drop to improve dammit....

yesterday we finally got a lobby where everybody felt noobish and I got into some fun gunfights.... I finally unlocked mirage and he's quickly becoming my favorite - I bamboozled the hell out of 2 teams and beat them after the squad was knocked down.... which a week ago there was no fucking way.....

the champion and I can imagine the top 5-6 squads were TTV someshit hardcore pros - so we didn't win or place super high... but it was fuuun...... finally... or maybe I'm just improving......
Dope! I'm glad it helped I also adjusted my field of view to the max it seems to help a little
Dope! I'm glad it helped I also adjusted my field of view to the max it seems to help a little

I'm still hoping ranked servers become a thing. out of my handful of friends that have been squadding up recently, almost 1/2 already got off the Apex Legends bandwagon.... they got bored with the tryhards destroying everybody each game...... Every game somebody with 1400-1500 kills kills our entire squad.... on Tuesday night we had a group of 12 guys that looked for squads joined a Discord server.... wednesday it was 12 again - everybody could squad up and play... it was fun......

tonight only 2 of us are planning to play... the rest went back to other games RTS's, COD, Fortnite.. but the rest are done with Apex... which sucks it's a great game...

just not fun for noobs at the moment....
I'm still hoping ranked servers become a thing. out of my handful of friends that have been squadding up recently, almost 1/2 already got off the Apex Legends bandwagon.... they got bored with the tryhards destroying everybody each game...... Every game somebody with 1400-1500 kills kills our entire squad.... on Tuesday night we had a group of 12 guys that looked for squads joined a Discord server.... wednesday it was 12 again - everybody could squad up and play... it was fun......

tonight only 2 of us are planning to play... the rest went back to other games RTS's, COD, Fortnite.. but the rest are done with Apex... which sucks it's a great game...

just not fun for noobs at the moment....
Fortnite recently did a big update if Apex has a good update soon I'm sure people will go back to it