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...I think it is a cool partnership/distributorship which shows that people can overcome their differences and disagreements.

I don’t agree with every decision that has been made at GPS. I don’t agree with every decision that Heisenbeans has made. And I don’t agree with every decision that my other business (that needs to remain anonymous) has made. Comprimise is the nature of human relations, we will never agree on everything and everyone has emotions. Sometimes we misbehave like naughty hairless apes with oversized brains and underdeveloped emotional intelligence...I’m looking in the mirror.

ya i guess that's one way to look at shit.. not talking shit about/to you, and it makes 100% sense for someone with a personal stake in the business to feel/see things that way.. Shit kinda happened with a whiplash though.. maybe could have eased people into the shit or something??

It was like when trump went from tweeting about "Rocket Man" Un to giving speeches claiming they're in love now. I'm all for a more peaceful world if he can figure things out, but sometimes when people go from being ENEMIES to FRIENDS "too quick" it can cause people to make inferences about peoples character or motive..

I really dont give a fuck, seeing as my day wont be any different one way or the other, but all the "people can overcome differences and disagreements" kinda sounds funny to those of us* who lived through that GPS bullshit..

*I speak for nobody but myself, just my way of speaking/typing
Pretty sure the marijuana business stands alone when it comes to the fuckery brought on it by every no talent with a keyboard. An industry run by fragile egos, shit talking and some convoluted sense of entitlement because "we were there first", and anyone who dare compete with the establishment is somehow only after the money. All I can say is when the feds in your country legalize it, the dust up and fallout will be unparalleled. Billions will be made and lost, and the petty bullshit will all be forgotten, including the afterthought of "customers", fuckhead or otherwise.
Interesting take, I mostly agree, but I don’t think of customers as an afterthought, despite the “fuckhead” comment. I identify primarily as a consumer and individual human, in that regard. And from that context, I take customer serice very seriously when operating in a business context; including the cannabis business. I’m not replying to your post with all of this detail because I think you to be told how I feel. I feel a need to articulate it publicly in a general sense. Thank you for your thoughtful post, @BurtMaklin
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ya i guess that's one way to look at shit.. not talking shit about/to you, and it makes 100% sense for someone with a personal stake in the business to feel/see things that way.. Shit kinda happened with a whiplash though.. maybe could have eased people into the shit or something??

It was like when trump went from tweeting about "Rocket Man" Un to giving speeches claiming they're in love now. I'm all for a more peaceful world if he can figure things out, but sometimes when people go from being ENEMIES to FRIENDS "too quick" it can cause people to make inferences about peoples character or motive..

I really dont give a fuck, seeing as my day wont be any different one way or the other, but all the "people can overcome differences and disagreements" kinda sounds funny to those of us* who lived through that GPS bullshit..

*I speak for nobody but myself, just my way of speaking/typing
I feel you, I really do. I am trying to get along through life, like anyone, and I am not particularly pleased by some shit that has happened with GPS or Heisen, but ultimately it is small potatoes compared to many transgressions people have suffered. Compared to the shadyness of the seed game in general, I think neither of those business entities really represents anything malicious in the world. I want to keep my hands as clean as possible, I wash them at least 30 times a day. Everyone is trying their best and everyone had their reasons. Real “fuckheads” are only between 1-10% of all peopme, and I don’t think Gu~ or Heisen qualify as part of that set, but I am undeniably biased because of my involvement. Take it how you will. I don’t want to get into making excuses for anyone or anything, especially myself. I like you, human. No pain here, we are 100% good.
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I will be starting a new thread, called A Great Place To Be. It will be a great place to be. I will post there, and all potential posts by others will have to be approved by me to get posted. I do not anticipate anyone getting their posts approved. As I said, it will be a great place to be, but none of you can be there. Enjoy !
I will be starting a new thread, called A Great Place To Be. It will be a great place to be. I will post there, and all potential posts by others will have to be approved by me to get posted. I do not anticipate anyone getting their posts approved. As I said, it will be a great place to be, but none of you can be there. Enjoy !
Solipsist Paradise. Where do I sign? (Only one place)

You posts are wonderfully cryptic.
I will be starting a new thread, called A Great Place To Be. It will be a great place to be. I will post there, and all potential posts by others will have to be approved by me to get posted. I do not anticipate anyone getting their posts approved. As I said, it will be a great place to be, but none of you can be there. Enjoy !

See you there!
ya i guess that's one way to look at shit.. not talking shit about/to you, and it makes 100% sense for someone with a personal stake in the business to feel/see things that way.. Shit kinda happened with a whiplash though.. maybe could have eased people into the shit or something??

It was like when trump went from tweeting about "Rocket Man" Un to giving speeches claiming they're in love now. I'm all for a more peaceful world if he can figure things out, but sometimes when people go from being ENEMIES to FRIENDS "too quick" it can cause people to make inferences about peoples character or motive..

I really dont give a fuck, seeing as my day wont be any different one way or the other, but all the "people can overcome differences and disagreements" kinda sounds funny to those of us* who lived through that GPS bullshit..

*I speak for nobody but myself, just my way of speaking/typing
I had no foreknowledge of the announcement itself, and the news of the potential partnership was a surprise to me, too, but I did not fight it. Truth is stranger than fiction. Life is weird. I want to clarify what I knew, and when. It could have been handled more gracefully, perhaps, and I definitely understand how jarring it is for a lot of us. Myself included, if for no other reason than knowing the last year of history behind it. I have to shut up now, seriously.
They still have his ad up? Is that from today?
Yesterday...it's a piece of history now lol
I see he still trying to throw them weak jabs..
Sad to see really...
I see what you're saying but that would be out of Heisens character to not say dick shit like that. I know I'd be tempted to do the same. Lg2k really upped the exposure level.
I think it's hilarious. Dude followed him to ig still trolling, but all it did was increase exposure.
It's becoming quite sad IMO. Heisens not going to win vs. a guy who talks shit to cancer patients because he has a higher plant count than they do. Makes fun of them. People dying with Cancer...mocking them...

you can't win vs. people like that. Heisen needs to fucking stop...lol.

I'll tell yah this, if he's so well connected I don't want to know a single person he knows. The company you keep.
It's becoming quite sad IMO. Heisens not going to win vs. a guy who talks shit to cancer patients because he has a higher plant count than they do. Makes fun of them. People dying with Cancer...mocking them...

you can't win vs. people like that. Heisen needs to fucking stop...lol.

I'll tell yah this, if he's so well connected I don't want to know a single person he knows. The company you keep.
Word. You're not wrong. The only way to win against someone like that is to succeed.
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