How many under t5


Well-Known Member
Don’t think it’s a light issue at this point as they don’t look like there stretching for the light
Gonna let em dry out and give em a small water when they next need one but I only gave em say a pint of water maybe 2 per plant


Well-Known Member
how many should I put under a t5 2ft 2 bulb?
Ok, I failed. My hope was that other people would reply with stuff like; jedan, un, واحد, Yī.....

Or at the VERY LEAST, @vostok would have replied "один". Lol.

And hey, I'm a newb (an old newb), so my answer could have been wrong anyways.
the T5 2x2 is OK for germing and early veg

but in truth not enough GRUNT!

go get another then we'll talk (еще одну, пожалуйста)

it will bring you up to an acceptable level of lux

Search Results for Query: T5 by V'



Well-Known Member
Is this correct, you have been growing those plants under that light and you only water and so far have not fed it?
When did you transplant, recently? Doesn't appear those have been planted in those pots that long, or I could be wrong......


Well-Known Member
Is this correct, you have been growing those plants under that light and you only water and so far have not fed it?
When did you transplant, recently? Doesn't appear those have been planted in those pots that long, or I could be wrong......
I think it’s been like 4 days. They’ve had a foliar feed of plant magic evolution which was diluted by 50%
Going to give them there first diluted feed of atami a + b in like 3 days, half a pint each I’m thinking


Well-Known Member
Added another t5 and a little fan, not gonna feed today pots still a little heavy
in about 2 weeks even less I'd be flipping to 50/50 warm white to cool white tubes

for correct angular growth

light color does impede the hormones

good luck