First DWC LED auto

Just add an Intake fan onto one of the bottom ports of the tent, opposite the side that your exhaust is on, on the ceiling.
Yes i get that negative pressure is the principle.
But i don't like that the tent goes vacuum. I see it really sucking together. Imo that is because there is to little air inlet.
I Can make the air inlet bigger. (now tent stays open a bit and i seems fine ..)
But my clothes are in the same room so i'm timing that i don't need to go in the room when they are sleeping because that would be bad. ( waking them up because light)

SO still need to figure that out because when leaving the tent open it will smell hard in a while.

Day 26 now ;
DAy 5 for the newlings since sprouting ;

So what i do.
I have 3 screens so i open previous pictures and place them next to the newer ones.
On a 6day note ,since going into the boxes. They flourished :)
Many became twice as big. The ones on the left under the vipar are doing the best.
So next time .. Buying another viparspectra R900 :)

On a 3day note ( didn't posted those pics)
Also nice growth. They all seem to follow up nicely and none are leaving behind.
Also my sprouts are seeming more healthy then my last attempt.
Now they got directly the light when they showed there leaves. As where previous time they got light to late because not home.



The mongol on the left is showing as first it's a female lol. ( altough they all are )
Just watered the sprouts fully. So on the bottom & on top. First watering they get. Hope its not too much for them.
Hmm might work indeed. Will give it a try since i have another one laying around :)
Altough i'll need him in the future for the seedlings.

Anyway Update time
Day 31
Yesterday i've put on the bloom lights on the right side.
Showed nice reaction in 1day so decided to put the bloom on left side on too.
Lets gooo :)
Still didn't got a watering since they were transplanted. Think tomorrow or the day after will be the time. Especially with the extra heat from the bloom switches.



DAy 10 seedlings
They are growing and seem fine ,just fine. Altough i think it could be better.
Still only with the RO water.
Just a question. I saw that the metal bars of my tent are getting crooked..
They are not broken but i don't want the whole tent to be falling, that could cause some serious bad shit imo.

Anyone has some tips for me ? I'll post a picture today

I think i just will put some wooden balks on it to help carrying the weight in the middle.
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Not sure what"baulks" are but if you mean brace the buckling parts with wood I don't see why that wouldn't work. Just make sure the it's tight up againstthe pole. You could even get 4 pieces of lumber that are long enough to just stick under the 4 corners,have the bottom of the wood on the floor and the top of the wood right under the corner joints. Don't know your tool situation but if you have the right stuff you could cut or drill a notch out of the top of the lumber to the outside diameter of a piece of the corner so it'd be actually holding the corner up. You could keep the wood tight to thecorners byjust using some zip ties. Not sure if I'm saying it clearly,and I'm sure others will have better ideas,just some wick thoughts off the top of my head.
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Not sure what"baulks" are but if you mean brace the buckling parts with wood I don't see why that wouldn't work. Just make sure the it's tight up againstthe pole. You could even get 4 pieces of lumber that are long enough to just stick under the 4 corners,have the bottom of the wood on the floor and the top of the wood right under the corner joints. Don't know your tool situation but if you have the right stuff you could cut or drill a notch out of the top of the lumber to the outside diameter of a piece of the corner so it'd be actually holding the corner up. You could keep the wood tight to thecorners byjust using some zip ties. Not sure if I'm saying it clearly,and I'm sure others will have better ideas,just some wick thoughts off the top of my head.
I recommend this method.
Cut the length of wood to the height you want. Then notch out a piece and slide it in to hold your pole up. Just basically taking the weight off it and putting it into the wood.
Yep exactly how i've done it :D
But damn it was a hassle to get to the back and had to twist and turn alot with the wood.
Also placed to of them in front. Seem to hold everything well. Also the left one is not vertical because there was something in the way. But its steady now so thats nice.

Today i'll be experimenting with the temperature and air fan.
I've put my glasswool/isolation walls again on it since my girlfriend thinks it's to noisy.
So put my air fan bit harder. ( still only at 20-30% of the power i think)
Also opened another air hole on the side ( which was also not that easy lol)
But they seem to suck the air quit nicely. Tested it with smoke and it sucked in directly.

DAY 33

Not sure if it was that good to put 2 plants in 1 box lol.
I wonder if the roots will fight with each other or if they just don't care that they have a sister in the box.


These ones are still alot smaller then my others but seem to grow fine so..
They are showing all there pistols already. As where the bigger ones are just starting to

DAy 12, they seem to go good and will start to flourish in a while.
When roots are showing i'll give them bigger cups.
The mongols i will just let in these pots or give them slightly bigger ones. But no boxes.

Today i'll start looking for an extra light to replace my yellow spectrabox. I more like the viparspectra to be honest.
DAy 37

The ones on the left are really spurting up.
So fast that even 2plants got a bit burned. So put the light higher.
Also got their first real watering since the boxes. Hope they will like it :D
This week my new viparspectra r900 willl replace the yellow one on the right.

I've got the feeling that the plants on the right will be an early harvest.
They show alot of the white hairs already and even 1 is already producing thc on the leaves.
Where the ones on the left are not showing that yet. So i think they will keep on growing lol.

Then i'll use the yellow one on my smaller tent for the seedlings.



DAy 16

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My yellow spectrabox has 2 broken drivers.
On the black boxes( drivers) : C100 7030-C is written.
When i open de drivers i see :
PQ 3220 24-36

Any chance someone knows where i can buy 2 of these drivers ?

Is this burning from the led ?
To me its on a strange place -> not the closest to the led.
Also my biggest 2 don't have this..

I saw they were dry today so i gave them a very good dripping in a larger box.
Afcorse still ph'ed water from the tap.
No nutrients so far..
Must say its becomming a bit hotter in the tent because the 2bloom modes are on.
But it's still 27-30°C which shouldn't be a problem.

Maybe a Calcium def? Or maybe because they were a bit underwatered..
I placed the leds a bit higher and will follow up closely.
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Looks like more of a deficiency, from overfeeding another nute. Is there any stress showing on the stems?
Well i didn't gave them nutrients..
Only very hard water from the tap.
Stem are not showing bad things.
Also all the plants got the same things in their life so chances are big it will show on other also ..
Day 41

Got rid of the dwc thing underneath it so they would have more air space and more space between them & the lights.
Hopefully the burning stops.
The tent is now cleaner and easier to maintain -> more space between them.
Watered them good yesterday from beneath : placing them in a bigger box so that the lower part of the earth is soaked in the water.



Day 20
They were a bit droopy yesterday. the day before i watered them but yesterday they were completely dry already so that would give them some stress.
They are now in the seperate smaller tent. Were they will flourish hopefully
I'm thinking on LST them.
Also next time i'll do smaller amounts of plants and let plants take their space. Seems the right choice


Well i didn't gave them nutrients..
Only very hard water from the tap.
Stem are not showing bad things.
Also all the plants got the same things in their life so chances are big it will show on other also ..

Your soil would be the cause then in that regard, but whats the PH of the tap water?
6-6.2 , i ph it.
Regular tap is like 7
Leaves are bit less dark green, more light.
Also tips pointing down & edges light.
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Day 45

Just gave them one hell of a watering since they were bonedry.
Seems the growth has been stopped for the biggest ones.
So that means it will be time to develop them budz :D

3 smallest ones are already busy swelling.
I think 2more weeks and they will be ready.

For the bigger ones , could take a while longer , some are not showing the flowers yet.




Day 24 for the smaller ones.
I've started bending them 2days ago. Will aim for a bush in stead off tall plants with small cropz.
Today i gave them another bend.


Day 52
They keep on growing lol
The smallest ones are starting to fatten up :)
Hope the big ones are following.
Yesterday they got a big watering again.
trying to vent the air more now for lower humidity during budmaking.
Still added nothing so far.



Above the line its fully bud. Small plant but still will be nice :)
I saw this one getting denser and denser ,so really hoping the other bigger ones will do the same.

day 31
still bending.
I think i'll go after proper bending things today to get them fully flat to the ground.
I was thinking on a scrognet too. But that would mean difficulties for watering as i place them now in a bigger box to give water from underneath + above. To make them fully soaked.

it seems the one purple in the middle i have topped in stead of bended lol.
Well hope he will be fine but i think so ;) another experiment , not on purpose though.
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