Wow awesome read!! I love me a good science fiction story every now and then. Now back to reality...........
1) I'll take a naked pic of Heisen middle fingering a pig before listening to anymore of your blather.
2) I've got crap seeds from many big name breeders. Not every seed will be a trophy winner. We know this.
3) Heisen curses people out and calls them names? ME TOO!! We are like brothers from another mother
4) You do hydro? So does Heisen, but he's better than you.
I notice you inject many of my sarcastic posts into your jibber jabbing. It's good that I have you seeing lawyers and actually money transfers for nude pics. I like that you actually believe these things. It lets me know 100% that you are an insane individual and can't stop thinking about me and Heisen.
Admit it, you want to be like us. You have a human sized golden naked statue of Apollo which you massage in all the right places. Every time you massage this wondrous statue you whisper softly in its golden ears............."Kiss me Heisen, I adore you", all the while caressing the statues' muscular chest. Once you are fully aroused you run off into the bathroom to masturbate furiously into the hot water. Then, when finished and drained, you go to bed for the night and wish for Heisen to cum to you in your dreams.
Oh flowerpetal, you poor schmuck, how I envy your guilty pleasures. Don't ever change flowerpetal cause I'm really starting to like you![]()
jesus. i hate hydro. all dirt. if you talk like a child with no manners, yes your mother is gonna show up and spank your silly ass. if you're that tight with stain boy you take nude pics with him, continue that train to tumblr. or grindr. or whatever. i dont see lawyers. i dont know you. i dont care to.