The Greatest Show On Earth Presents The 16oz Party Cup Grow Off


Well-Known Member
:clap: Teach me the ways...specifically time management and how you’re keeping her fed.
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Haha im always home. I have a bad back problem and I cannot work. Even sitting down hurts like hell. So, I have all the time in the world to be in this comp, literally.
@OneHitDone All that flora flex tubing is from the plant I chopped down. As you can see its not there no more and I only have one plant flowering and another in flush mode.
Edit, Ill let yo know how I am feeding her as another grower has asked to spill the beans. He never said when I had to spill the beans. So, I will do it at the end when everyones done.


Well-Known Member
Damnit @OneHitDone you have my high ass looking back to the what? Wait, I thought this was no line, wick, etc...? You’re also making me expect the worst out of people which I don’t enjoy, I do that enough on a day to day basis. The main reason I enjoy and prefer spending time with plants and animals.

Lol I was just curious about watering/feeding that monster and keeping her happy. I know you already divulged your rockwool trick. I was usually able to check daily, but there was a cpl days I wasn’t able to tend to her and I kept her healthy til last week.

Now it’s straight water and the deficiencies are showing. I’m chopping next weekend at some point.

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Well-Known Member
Damnit @OneHitDone you have my high ass looking back to the what? Wait, I thought this was no line, wick, etc...? You’re also making me expect the worst out of people which I don’t enjoy, I do that enough on a day to day basis. The main reason I enjoy and prefer spending time with plants and animals.

Lol I was just curious about watering/feeding that monster and keeping her happy. I know you already divulged your rockwool trick. I was usually able to check daily, but there was a cpl days I wasn’t able to tend to her and I kept her healthy til last week.

Now it’s straight water and the deficiencies are showing. I’m chopping next weekend at some point.

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We are in the Party Cup thread brother - the intent is to talk shit and stir shit up!
Have some fun with it. I gotta give you mad props, no whiney bullshit like that white widow (tried to tag him but not wasting my time looking pages back to get the right person) Clown crying at the very beginning go the comp. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Brother OneHitDone Week 11 Cupdate:
She asked to come out for a photo shoot this evening and to get a nice heavy flush. Will most like be chopping by next weeks update if all goes on schedule.
She may not end up being the heaviest plant "in this comp" but she did it with style and played by all the rules.
Yes @PSUAGRO. you can even grow in a tent with no dehumidification and not get PM :P

week11-1.jpg week11-2.jpg week11-3.jpg week11-4.jpg week11-5.jpg week11-6.jpg week11-7.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys!
I have about 5 - 10 days left before harvest.
I'm going to re veg my plant and plan on putting it in a 1 gallon pot to do it.
Not sure if it would be different in soil vs coco.
Do you guys leave it in the solo cup or pot up when you re veg?

Add some clonex (or indolButteryAcid powder) to the water, mate. It helps with reveging cause it initiate new root growth pretty fast. IBA is a root hormone. No need to wait until she produce hormones herself.
A 24/0 light shedule helps too and like Thegermling mentioned already kelp extract contains also a few useful hormones.

But what the hell do you see in her?
She is certainly not the keeper you have to have absolutely.
I do it only for plants with exorbitant good properties. Have I overlooked something?


Well-Known Member
Add some clonex (or indolButteryAcid powder) to the water, mate. It helps with reveging cause it initiate new root growth pretty fast. IBA is a root hormone. No need to wait until she produce hormones herself.
A 24/0 light shedule helps too and like Thegermling mentioned already kelp extract contains also a few useful hormones.

But what the hell do you see in her?
She is certainly not the keeper you have to have absolutely.
I do it only for plants with exorbitant good properties. Have I overlooked something?
That will be the Party Cup "After Party" - The "Re-veg Championship" :lol:


Well-Known Member
I think all participants should tell us some more about their used techniques, the nutes they use and especially the ones
having bigger more healthy looking plants should mention their tipps and tricks how they keep their plants happy.
Such comps can help others to improve their grow skills and to become better gardeners.
Maybe I'm stupid because I tell my secrets, lol! But I do it anyway ..

I see for instance some peeps using organic soil, half filled cups, small bonsai queens and added worm compost or other organic stuff. Such a technique leads to good results when using 5-15gal pots to allow the plants to develope a huge root system. But for small party cups that's not the right system without a few tricks.
At 1st you would need a soil mix with relatively low EC, only slow released nutrients but at the same time you need the highest drainage you can get to get enough fresh air into the root system. In general you would treat the soil like coco and water up to 5 times the day but with organic ferts like fish emulsion, molasses, compost tee's, kelp or other fermented stuff like bokashi tea. With each watering you need to replace the diluted parts of the available nutes and allow fresh air to be soaked in. Result would be you get improved growth rates like with a hydro setup.
When the drain water runs off below fresh air gets soaked in from above. Roots can take up much more oxygene, water and nutes and even with a small cup and a relatively small root system the plants can grow relatively big and healthy.
Think on 2" netpots in some hydro systems..
You need probably a soil mix with only 200ppm or less to make it work. And 400-600ppm would already be enough for daily feedings. The more often you feed the lower the ppms should be.

Only one member has aerated his organic soil additionally and has added a small air hose deep in the soil near the botton of the cup.This is just another way to allow the roots to take up enough oyxgene and the amounts of nutrients they need to grow big. All other users having big plants use a watering schedule with up to 5 waterings per day or even more.
So one secret for a small but powerful root system is AIR!
I hope others will also tell us some of their "secrets".

So, and now it's time for the "green hotel" saturday morning cupdate.
With some good music to get the needed good vibes..

11 weeks are done and my little lady has already 25% orange pistels. Buds slowly swell up and getting more dense. She smells still woody, spicy and a bit like pepper too but the fuel like smell has almost disappeared.
No colors till now. A few leaves touching the sidelights show some discoloration but unfortunately no purple till now. Probably because I have no UV this time..

Watering: hand watering, 5 times the day, each time ~100ml's, ~20-30ml run off with each watering, no waterings at night.
Nute soup: reduced to 750ppm's, PH set to 5,8, run off has PH ~6,1-6,2., additives MycorrMax, Powerzyme, kelp extract.
Enviroment: 25-26°C and 60-65% with light on, 55-60% with lights off, no CO² but the room usually has 600-700ppms.
Light: 150w 3000 and 1850°k mix from above + 2x 12w 5k sidelights.
Intensity: ~60klx or ~900μMol/s ppfd around the top cola and ~600-700 further down around the sidebuds.

So, enough blah-blah..
Side, top and bottom view frist.
side view.jpg top view.jpg buttom view with Green Hotel.jpg

Top cola close up...
top cola.jpg

Side cola close up..
side buds.jpg

And a pic in portrait mode with black background. Maybe another week or two cuz there's no amber to date. Still hope to see some purple when she's done but seems its not cold enough..
portrait mode.jpg

No2 and 3 are still one week behind because of the repotting..

No2 starting to fade out.jpg No3 still alive.jpg

Next week I'll talk about the sidelights and why I've used 5k with lots of blue.


Well-Known Member
That will be the Party Cup "After Party" - The "Re-veg Championship" :lol:
LMFAO! And the winner gets a what? Some coco cubes..?
I hate to reveg!
Takes for ever until the new growth looks normal again. In the same time you can grow a new even better and more healthy plant. It only makes sense IMO when you have either no other seeds or when you have a really rare no longer available strain/cut.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO! And the winner gets a what? Some coco cubes..?
I hate to reveg!
Takes for ever until the new growth looks normal again. In the same time you can grow a new even better and more healthy plant. It only makes sense IMO when you have either no other seeds or when you have a really rare no longer available strain/cut.
Don't be a Debbie Downer!
Let us kids have our fun.
It will keep us out of trouble waiting for Opie to finish lol.


Well-Known Member
I started thinking about doing that after I saw your post, but the idea of having to leave at least 5 nugs on isn't appealing to me lol would be no problem for RB's plant :bigjoint:
It was a long time ago but I'm pretty sure one time I carefully removed the buds and eventually growth showed up from the sides where the bud was.
I'm only going to leave the tiny buds at the bottom just in case and above those buds I'll leave a stalk with 2 nodes with a few leaves minus the buds.

Big Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
As far as my grow process: I put seeds in a shot glass of tap water overnight. After that, they are still floating (even tho everyone says theirs sink) so I put them into a damp paper towel and into a ziplock baggy. This I place on something warm (computer) until I see a taproot, then I plant into a cup about half full of coco/perlite. As the spindly little plant grows, I add more coco/perlite to help support it.

For nutrients, I have 1 13 gallon reservoir that hold my water/nutrient mix that I use to feed ALL of my plants: Vegging plants, flowering plants, roma tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, red romaine lettuce, buttercrunch lettuce, ghost peppers, jalapeno peppers, trinidad scorpion peppers, etc. My magic nutrient mix started out as standard Jacks 3:2:1 ratio, but I have since changed to Jacks Hydro Pro at 3 grams/gallon, calcium nitrate at 3 grams/gallon, and epsom salts at 2 grams per gallon. This mixture equates to about 1200 ppm. Ph is around 6.0. I dilute it to about 25% for seedlings and steadily increase it to 100%. Occasionally I will add 2 grams/gallon of mkp and/or some hydroguard. Even at 1200 ppm, I rarely get nute burn and as you can see, the plants drain the lower leaves of their nutrients.

Lighting: All of my lights currently being used are 4000k led strips (birdcage, veg, and flower tent). My birdcage above is adjustable from basically 0 watts to the maximum I have run is 135 watts. The power supply driving the birdcage is enough to run 3 or 4 birdcages if the mood stikes me to build some more. For the competition, I started out around 80 watts IIRC, and ramped it up to 135 watts but lowered it down to 125 watts last week only because my garage temperature is rising due to warm weather.
Watering schedule: For my birdcage, I water about 6 ounces of nutrient water in the morning and evening, and most days my assistant will water around noon.

I am an open book about how I grow. If anyone has any questions about it, just ask. To me, my method is pretty simple with no magic in the mix.


Well-Known Member
I’m just disappointed that my wild card/ace in the hole Fred, never showed up.

As for my soil grow-I could have kept the leaves healthier with more feedings at lower ppm, but am not around for multiple feedings daily. The bonsai plant was not intended but due to the fact she didn’t stretch at all-unknown genetics/stress of cup probably. I have a layer of hydroton in the bottom of my cup that allows some oxygen to the roots and when watered on a flat surface creates a bubbling action shortly before run off which helps I believe.

Overall, I’m satisfied with my 1st LED solo-cup competition. Learned a lot for the next one and in the meantime hopefully will find a more suitable strain to run.


Well-Known Member
Watering: hand watering, 5 times the day, each time ~100ml's, ~20-30ml run off with each watering, no waterings at night.
My girl was lucky to get a once per day watering with the need to skip one a few times cause the cup felt heavy o_O
Just shows how everyones environment plays a huge roll on their performance.
This cup is supposed to be fun and not about implementing your whole grow room arsenal on a single cup.
Moral of the story - for best performance stick your party cup right into your main flower room scrog net where all climate factors are already in check :lol:


Well-Known Member
As far as my grow process: I put seeds in a shot glass of tap water overnight. After that, they are still floating (even tho everyone says theirs sink) so I put them into a damp paper towel and into a ziplock baggy. This I place on something warm (computer) until I see a taproot, then I plant into a cup about half full of coco/perlite. As the spindly little plant grows, I add more coco/perlite to help support it.

For nutrients, I have 1 13 gallon reservoir that hold my water/nutrient mix that I use to feed ALL of my plants: Vegging plants, flowering plants, roma tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, red romaine lettuce, buttercrunch lettuce, ghost peppers, jalapeno peppers, trinidad scorpion peppers, etc. My magic nutrient mix started out as standard Jacks 3:2:1 ratio, but I have since changed to Jacks Hydro Pro at 3 grams/gallon, calcium nitrate at 3 grams/gallon, and epsom salts at 2 grams per gallon. This mixture equates to about 1200 ppm. Ph is around 6.0. I dilute it to about 25% for seedlings and steadily increase it to 100%. Occasionally I will add 2 grams/gallon of mkp and/or some hydroguard. Even at 1200 ppm, I rarely get nute burn and as you can see, the plants drain the lower leaves of their nutrients.

Lighting: All of my lights currently being used are 4000k led strips (birdcage, veg, and flower tent). My birdcage above is adjustable from basically 0 watts to the maximum I have run is 135 watts. The power supply driving the birdcage is enough to run 3 or 4 birdcages if the mood stikes me to build some more. For the competition, I started out around 80 watts IIRC, and ramped it up to 135 watts but lowered it down to 125 watts last week only because my garage temperature is rising due to warm weather.
Watering schedule: For my birdcage, I water about 6 ounces of nutrient water in the morning and evening, and most days my assistant will water around noon.

I am an open book about how I grow. If anyone has any questions about it, just ask. To me, my method is pretty simple with no magic in the mix.


Exactly what I mean. So many ways leads to rome and everyones grow style is a bit different. Some are more successful other not so much. But when we all do this consequently I'm pretty sure we see more high yielding plants with the next comp.