Random Jabber Jibber thread


Well-Known Member

So this add has been removed as it is considered racist.
Shit like this is what leaves the right confused, threatened and angry...

We are going to have to learn to grow a thicker skin.

Chopsticks are funny? was one response... no dude, nothing is funny. Almost all laughter is a form of violence at the expense of someone else. That is what primates do.

Rant over, sorry I got triggered
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Well-Known Member

So this add has been removed as it is considered racist.
Shit like this is what leaves the right confused, threatened and angry...

We are going to have to learn to grow a thicker skin.

Chopsticks are funny? was one response... no dude, nothing is funny. Almost all laughter is a form of violence at the expense of someone else. That is what primates do.

Rant over, sorry I got triggered
The power of social media When a few hundred offended people make the most noise and all of a sudden they define the social dialect on the subject.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Did we really need to tell this story AGAIN? Good casting, anyway. Takes guts to follow Ledger's performance. I'll probably see it...

i like Joaquin's work in general, and am interested in his take on the joker....but no...the fucking story has been told so many times it's obscuring itself in alternate 'facts'...i wonder what hollywood is going to do when they chew up all the available comic books? are they gonna start making movies out of "little golden books"....i can't wait to see who they cast as "the poky little puppy".......


Well-Known Member
Been watching turkeys fight for dominance for 2 days now. There's one huge Tom that's been kicking every other Tom's ass. He had one pinned down stomping on it yesterday. Fucking vicious. They really are pretty when they display, these turkeys have ridiculously blue heads.
that also means you have a flock of hens around too. They are vie-ing for dominance of the flock.....i have a couple of mating pairs on my property.....you can hear them from the house sometime. After they're done, go look for feathers...


Well-Known Member
I'm not a huge fan of turkey meat, they're too lean. I like a roasted leg occasionally, but that's it. Chicken or duck for me.
there is light and dark meat on a a turkey, to keep in mind.....and also how's it actually cooked is another thing......just deep fry the son of a gun...and your good


Well-Known Member
that also means you have a flock of hens around too. They are vie-ing for dominance of the flock.....i have a couple of mating pairs on my property.....you can hear them from the house sometime. After they're done, go look for feathers...
Oh yeah, there were 2 hens watching the fight. I had about a half dozen hens come through this morning with one Tom, but it didn't look like the big one. There's used to be a ton more turkeys around, but the new owners of the farm behind me did a good job taking their numbers down. They're corn farmers and hate the turkeys cause they tear up their seed.


Well-Known Member
there is light and dark meat on a a turkey, to keep in mind.....and also how's it actually cooked is another thing......just deep fry the son of a gun...and your good
That's why I like legs, I'm all about that dark meat. Deep fried turkey is the best way I've ever had it. We're supposed to be doing one this 4th of July at the beach, can't wait.


Virtually Unknown Member


Well-Known Member
you just gotta use more mayonnaise.....(or gravy, if it's hot....)....chicken is cool, i like the taste of duck, but it's way too greasy....
Before, when I had only had duck in Chinese food joints I thought the same thing. Then I had it from somewhere that knew how to cook it. Tender, moist and not fatty at all. I've tried cooking it myself a few times, mostly in a pan with mixed results, but once I followed a recipe called 3hour duck, for a roast, and it was superb. It had you make gravy from the drippings. Oh. My. God.