Archive Seed Bank

New to the archive strains

Which would you recommend
I can only purchase two
Lemon heads
Rainbow belts


I personally picked up rainbow belts and doughlato, mainly due to fems. Have 2 or 3 rainbow belts going now. Still waiting on the doughlato. I really wanted lemon heads, but dont need anymore seeds. Been wanting to try a lemon g cross for a while. Was looking at hazmat too I think, which ever was chem 91 x faceoff.
Does bagseed count? Every once in a while, I find viable seeds in packs of rec weed, usually of so-so budget weed. I've saved a few and run some for fun or to test things, but I recently came across a few from a bag of some especially fiery shit, looked up the strain (The Sweeties), and found out that the original breeder has a thread here on RIU. Not sure if the mom hermed or if some pollen got loose at the grow facility (and then who knows what cross it is) but I figured I'd grow it out and see what happens.


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Does bagseed count? Every once in a while, I find viable seeds in packs of rec weed, usually of so-so budget weed. I've saved a few and run some for fun or to test things, but I recently came across a few from a bag of some especially fiery shit, looked up the strain (The Sweeties), and found out that the original breeder has a thread here on RIU. Not sure if the mom hermed or if some pollen got loose at the grow facility (and then who knows what cross it is) but I figured I'd grow it out and see what happens.
Grow it, watch for balls/nanner when you flower. I've found some amazing plants from bagssed. If it came from good weed, chances are it will be good. I found a mandarin cookie bagseed recently that I'm pretty stoked about.
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If youre gonna run the slurricane f1s I'd recommend you pop the whole pack, lol. The 2 I have are going to have to do something amazing in the next week or so or else the clones are going in the garbage. My personal chucks impress me more honestly. I'll get pics up later tonight.
o_O That doesn't sound good. I went for those because it's was the dosi male from archive. Thought it was a no brainer.
If youre gonna run the slurricane f1s I'd recommend you pop the whole pack, lol. The 2 I have are going to have to do something amazing in the next week or so or else the clones are going in the garbage. My personal chucks impress me more honestly. I'll get pics up later tonight.
That's not good news... maybe the IHG are worth the asking price... fawk.
o_O That doesn't sound good. I went for those because it's was the dosi male from archive. Thought it was a no brainer.
The smaller pheno looks ok but had early nanners and its small. Looks ok but probably wont yield well.

I think I had too high of hopes for a frosted out cut like inhouse be showing off.

The taller pheno isnt impressive at all, lackluster resin production. But to be fair Im comparing the slurris to my oran jones cross and oran's mother, my highlander cut of lvtk, is a frost beast. That said Ill most likely pop more oran j's before the rest of my slurris.
With the parents I am also guilty of 'high of hopes for a frosted out cut like inhouse be showing' and really those packs should offer quality plants...

Lately I have honestly had better results popping beans for dudes on here. My Docs Slymeball is frosty as hell, Gens and Dankonomics gear is veggin with vigour.
The smaller pheno looks ok but had early nanners and its small. Looks ok but probably wont yield well.

I think I had too high of hopes for a frosted out cut like inhouse be showing off.

The taller pheno isnt impressive at all, lackluster resin production. But to be fair Im comparing the slurris to my oran jones cross and oran's mother, my highlander cut of lvtk, is a frost beast. That said Ill most likely pop more oran j's before the rest of my slurris.
Well sounds like I'll be popping all of them at once, lol.
The smaller pheno looks ok but had early nanners and its small. Looks ok but probably wont yield well.

I think I had too high of hopes for a frosted out cut like inhouse be showing off.

The taller pheno isnt impressive at all, lackluster resin production. But to be fair Im comparing the slurris to my oran jones cross and oran's mother, my highlander cut of lvtk, is a frost beast. That said Ill most likely pop more oran j's before the rest of my slurris.

I’ve got three popping now. I’m sure there will be at least one keeper in a pack but I guess you never know. It’s always a numbers game with f1s. I actually ended up getting freebies with my platinum order. 4 Foul Mouth regs from DVG. If I catch a flyer and get two good females outta these two packs it’ll be a win I guess.
The taller pheno of slurricane I will probably cull before it finishes flowering unless she changes soon. Not very resinous, no smell and lack luster flowers. I'm only keeping plants I want to run again and this one is not making the grade.20190420_221711.jpg
Here is the one that threw an early nanner but nothing since so far, she is a cool looking plant and frosty but she has zero smell so far. She is dark green compared to all the other plants. The jury is still out on her, she looks cool so we'll see if see does anything good.