What did you accomplish today?

Green Bay had new roundabouts put in a few years ago and a lot of people had no idea how to use them. I watched a few traffic jams from people stopping in the middle of the roundabout to let someone else in.
Oooh...don't get me started on that one. My Mom did that and one day...with me as a passenger, she stopped at the end of a freeway ramp and then merged right into a huge red semi truck. Last time I ever rode with her...
my mom would take both hands off of the wheel and cover her face....i learned how to drive with my left hand pretty young...
slowly moving in my sisters old room just waiting for her to throw away all her stuff because god forbide i throw something they are saving onto and get bitched at for it. once they give me the heads up im tossing everything in that room only thing im keeping is the bed. should only take me about 2 days max for me to move in though im tossing my bed away since it's old. moving the aquarium, got to more the tent as well and then move my computer stuff all fairly easy yet time consuming to do. clothes and what not is easy i don't got much clothes or anything in my clothes that i really need to move. i got this month and next month to start moving it'll be quick though. that room is bigger because it doesn't have the half bath so i got more space. the only bad thing is that room is hotter.

i think one of my fishes died; again not an intentional accomplishment but slowly getting closer to getting rid of my aquarium for more space or downgrading to fresh water again so save more money basically. i lost some sort of goby. it was a small one but i never have much luck with them i think they typically starve to death. i do feed a lot i just think they don't like eating in general. it could still be alive hard to tell sometimes they just hiding in their make shift caves thats why. all i got left is my clown fish and puffer that i know of. both look like they are doing okay. clown fish likely to go and puffer likely to die in a few years. i've had the puffer for an extremely long time now at least 10 years. other then that idk this tank is fairly old and abused. bought it used so yea condition isn't the greatest although cheap i had to pay for shipping so i basically paid the same price as a new one which goes for $250 here. would love to buy a acrylic tank but they scratch really easily with all the rock work you have in salt water aquariums.

other then that im pretty much just trying to clean up my room get ready for the big move so i have less shit to do in the end. debating if i do decide to stay in the aquarium hobby i'd have to revamp the entire thing get a new tank, get a new filtration system, etc.. just really costly upfront maybe about a $1000 investment
woke up this morning and people just pissing me off. bout to turn this whole house upside down and start throwing peoples shit away
did a bunch of errands before work. went to the bank deposited my check, paid my share of the bills for this month, went to the vet for my moms dogs check up. now all im doing is basically figuring out how the hell im going to manage paying for bills and a new car. at the rate my sister wants me to get a new car im basically going to go into debt because i'd need a car loan then pay that off. i kinda already know what 2 cars i want to get just as a first car nothing fancy eventually i can get something better.

setting a generic goal to save up about $5k by the end of this remaining year. really not hard for that amount but idk im like a compulsive spender i get money i spend it on shit i dont need. when i used to work 3 jobs that was the easiest for me to save up never had a day off to really spend my money and always went to sleep after work then wake up to another day of work.