nice i was thinking you maybe composted using um. i meet very few people who use unconventional critters for composting but it is possible besides worms of course. i used to run BSFL for composting as well as japanese beetle grubs.Food for toads, frogs and a lizard.
setting a generic goal to save up about $5k by the end of this remaining year. really not hard for that amount but idk im like a compulsive spender i get money i spend it on shit i dont need. when i used to work 3 jobs that was the easiest for me to save up never had a day off to really spend my money and always went to sleep after work then wake up to another day of work.
I'm surrounded by those also, just further away. I was in town earlier and I could see the mountains by Tahoe all the way up to Lassen and the coast range from the Bay up to by Red Bluff.
Back to step building. And some brick repair.
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Ripped those out today. Pouring new ones this week
Set up a savings account in a different bank, have your employer split your check & eft part of it to the new account then, don't fuck with it or even check on it.
If you don't see it, you will have less of a tendency to spend it.
Edit: I really like this page # and I'm sure Colonel Jeff Cooper would too.
That looks Sooooo good I have a salad sanga for lunch (that’s sandwich to the more civilised) I don’t even want it now and it’s all your fault lol
Hope you get better. I just got over the crud. I think it was bronchitis.Ugh, I think I'm sick. Thought it was allergies from being outside all weekend but now I'm having trouble regulating my body temperature and didn't sleep for shit.
Old england? Glen gery makes bricks that look close to that. Doesnt look as beat up though. Could be a life saver though if you lose or cant use some of the dark bricks..Doin a recycled brick job atm architect decided it needs a pattern not a fan of it though on paper View attachment 4321873In reality
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Living here I can find something under every rock.I love visiting places like that, but there's something special about living in a big city. I can walk out my door and hop on the subway, streetcar or bus and quickly get around... You really don't need a car if you live downtown, I drive less than 5,000km annually. There's always a festival, concert or something entertaining going on around the clock. My only real complaint is the cost of living is stupid high.
Living here I can find something under every rock.
And sometimes on top of them.
And few people to muddle the view.
There is always something interesting just around the the next briar patch.
Sounds like pure hell to me. Just the thought of going anywhere near a city gets my anxiety going. Too many fucking people. I haven't seen my grandfather in almost 3 months, mainly because I don't want to deal with the people and traffic, and he doesn't even live in the city, just on the far outskirts of Boston where it's only starting to get congested. Fuck, I get pissed at the birds when they're too loud in the morning, if I walked out my front door to people every day, I'd end up killing someone.I love visiting places like that, but there's something special about living in a big city. I can walk out my door and hop on the subway, streetcar or bus and quickly get around... You really don't need a car if you live downtown, I drive less than 5,000km annually. There's always a festival, concert or something entertaining going on around the clock. My only real complaint is the cost of living is stupid high.
when i was about 13 my mom hit a parked car in the mall parking lot. she drove a big ford van, which didn't even get a scratch. she didn't want me and my sisters to think she was a terrible person, so she put a note on the car, and we went into the mall...about 20 minutes later i went back out and looked at the note.My mom did that thing where they slam on the brakes for a dog 300 yards up the road in a yard on the opposite side.