What did you accomplish today?

Food for toads, frogs and a lizard.
nice i was thinking you maybe composted using um. i meet very few people who use unconventional critters for composting but it is possible besides worms of course. i used to run BSFL for composting as well as japanese beetle grubs.
setting a generic goal to save up about $5k by the end of this remaining year. really not hard for that amount but idk im like a compulsive spender i get money i spend it on shit i dont need. when i used to work 3 jobs that was the easiest for me to save up never had a day off to really spend my money and always went to sleep after work then wake up to another day of work.

Set up a savings account in a different bank, have your employer split your check & eft part of it to the new account then, don't fuck with it or even check on it.

If you don't see it, you will have less of a tendency to spend it.


Edit: I really like this page # and I'm sure Colonel Jeff Cooper would too.
Set up a savings account in a different bank, have your employer split your check & eft part of it to the new account then, don't fuck with it or even check on it.

If you don't see it, you will have less of a tendency to spend it.


Edit: I really like this page # and I'm sure Colonel Jeff Cooper would too.

yea that is what we are going to do. she is planning to get me into a credit union that has better rates but you need to be invited in by an existing member to even open an account and then show them like you make a good income/steady income at least to even qualify. im just broke right now cause all the shit that has been going on past 2 months so im feeding the 1 account then going to open the other and eventually possibly close my old account idk yet.

my boss can't split it though/won't he doesn't have direct deposit so it's just checks sadly and knowing him he won't split the checks. just plan to save up like 2-3 checks and then go and open the account and transfer all my money into the new account. im pretty sure as long as i show them pay stubs i can open one just pay the opening fee and then deposit some so i meet the balance which isn't too bad like $50 i think and $25 to open an account. idk though she is saying i need to deposit 3 entire checks which pretty much makes no sense to me like why would they make that a requirement just to open an account.

it'll take some time though slowly trying to build my account funds back up. pretty much thinking of getting a 2nd job already but hard to cause my current job has no steady schedules work with a lot of people who are in college or work there part time only so i am probably just going to look for a better paying job after i leave this one with a steady schedule. then work from there. having so much pets doesn't make it any easier.
I pulled all the drawers out of my kitchen, emptied out all the cabinets under my sink and tore up sections of the false floor under there that showed signs of water damage looking for carpenter ants. I've had a few dozen show up every spring for 3 years now, which means there's probably a small colony in the house somewhere. I found a few dead ones under the floor, but nothing that showed signs of a nest. I even listened to the walls with a stethoscope My roommate thinks I'm a little :dunce:. Lol. Since Saturday I've done a perimeter outside of granular insecticide, spraying in the basement and putting multiple brands of bait traps down around the kitchen. I've gone from having dozens Saturday to only finding 2 today. I'd still like to be able to hit the nest directly, if there is one. I also found a leaky shut off valve under my kitchen sink, just a slow drip. I wrapped a rag around for now to stop the dripping and put it on the to do list. I'm just gonna run all new plumbing from the basement. The stuff under there is so corroded I was afraid to shine the flashlight on it. I love plumbing, once you pull all the wires out, it's easy Knuk, Knuk, Knuk!
ya boi started a vermicompost going again. i was debating on starting one but had no worms left from years ago when i used to vermicompost long story short had it outside but my grandpa threw away my worms and used my bin for storing rain water -.-". was trying to clean out my sisters room and there are some potted plants that were dying i emptied the drip tray found some nasty sludge with worms in it ( for composting of course ) used those worms and put it in a tote i bought for storing my soil that was empty. added some cardboard to try and clean up our recycling bin full of it and added some existing soil that nobody really uses anymore and then added a banana peel just to try and get it going.

not a whole lot of worms i found maybe about 4 babie worms and 1 juvenile sized one. so im hoping i can seed a colony i have high hopes i've done it before with maybe 2 times the amount of worms and shit grew in the thousands easily. it will just take some time to get going though. if i need to buy worms i will but worms are hard to get here most are selling them for $40 a pound which is insanely overpriced and hard to get them online due to strict importing laws so you need to buy locally. most stores that sell um are a long drive away and some that do sell them don't even have a store so it's like under the table type of thing where you meet them and give them the money ( kinda like craigslist basically )

i have high hopes i can seed the bin though. figured i start vermicomposting so i have compost on hand instead of buying it from the store i can just make my own and use it. saves a lot of waste and space as well we go through a shit load kitchen scraps daily and have a lot of carboard and plant material that needs to be composted. kind of like my little earth day project
I'm surrounded by these (& they look like this now too).

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I love visiting places like that, but there's something special about living in a big city. I can walk out my door and hop on the subway, streetcar or bus and quickly get around... You really don't need a car if you live downtown, I drive less than 5,000km annually. There's always a festival, concert or something entertaining going on around the clock. My only real complaint is the cost of living is stupid high.
I love visiting places like that, but there's something special about living in a big city. I can walk out my door and hop on the subway, streetcar or bus and quickly get around... You really don't need a car if you live downtown, I drive less than 5,000km annually. There's always a festival, concert or something entertaining going on around the clock. My only real complaint is the cost of living is stupid high.
Living here I can find something under every rock.

And sometimes on top of them.

And few people to muddle the view.:blsmoke:

There is always something interesting just around the the next briar patch.;)
I love visiting places like that, but there's something special about living in a big city. I can walk out my door and hop on the subway, streetcar or bus and quickly get around... You really don't need a car if you live downtown, I drive less than 5,000km annually. There's always a festival, concert or something entertaining going on around the clock. My only real complaint is the cost of living is stupid high.
Sounds like pure hell to me. Just the thought of going anywhere near a city gets my anxiety going. Too many fucking people. I haven't seen my grandfather in almost 3 months, mainly because I don't want to deal with the people and traffic, and he doesn't even live in the city, just on the far outskirts of Boston where it's only starting to get congested. Fuck, I get pissed at the birds when they're too loud in the morning, if I walked out my front door to people every day, I'd end up killing someone.
My mom did that thing where they slam on the brakes for a dog 300 yards up the road in a yard on the opposite side.
when i was about 13 my mom hit a parked car in the mall parking lot. she drove a big ford van, which didn't even get a scratch. she didn't want me and my sisters to think she was a terrible person, so she put a note on the car, and we went into the mall...about 20 minutes later i went back out and looked at the note.
"sorry, can't afford higher insurance. good luck."..............