Old World Genetics - DJ Short

Grape Krush Throwback testers (freebies)
A few weeks in
I got 4 females out of 5 seeds with the 5th dying from my lack of removing cotyledon membrane in time... oops
So far very nice plants, very "DJ Short"
The #3 looks/smells of blueberry plants I ran back in '16 from JD/SecondGen
One smells like straight campfires, I call it CampFireKrush or CFK
The other two are just dong their thing. I'll update photos here as things progress.
Nice freebies :hug:


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So if DJ Short bought some tomato seeds from Walmart, you believe if he saved seeds from some of the resultant tomatoes to be grown out later, he should send Walmart some money ?

DJ Short got squat for it? Do you think it's because when people send him $200 for a pack of seeds, he only keeps a couple of bucks and sends the rest to remote villages around the world where the genetics he used were originally cultivated? If you cut clones from your f13 and pollen chuck some crosses, will you be sending DJ Short a Christmas card stuffed with 50 dollar bills every year?

When do people stop "owing" for something they've already purchased ?

He should be free to charge any price he likes and you should be free to buy his seeds or not, but I'm not sure how that gives him ownership over the plant, clones or seeds you might get from the seeds you purchased from him. When does this debt get satisfied in your estimation? Did you buy or rent his seeds?

First; lets get this straight...the reason we're using the word "owe" is because it's the word you've all chosen to used, not me and not Dj. Neither of us have ever said anyone "owed" us shit. We don't feel anything is owed to us except the proper credit and brand recognition for the work that we've done that's contributed to your own work.

Second; as we all know, the stock Dj used to make his crosses was not bought at Walmart, and it was a little more illegal than tomato seeds to possess. If the tomato seeds in question were in fact illegal and the government waged war on anyone who had them and started tossing people in prison for it, and if everyone got rid of the tomato seeds they had and Dj was one of the few people who kept propagation of those seeds alive and risked jail time and his life to do so and then everyone started using those seeds to bring tomatoes back and was taking credit for the preservation of those seeds it might be the same. But that's not the case.

The stock Dj used to create his genetic base was illegally imported (some of via the US government) during the 60's-70's. And then the war on drugs happened and everyone bailed on the scene except a very small hand full of people who dedicated their lives to the preservation of these genetics. They were ostracised and excluded from society and risked everything they had to preserve these plants for us.

He continues to preserve stock form the original P1's used in all of his crosses to this day.

Here's what I don't think Yesum will do if they pollen chuck some crosses from the F13 they got, change the name of the F13 and complain about how Dj is only in it for the money and that all his plants are shit but then continuing using them to breed and taking credit for that work.

Neither I nor Dj have ever said anyone owned either of us anything for breeding with our plants. What we have said is that people who change the names to avoid association or giving credit where its due are greedy assholes. If hardening my shell against this behaviour and the people who engage/troll in it make me an "entitled prick" so be it. Those who actually understand my position will see right through it. Fending off this kind of behaviour and attitude is apparently just part of the business at this point.

As far as charging $200 a pack...you need a lesson in the differences between wholesale and retail. And if you think 100$ for 13 heirloom seeds preserved since the late 60's is too expensive then might I suggest you either don't understand what it's taken to bring them to you or their actual value.
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^Can't keep up with the shit that comes out of your mouth...

I'm doing the same breeding work as my father, with his genetics. I can't publicly offer anything new that isn't an f2 outcross because of all this unethical bullshit that's going on without also entertaining the notion of patenting or leasing my genetics, otherwise I end up doing all this shit as a hobby while swaths of other people make shit loads of money off my work, while I lose money doing this as a hobby. I work two jobs just to be able to afford doing this breeding work, and sometime three, just to survive. So yeah…it's a little lame and upsets me, I would not however use the term 'butthurt'. Again, it's clearly derogatory and troll like, just saying.

And yes, I am Dj Short's son, and I am working with Dj.

Talking about patenting and leasing your genetics because you are so butthurt over people not paying you royalties for your dadda's work. I am 100% sure if I took the time I could find you straight out saying it, but I am not going to, I have better things to do...

Just read the thread on ethics and it is very, very, very easy to see which side of the spectrum you are on.

I especially like how you defend Dada about how he doesn't owe anyone because he got his seeds from BAG SEED and he can't track down the mafia who imported it...

This one usually makes me laugh the most. Dj used seeds he collected out of his favorite bags of pot from when he was a kid in the 70's. Perhaps he should track down the mafia that was importing it and see if he can give them some money to smuggle back to the countries they were smuggling it out of? o_O

The federal government is in the process of changing that stance.

...and ever heard of genetic libraries? Some people save their genetic stock.....there are literally too many unknown possibilities to even comprehend. There are plenty of genetics to stabilize into 'original' strains....not sure what you're talking about

Oh here we go right here in the same thread.....

The term Dj Short is part of his brand. If you think about it, using his brand, which is one of the most recognizable brands around would help you sell your seeds, no? Wouldn't then some of the profit being made come from the use of his name also? I mean all this shit is still new to me. But if it was me and someone was using my name to sell their seeds and were making money off my genetics and name, I'd want to be compensated for it. What that compensation would look like would be unique to the dynamics of each and every single circumstance. Maybe you only wanna sell your product to sick people. I wouldn't want any money from that. But maybe you want to win the cannabis cup and sell $500,000.00 worth of seeds and clones next year. I think I might want a cut of that if you were using my name, brand and genetics. Doesn't that sound fair?

JD Short.....
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The term Dj Short is part of his brand. If you think about it, using his brand, which is one of the most recognizable brands around would help you sell your seeds, no? Wouldn't then some of the profit being made come from the use of his name also? I mean all this shit is still new to me. But if it was me and someone was using my name to sell their seeds and were making money off my genetics and name, I'd want to be compensated for it. What that compensation would look like would be unique to the dynamics of each and every single circumstance. Maybe you only wanna sell your product to sick people. I wouldn't want any money from that. But maybe you want to win the cannabis cup and sell $500,000.00 worth of seeds and clones next year. I think I might want a cut of that if you were using my name, brand and genetics. Doesn't that sound fair?

JD Short...
Blue Heaven. Grown by @headytrips on insta.
^Can't keep up with the shit that comes out of your mouth...

I'm doing the same breeding work as my father, with his genetics. I can't publicly offer anything new that isn't an f2 outcross because of all this unethical bullshit that's going on without also entertaining the notion of patenting or leasing my genetics, otherwise I end up doing all this shit as a hobby while swaths of other people make shit loads of money off my work, while I lose money doing this as a hobby. I work two jobs just to be able to afford doing this breeding work, and sometime three, just to survive. So yeah…it's a little lame and upsets me, I would not however use the term 'butthurt'. Again, it's clearly derogatory and troll like, just saying.

And yes, I am Dj Short's son, and I am working with Dj.

Talking about patenting and leasing your genetics because you are so butthurt over people not paying you royalties for your dadda's work. I am 100% sure if I took the time I could find you straight out saying it, but I am not going to, I have better things to do...

Just read the thread on ethics and it is very, very, very easy to see which side of the spectrum you are on.

I especially like how you defend Dada about how he doesn't owe anyone because he got his seeds from BAG SEED and he can't track down the mafia who imported it...

This one usually makes me laugh the most. Dj used seeds he collected out of his favorite bags of pot from when he was a kid in the 70's. Perhaps he should track down the mafia that was importing it and see if he can give them some money to smuggle back to the countries they were smuggling it out of? o_O

The federal government is in the process of changing that stance.

...and ever heard of genetic libraries? Some people save their genetic stock.....there are literally too many unknown possibilities to even comprehend. There are plenty of genetics to stabilize into 'original' strains....not sure what you're talking about

Oh here we go right here in the same thread.....

The term Dj Short is part of his brand. If you think about it, using his brand, which is one of the most recognizable brands around would help you sell your seeds, no? Wouldn't then some of the profit being made come from the use of his name also? I mean all this shit is still new to me. But if it was me and someone was using my name to sell their seeds and were making money off my genetics and name, I'd want to be compensated for it. What that compensation would look like would be unique to the dynamics of each and every single circumstance. Maybe you only wanna sell your product to sick people. I wouldn't want any money from that. But maybe you want to win the cannabis cup and sell $500,000.00 worth of seeds and clones next year. I think I might want a cut of that if you were using my name, brand and genetics. Doesn't that sound fair?

JD Short.....
You're so far outside of your lane dude.

Please use proper grammar and quotation marks and shit so you're point is more clearly legible.

"...I can't publicly offer anything new that isn't an f2 outcross because of all this unethical bullshit that's going on without also entertaining the notion of patenting or leasing my genetics,...."

As I clearly stated I can't create anything new (in other words dip into the P1's, F1's, F2's that everyone wants etc), without also 'entertaining' the notion of leasing or patenting my genetics.

In other words, people like you and others who don't give the credit where it's due and steal that credit for yourselves are a real drag and bummer in my life (and the lives of everyone else) and they make me entertain things that make me sad, and on top of it, I don't have the energy to even think of this shit and how to defend against it so it upsets me and makes me bitter against assholes like you.

That's all I've clearly stated in that thread. You've said you could find me saying that before and submitted the exact same quote last time you said it as you did above. You still can't find me saying anyone owes me anything, even though you swear it would be a breeze, cause I've never said it.

That's just what you want people to think so they don't buy the gear and judge for themselves. Then you and your douche bag friends can keep stealing it for yourselves.

And seriously, track down the mafia and pay them for importing weed?....get the fuck out of here.

How about this, Dj will continue preserving the genetics and *if* those regions need stock returned to them, they will always know where to get it for free. Also, Dj has done more of a service to most of those regions by preserving the genetics and giving proper credit where it's due. That's more than many and most who grow Chocolate Thai from most the firms out there who just popped seeds from some brick they got and called it Thai.

You're such a troll dude. Yeah, I said it.
The term Dj Short is part of his brand. If you think about it, using his brand, which is one of the most recognizable brands around would help you sell your seeds, no? Wouldn't then some of the profit being made come from the use of his name also? I mean all this shit is still new to me. But if it was me and someone was using my name to sell their seeds and were making money off my genetics and name, I'd want to be compensated for it. What that compensation would look like would be unique to the dynamics of each and every single circumstance. Maybe you only wanna sell your product to sick people. I wouldn't want any money from that. But maybe you want to win the cannabis cup and sell $500,000.00 worth of seeds and clones next year. I think I might want a cut of that if you were using my name, brand and genetics. Doesn't that sound fair?

JD Short...
If fanboy awards were given to trolls for how much time they spent bitching about other peoples work, you'd win the OWG award.
First; lets get this straight...the reason we're using the word "owe" is because it's the word you've all chosen to used, not me and not Dj. Neither of us have ever said anyone "owed" us shit. We don't feel anything is owed to us except the proper credit and brand recognition for the work that we've done that's contributed to your own work.

Second; as we all know, the stock Dj used to make his crosses was not bought at Walmart, and it was a little more illegal than tomato seeds to possess. If the tomato seeds in question were in fact illegal and the government waged war on anyone who had them and started tossing people in prison for it, and if everyone got rid of the tomato seeds they had and Dj was one of the few people who kept propagation of those seeds alive and risked jail time and his life to do so and then everyone started using those seeds to bring tomatoes back and was taking credit for the preservation of those seeds it might be the same. But that's not the case.

The stock Dj used to create his genetic base was illegally imported (some of via the US government) during the 60's-70's. And then the war on drugs happened and everyone bailed on the scene except a very small hand full of people who dedicated their lives to the preservation of these genetics. They were ostracised and excluded from society and risked everything they had to preserve these plants for us.

He continues to preserve stock form the original P1's used in all of his crosses to this day.

Here's what I don't think Yesum will do if they pollen chuck some crosses from the F13 they got, change the name of the F13 and complain about how Dj is only in it for the money and that all his plants are shit but then continuing using them to breed and taking credit for that work.

Neither I nor Dj have ever said anyone owned either of us anything for breeding with our plants. What we have said is that people who change the names to avoid association or giving credit where its due are greedy assholes. If hardening my shell against this behaviour and the people who engage/troll in it make me an "entitled prick" so be it. Those who actually understand my position will see right through it. Fending off this kind of behaviour and attitude is apparently just part of the business at this point.

As far as charging $200 a pack...you need a lesson in the differences between wholesale and retail. And if you think 100$ for 13 heirloom seeds preserved since the late 60's is too expensive then might I suggest you either don't understand what it's taken to bring them to you or their actual value.

Thanks for clarifying your position. It's good to know you aren't hung up on royalties.

You may have noticed my previous posts in this thread were responses to other persons commentary and discussion in the realm of so called "intellectual property". I don't believe intellectual property is a valid concept. I gave explanations why I think that's true.

My explanations were mostly generic and not meant to malign you or your dad, I thought I was pretty clear there. I don't know either of you personally. If people were claiming another breeder thought they were due royalties, my commentary would have been the same, I would disagree.

As far as what you charge, that's your business.
You should be free to charge whatever you like, and prospective buyers should be free to chose your seeds or not. Value is subjective. Some people will find your seeds worth it and some won't. That's how a free market works.

Happy Trails.
I find it funny to think about what most people would do, had they created something as legendary as DJ did.

Yeah, tell me all about how “ethical” you would be if you knew you could capitalize on something for personal benefit.

Funny how everyone who bitches about what Dj and Jd do probably don’t know shit about putting real work in to HOPEFULLY create something that people will love. Damn right I’d be sour if people started pissing on my life’s work...

Jealous trolls.
Blue Heaven. Grown by @headytrips on insta.

You're so far outside of your lane dude.

Please use proper grammar and quotation marks and shit so you're point is more clearly legible.

"...I can't publicly offer anything new that isn't an f2 outcross because of all this unethical bullshit that's going on without also entertaining the notion of patenting or leasing my genetics,...."

As I clearly stated I can't create anything new (in other words dip into the P1's, F1's, F2's that everyone wants etc), without also 'entertaining' the notion of leasing or patenting my genetics.

In other words, people like you and others who don't give the credit where it's due and steal that credit for yourselves are a real drag and bummer in my life (and the lives of everyone else) and they make me entertain things that make me sad, and on top of it, I don't have the energy to even think of this shit and how to defend against it so it upsets me and makes me bitter against assholes like you.

That's all I've clearly stated in that thread. You've said you could find me saying that before and submitted the exact same quote last time you said it as you did above. You still can't find me saying anyone owes me anything, even though you swear it would be a breeze, cause I've never said it.

That's just what you want people to think so they don't buy the gear and judge for themselves. Then you and your douche bag friends can keep stealing it for yourselves.

And seriously, track down the mafia and pay them for importing weed?....get the fuck out of here.

How about this, Dj will continue preserving the genetics and *if* those regions need stock returned to them, they will always know where to get it for free. Also, Dj has done more of a service to most of those regions by preserving the genetics and giving proper credit where it's due. That's more than many and most who grow Chocolate Thai from most the firms out there who just popped seeds from some brick they got and called it Thai.

You're such a troll dude. Yeah, I said it.
Yep you also said...

" But if it was me and someone was using my name to sell their seeds and were making money off my genetics and name, I'd want to be compensated for it."

hence royalties.

" I think I might want a cut of that if you were using my name, brand and genetics."

hence royalties.
Glad I paid the money for the New Berry, it's well worth it and #1 has a nice blueberry smell to it. Exactly what I was hoping for.

Will try to work on maxing her out and growing her better so she looks more like the insta pics on the next run. Here's a pic of #1 at 55days. Probably needs another week I'm guessing. 100% pure blueberry smell since week 4.
nb1 55days.jpg
If fanboy awards were given to trolls for how much time they spent bitching about other peoples work, you'd win the OWG award.
JD SHORT If you could only run one strain of yours or your dads for a cash crop outdoors Witch one would you choose?WEIGHT,Bagapeal,and buzz Needs to be good.Hope you can read my bad spelling, Why I ask all these questions is I would like to try some of your and your dads beans.ky,
Never really looked til now but I found one on ilovegrowingmarijuana . It was a freebie from JBC. Beans have nice color and striping and you can't go wrong with DJ's blueberry

James Bean Company, seems to have current and the freshest stock of Dj and Second Generation genetics(JD).

That's one trait of the Blueberry and it's crosses, are the seeds always seem to be dark and Tiger striped.