First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants


Well-Known Member
i had to get a 16gauge extension cord to connect my new fan which is 18g but i couldnt find any 18g cords for some reason?? i have my hps wired straight to an outlet so thats not a problem. then i have my 8 cfls (4 cords, 4 socket splitters) as well as my two little fans and inline and exhaust... so 8 things running on two different extension cords to one outlet too much? i should really know these things if im going to be an electrician haha


Well-Known Member
Hmm, depends on how many amps that outlet and part of the house can take.
probably a 15amp or a 20amp.

if you haven't flipped anything yet then there's no problem.

You should get a surge protector though.


Well-Known Member
i know i think i should but shits been running good for like two months so i think its fine. pretty sure its a 20amp ill go check. i just dont want to have to go back and change everything now that ive zip tied all the cords together and shit ya know...


Well-Known Member
is this like what you use DK??,i mean is this like a "MOLASSES"?
im pretty sure same type of deal,but how often should i use it in veg state? (question is for mane or any hydro grower in my boy DK'S foul!!)..only when i change water? which is once a week..that seems about right..and i was reading some guys post saying he used it in his hydro setup and it clogged tubes and left a nasty "gook" on roots..ewwww!,but he didnt seem reliable about growing as i read on so..
ill use it once a week at 1/2 teaspoon pr gallon..what'chall think?



Well-Known Member
yeah i think thats basically the same as those other nutes sweet and sugar daddy all that shit thats supposed to help the taste i didnt use anything like that or even molasses last time so i have no idea! just read the bottle it should tell ya how much and when etc. is it supposed to be used in veg i thought those were just for flower??


Well-Known Member
nah it says 1 tea per gallon in veg and 2 per gallon during flowering
jesus! i hope i dont have a mold problem down the road..plants are coming along but the fan leaves are climbing on top of each other..amazing the growth


Well-Known Member
dude all my plants i got in the homebox are growing into eachother and they still got another 3-4 weeks in there haha what you talkin about mold??


Well-Known Member
dunno havent tried that yet. you need a shit lot of trimmings i think like a pound? to extract enough to make some good hash/butter/etc. i just tossed the leftovers of my last plant there was barely anything left just stems and gross dead leaves...


Well-Known Member
i had to get a 16gauge extension cord to connect my new fan which is 18g but i couldnt find any 18g cords for some reason?? i have my hps wired straight to an outlet so thats not a problem. then i have my 8 cfls (4 cords, 4 socket splitters) as well as my two little fans and inline and exhaust... so 8 things running on two different extension cords to one outlet too much? i should really know these things if im going to be an electrician haha
Bigger is better, and 16g is bigger than 18g, so that is good. You would add the 27w not 100w. I thought your ballast was run on the same spider web. since not, you are probably good, but like always, mane is probably right!


Well-Known Member
yeah i got my HPS plugged right into the wall and then the rest coming from the other outlet. thats still less than 1000w on one outlet so yeah im probably good. i got a surge protector this morning anyway setting it up right now haha i had to get some weatherstriping too making sure no light will be getting into the closet! first 12 hours of darkness tonight and flowering begins tomorrow :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yeah i got my HPS plugged right into the wall and then the rest coming from the other outlet. thats still less than 1000w on one outlet so yeah im probably good. i got a surge protector this morning anyway setting it up right now haha i had to get some weatherstriping too making sure no light will be getting into the closet! first 12 hours of darkness tonight and flowering begins tomorrow :bigjoint:
Happy Day!!!


Well-Known Member
Yo i got humidity dome for stupid mistic cloner..doea the dome have to be air tight on top of w/e its on top of?..i got the size that was closes to measurements,no pic on phone


Well-Known Member
Yo is it possible to have a digital timer come on and go off every 3 min.? Mistic cloner says its better to let machine fog every 3 mins.i lost instructions so i cant go there for help..anybody have an idea on how to do this...and will this dome work for this?..was the only size they had tha was close enough to its size

another thing...can u take cuttings from plant that has bud sites on them for cloning??,meaning can i literally cut the leaves that have bud sites and put them in cloner?

