The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

You suck at this
Anybody reading this only need scroll up, all throughout the last week of this thread, to see that I've said that repeatedly to people that absolutely suck at trolling. Again, you're dull and you aren't creative. You're lacking *creativity so badly that you're now stealing things I've said in this thread. Kys
I knew your gay ass would the first to arrive. You're at the forefront of what I described in my original post. Besides, anyone willing to scroll up can see the screen shot of the article where Trump's ex wife admitted that he didn't actually rape her.
So who's sock are you? Looks like you've been run off of RIU before, you seem awful familiar with some folks for a new member. Still got a hair up yer ass about it?
I'm actually not trolling you. I'm being sincere and honest.
Then your not only an idiot, yer a sociopath as well. Who exactly do you think your persuading here? Trump is unfit, incompetent, corrupt and a traitor that only an idiot or someone blinded by race hate and tribal politics could refuse to see it, he's not very good at hiding it either. Prove it you say, that is in process now and will go on for quite some time, since Donald is obstructing justice and congress.

You've obviously got yer ass burned real good around here and you keep coming back as a sock puppet, shit, get a life. I mean it must be a lot of bother to get a VPN and setup new accounts etc. and for what? So you can get shit on by better people than yourself? Trigger the libs? Your not even a conservative, no Trump supporter is, because Trump is not a conservative, he's a criminal. Your just a fool who got in over his head on this site and was kicked off.

The republicans the NRA and the religious right are all going down with Trump, we're getting real close to "interesting times". Lot's more people are gonna go to jail, including Donald, hundreds of assholes are gonna be in squeal deals or prison before the dust settles on this one.
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Then your not only an idiot, yer a sociopath as well. Who exactly do you think your persuading here? Trump is unfit, incompetent, corrupt and a traitor that only an idiot or someone blinded by race hate and tribal politics could refuse to see it, he's not very good at hiding it either. Prove it you say, that is in process now and will go on for quite some time, since Donald is obstructing justice and congress.

You've obviously got yer ass burned real good around here and you keep coming back as a sock puppet, shit, get a life. I mean it must be a lot of bother to get a VPN and setup new accounts etc. and for what? So you can get shit on by better people than yourself? Trigger the libs? Your not even a conservative, no Trump supporter is, because Trump is not a conservative, he's a criminal. Your just a fool who got in over his head on this site and was kicked off.

The republicans the NRA and the religious right are all going down with Trump, we're getting real close to "interesting times". Lot's more people are gonna go to jail, including Donald, hundreds of assholes are gonna be in squeal deals or prison before the dust settles on this one.
I’m assuming you fellers are reacting still to Magic Muck? He’s a perfect example of why brothers and sisters should use protection when they’re banging.
Then your not only an idiot, yer a sociopath as well. Who exactly do you think your persuading here? Trump is unfit, incompetent, corrupt and a traitor that only an idiot or someone blinded by race hate and tribal politics could refuse to see it, he's not very good at hiding it either. Prove it you say, that is in process now and will go on for quite some time, since Donald is obstructing justice and congress.

You've obviously got yer ass burned real good around here and you keep coming back as a sock puppet, shit, get a life. I mean it must be a lot of bother to get a VPN and setup new accounts etc. and for what? So you can get shit on by better people than yourself? Trigger the libs? Your not even a conservative, no Trump supporter is, because Trump is not a conservative, he's a criminal. Your just a fool who got in over his head on this site and was kicked off.

The republicans the NRA and the religious right are all going down with Trump, we're getting real close to "interesting times". Lot's more people are gonna go to jail, including Donald, hundreds of assholes are gonna be in squeal deals or prison before the dust settles on this one.
So conservatives wouldn't support Trump because he's a criminal... but you claim Republicans are going down with Trump? Which is it??? Funny how you're so sure that Trump is oh so guilty... yet not even the FBI can prove there's collusion. I guess due process doesn't work for people that don't believe in democracy, people like you.

Who said I'm using a VPN?

Also, I've seen you on here. You're a Hillary supporter.

Hillary is a racist.

That makes you a racist.

PS: getting closer to "interesting times?" You DO realize that the demographics of America are changing to a more Latino persuasion? With that comes a lot of their own beliefs, many of which are Catholic and/or Protestant at the very least. Good luck getting your abortion laws passed in the American southwest, ya fuckin' retard.
I’m assuming you fellers are reacting still to Magic Muck? He’s a perfect example of why brothers and sisters should use protection when they’re banging.
And you more than anybody keep bringing up pedophilia and incest. Again, you're one weird cat. I mean that. I'm not even trolling. I really do hope that you get help, your sexual interest in children is duly noted. But why do you insist on continuously talking about rape, incest, and pedophilia?3216vh.jpg
And you more than anybody keep bringing up pedophilia and incest. Again, you're one weird cat. I mean that. I'm not even trolling. I really do hope that you get help, your sexual interest in children is duly noted. But why do you insist on continuously talking about rape, incest, and pedophilia?View attachment 4341009
ROY MOORE was supported by the Pedophile Party and President
Lol. Read through a lot of this post and so many failed many tears and primal screams of rage just jumping off the words on the screen from years old comments because the pain was that intense in the moment. The scream that echoes on and on. This is humanity at its ugliest. This sad thread right here. You all need to smoke better weed
Lol. Read through a lot of this post and so many failed many tears and primal screams of rage just jumping off the words on the screen from years old comments because the pain was that intense in the moment. The scream that echoes on and on. This is humanity at its ugliest. This sad thread right here. You all need to smoke better weed
Vote republicans out.....
It’s tattooed on my forehead next to a a burning cross