The Monumentally Epic, Knockdown, Dragout, Take-No-Prisoners Slapdown: Aussie High Light vs HLG 288

BTW, did you make that one yourself? Because you did a good job. I imagine the constant pump keeps the water a bit warmer, too. Or do you have your misters on a timer?

Diy...EZ PZ...just google “ez cloner build”

Pumps always add heat..water temps will also depend on air/floor temps...sometimes i need to add heat to water, so i put a germination mat w thermostat underneath, for cooling water i insert a water chiller line, in a pinch put timer on air pump, keep cuttings wet, or swap out frozen water bottles...
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LOL! Your media is actually air - the mister provides the moisture while the stems hang free.

And if I was going to use rooting hormones in an aero cloner, I'd just add it straight to the water as the misters will wash it off the stems anyway.

But you don't really need hormones. When I run out of cloning gel, I just use honey on my clones. It has hydrogen peroxide to keep them sterile, and a bit of sugar for the roots when they grow. But I clone in peat pots, because I grow in coco.

Oh, you crustacean, you! You got me there....partly!

Yep, but i like to give them the full dose of hormone on the fresh wound, first...

I do my sanitation beforehand, hg/gff take care of potential organics/beasties...don’t really want an indiscriminating, oxidizing, momentary half-life free-radical in there....

Also don't want beastie bait in there... as in honey, sugar....

Aerocloner works for any media!

Just goes to show how nature can work around mistakes by chitin-clothed water insects...
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Haha! No, I wouldn't be adding honey to an aero cloner - don't worry.

Here's a cloning tip: you can store cuttings in the fridge in a glass of water until they are needed. I regularly clone cuttings that have been in the fridge for up to a month. My rooting record for fridge cuttings is six weeks.

Of course, "rooting" means something entirely different in this part of the world :P
Haha! No, I wouldn't be adding honey to an aero cloner - don't worry.

Here's a cloning tip: you can store cuttings in the fridge in a glass of water until they are needed. I regularly clone cuttings that have been in the fridge for up to a month. My rooting record for fridge cuttings is six weeks.

Of course, "rooting" means something entirely different in this part of the world :P

I keep food in my fridge, cuttings on the plant, “rooting” on my list of faves...

Here’s another aerocloner tip: more cuttings than collar holes?...put multiple cuttings in same collar, arrange them so all cuttings get light on their leaves.....
Might as well complete the process description for transplanting rooted cuttings to net pot....

1. Using a cutting device, cut a 1/2-1” hole in bottom of net pot.

2. Slice a vertical cut into a rapid rooter or root riot (rr) plug; don’t cut completely thru rr so you have a hinge that holds both halves together.

3. Remove cutting from cloner, then remove from collar;

4. Place stem of cutting into rr, with roots BELOW rr, fold rr shut.

5. Put as good a layer as you can, of hydroton, into the bottom of your net cup...this is the trickiest part, where a third or fourth hand would be useful, you’ll figure it out...carefully feed taproot(s) thru hole in bottom of net cup...fill net cup around rr with hydroton.

6. Put net cup in dwc bucket; twist a fatty and smoke it, pat yourself on the back for another job well done, while looking in the mirror and repeating 3 times:

Cannabis is a C3 plant, so strictly doesn't need a dark period. However, that doesn't mean they grow most efficiently that way, as photooxidation - a build up of light energy that can't be photosynthesised (because the leaf is already saturated) - can damage the plant if it doesn't dissipate that energy.

So the short answer is, you will likely see best results by introducing a dark period in your veg cycle. The fastest growth I've tested in the past was 11/1 (11 hours on, one hour off). These days I tend to use 18/6 or sometimes 20/4, as I'm generally in hurry to veg.

Ever tried GLR for veg? Mixed with LED is insane veg growth.
Gas light routine? Fastest veg I've documented so far has been 11/1. But these days I'm not in hurry to veg, so usually run 18/6 or sometimes 20/4. It's hot where I grow, so 18/6 also helps with climate control during summer.

No f’ing way i’m gonna mess with trying to keep timers straight in my 3rd world electrical grid....might be great for people w backup generator, trying to max cycles per year...

But, like everything else cannabis, do what works for yous....
Alrighty, been waiting all day to hook up a chiller for the clones... water temp almost 80F...

Ordered a tiny submersible pump to move water thru my 1/10th hp chiller...pump came late today, it and chiller loop is installed, temp set for 68F with 2F deadband...


Let’s roll...

Yo mama’s lookin ready, slightly haggard...

651393A1-3885-4C20-83A9-47052854BBF2.jpeg EE91C8DC-A80C-47C7-9FD6-23AFF15158F6.jpeg E058B2D4-4EDE-4804-91A4-6D80CC5F9671.jpeg 3740FF3B-9761-4445-AB52-7B1D1FDA5337.jpeg C9A1B976-19C0-436F-B8C4-3E5BF0DC9751.jpeg 47455231-9330-4453-B6E6-74A28470B89B.jpeg D87C4541-7575-4E5B-AC6A-DD7443049E4E.jpeg

15 cuttings and an insurance policy...


Tick, tick, tick.....
All hail my Sensei master, nice mate, do you use 2 rooting hormones?

Can you post your chiller details pls, one problem with eze cloning is heat in summer with a pump running 24/7?

No misting ?


I use both, gel and powder, but prob don’t need know me, OveRkill_GRO....


No hand misting if you use a humidity dome, (mine made of pvc and plastic food wrap). Some people claim you don’t need a dome w aerocloner, didn’t work for me...lift off dome for a few minutes each day...
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