The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

As ... not an American I am sort of enjoying watching your country tear itself apart in a blazing organge glory.

For so long the people of your nation have been so arrogant that there is no Country better then yours (meanwhile the US is #14 Education, #11 Healthcare, #25 Democracy index (not even a full democracy, voted an orange clown as it's leader).

Here's a proud LIBtard laughing all the way at all you REtards :)

How many Americans have I triggered? awww poor snowflakes :D
As ... not an American I am sort of enjoying watching your country tear itself apart in a blazing organge glory.

For so long the people of your nation have been so arrogant that there is no Country better then yours (meanwhile the US is #14 Education, #11 Healthcare, #25 Democracy index (not even a full democracy, voted an orange clown as it's leader).

Here's a proud LIBtard laughing all the way at all you REtards :)

How many Americans have I triggered? awww poor snowflakes :D
Lol. Doesn’t matter. You’re still in a shit hole.
You don't know where I am ....
Try again.

I would tell you but if I told you I lived on Mars by myself and there were somehow hordes of super hot martian women just for me that scientists never discovered ... you would say that I live in/on a shithole

@Fogdog of course I'm not American, that's sort of the point of my trolling post.

Calm down people, just fucking around like the rest of the idiot morons here. That said there's nothing wrong with being left leaning or right leaning, enough of this 'libtard' shaming bs.
Most here are laughing at him. After watching a few a pass through here, one begins to see the pattern. For example he thinks calling somebody a fag is a terrible insult. The stain is on him but he doesn't see it.

It makes any attempt at discussion difficult though. The mods come through and sweep them out like garbage. Like flies they come back. wash rinse repeat.
Not blaming Mods garbage stinks after three days
Try again.

I would tell you but if I told you I lived on Mars by myself and there were somehow hordes of super hot martian women just for me that scientists never discovered ... you would say that I live in/on a shithole

@Fogdog of course I'm not American, that's sort of the point of my trolling post.

Calm down people, just fucking around like the rest of the idiot morons here. That said there's nothing wrong with being left leaning or right leaning, enough of this 'libtard' shaming bs.
I was posting about the carrion eater, @danjac82 . I think he's posting from Russia or one of its satellites like Georgia (US, that is) or Alabama.

I thought your post was fine. Totally agree that a MAGA-hat-wearing pasty-faced loser talking about how "great this country is", is obnoxious to people in another country that can see how it is not. I can say its obnoxious to many people in the US too.

So, troll on. It's election season in this country and the right wing trolls are coming here in droves. A liberal troll is fine with me. It doesn't matter where you are posting from either.
I am just messing around, understandably a bad idea because people get triggered so easy but my point remains that this liberal shaming bs needs to stop.

Believe what you believe and be proud of it but you should be open to listening to your opponent because you might learn something about your own beliefs and it's just childish not to ... and stop using childhood playground insults (like 'libtard'), we are mostly all adults here aren't we?

This line will certainly get me trolled because I will tell you where I live. I live in Canada, and barring some really stupid things that our leader has been doing lately I think that my Country is one of the better (not the best) places to live on this earth, there are far worse places to be sure. If anyone wants to have a responsible mature debate over my belief sure that would be great, but I highly doubt there will be any mature debates going on here.
I am just messing around, understandably a bad idea because people get triggered so easy but my point remains that this liberal shaming bs needs to stop.

Believe what you believe and be proud of it but you should be open to listening to your opponent because you might learn something about your own beliefs and it's just childish not to ... and stop using childhood playground insults (like 'libtard'), we are mostly all adults here aren't we?

This line will certainly get me trolled because I will tell you where I live. I live in Canada, and barring some really stupid things that our leader has been doing lately I think that my Country is one of the better (not the best) places to live on this earth, there are far worse places to be sure. If anyone wants to have a responsible mature debate over my belief sure that would be great, but I highly doubt there will be any mature debates going on here.
Without Meme's and calling names there would be no Trump supporters LOL
I am just messing around, understandably a bad idea because people get triggered so easy but my point remains that this liberal shaming bs needs to stop.

Believe what you believe and be proud of it but you should be open to listening to your opponent because you might learn something about your own beliefs and it's just childish not to ... and stop using childhood playground insults (like 'libtard'), we are mostly all adults here aren't we?

This line will certainly get me trolled because I will tell you where I live. I live in Canada, and barring some really stupid things that our leader has been doing lately I think that my Country is one of the better (not the best) places to live on this earth, there are far worse places to be sure. If anyone wants to have a responsible mature debate over my belief sure that would be great, but I highly doubt there will be any mature debates going on here.
Who's ashamed? What liberal shaming are you talking about? Conservatives or any normal person who support Trump should be ashamed and many are. I'm from Canada too and you wouldn't want anything bad to happen to the USA since we are joined at the hip with them, if their economy goes in the tank, how long do you think ours will last? If they lose their democracy, how long do you think it will be before we lose ours? If Trumps wins the presidency in 2020, all bets are off, you might have to grow potatoes in your backyard to survive along with most Americans.

If your Canadian, you'd better hope Uncle Sam shits out Donald and does very well financially, we're along for the ride too.
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