Diamond 60
Ok, thank
It is literally impossible for it to be Republicans. Even if there was a Republican governor the Democrats have a veto proof majority in both houses. This is ALL on the Democrats.
What went around before the bill was put up and what was proven in NY is the same corporations we have were signed on to a letter to lawmakers wanting to keep homegrowing out.
The Senator and Representative who have this bill have always been wishy washy about growing, letting it be too well known that they were willing to take it out. That is why they only put up 5 plants instead of 24 to negotiate down to 12 plants.
This is very typical Democrat politics. Make promises you don't plan on providing, and then as you show, blame Republicans for it. Same reason we don't have universal healthcare in spite of Democrat majorities with a Democrat president all making the promise. And yet they blame Republicans for that too.
Also here in IL the corporations wanted to be the only ones to get grow licenses, guess what else they get in this bill? Don't count on any craft growers happening in IL as promised in the future. The corporations will be claimed to be doing a good enough job while we're paying $70/8th.
I hope you remember when it comes time to vote that this is all Democrats doing this.
And BTW, without homegrowing there is nothing legalizing about this bill. Pass a joint to someone, you're a dealer. Give someone a variety you didn't like, you're a dealer. Have a hitter box in your pocket while driving, you've got illegal transportation. Want to buy some weed, go to the same monopolies who still can't keep up with a flood of 3000 new patients they new were coming for 6 months and are using that as an excuse for price increases.
Without homegrowing for patients of more than 5 plants in the recreational bill I do not support this BS.
Ok, But Remember, with a Republican in The Governor's Mansion, I would be Dead before it ever became Legal. Also, The Last REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR REFUSED to allow People in Chronic Pain Access. People have had to Pay Doctors to Lie and Say They Have PTSD or Severe Fibro to get some Pain Relief.
Hi, my first post!! Does anybody know if I can check my application status online?
Also, do you know if your Provisional QP will be the same as the QP that is on the card once approved? I'm thinking maybe I can check the status under the Verify Registry Card Identification Card page on the IDPH website?
Edit: The status says provisional now... will it switch to active when the actual card comes?
I don't deny any of that. But it's beginning to look like this was a lie to get that governor out of office. At least homegrow was, and this being his top issue was. We might get legal sales from monopolies but everything beyond that might end up being barely legal (act like it's illegal and you'll probably be OK unless you're in a backwards area). It's looking like it's going to be a very rough start.
He also wouldn't allow the medical to expand. We should at least get that. I'll go from 1 to 4 qualifying conditions, and the condition I have the most hope to treat will be listed. And hopefully my lifelong incurable disease won't need to be re-certified every 3 years (like thinking cannabis made your fingerprints change every 3 years I guess they thought it could also cure disease with no known cure).
HB 1436 Just Passed the Senate. It will be law by Friday, sadly, only Us Card Holders can Grow. I wish you nothing but The Best Myk63. I think it sucks, but in One Regard, We are so much in Debt, if They let everyone grow, who was gonna Buy?? Not my Opinion, but I am sure it factored In, and Law Enforcement really shut down The Home Grow, threatening the Politicians. Sad
That was an awesome Post!! And remember, when for weeks no one was on here but 2 of us, I would not be surprised to see some new people joining wanting to know how long to get a card if They do not know about Provisional. Or wanting an idea when they can start to grow legally.Well if the bill had no homegrow I was going to be against it. But of course in true IL fashion they didn't release the final 500 page bill until the day they voted on it so my support or not wouldn't be a factor. I would've supported it with just patients growing, it's something to build on over the years as once again the naysayers' predictions all turn out to be lies as they were with medical.
Decriminalized homegrow for everyone with a $100-$200 fine is huge. Big concession for the antis, small concession for the pros. That will definitely become full homegrow eventually.
I don't like the roadside check stuff (don't remember what it is but didn't like it when I heard about it) and don't like that if you pass someone a joint you can get 6 month and a $1500 fine. It's basically a very strong decriminalization bill. Treat it like it is illegal other than where you buy it from and you should be good.
Calling our own back yards "public" property is ridiculous.
The new wording for transportation is great, although they didn't change it enough so having driver and passenger in different sections to do the same thing will probably still cause confusion with the cops. But get a lockable smell proof container, keep the weed in a jar, and you should be good with it anywhere in the vehicle out of reach of the driver. Smell proof container is an odd stipulation but OK.
I really don't think many people will homegrow twice. The first time they have a plant come into flower and they don't have an air filter they will freak at the smell that comes off. Other states have homegrow and still have a very strong tax revenue coming in.
It's a shame patients won't be able to grow until 1/1/20, or so I've heard. No reason to delay that part, we're already licensed for legal weed.
That was an awesome Post!! And remember, when for weeks no one was on here but 2 of us, I would not be surprised to see some new people joining wanting to know how long to get a card if They do not know about Provisional. Or wanting an idea when they can start to grow legally.
when they took out growing for everyone they just plugged growing for medical into it to keep from losing support of the pro side
We're probably going to be the 2nd legal state in the Midwest, and, in theory, we could still beat Michigan to recreational retail
* prohibits IDPH from charging annual renewal fees to qualifying cardholders with life-long debilitating medical conditions, and directs the IDPH to implement new fee rules for applicants with life-long debilitating medical conditions
Limiting homegrow to medical was the price to get suburban and downstate Democrats on board. It was revealed during the House debate that this deal was reached seven months ago. Home-grow for everyone was never going to stay in the bill.
You can be upset if you wish, but it was masterful politics by the sponsors.
I won't pat myself on the back for predicting legalization, but its looking like my second prediction from last November might come true as well. There will (100%) be recreational stores open in Illinois on 1/1/2020. By contrast, Michigan might start recreational retail later this year .. but they can't even get a regulatory handle on their medical stores. I honestly think Illinois will be the first Midwest state where anyone over the age of 21 can legally purchase cannabis from a store.
prohibits IDPH from charging annual renewal fees to qualifying cardholders with life-long debilitating medical conditions, and directs the IDPH to implement new fee rules for applicants with life-long debilitating medical conditions
I was wondering if we can go to any dispensaries after 1/1/20 or will that stand as it is? How's that going to work if the recreational public can go to any dispensarie, meaning why should we have to register at 1 while everyone else can go anywhere.
Also where the heck is the like button??? Lol
We still have to be registered at a dispensary, our purchases still tracked, our mmj use is still in the PMP and our license plates still flagged.
This while recreational users can walk into any recreational dispensary, their 30g limit is on the honor system, their Drs won't know unless they tell them and cops will have no idea who may have recreational pot in possession by running their plates.
I see an equal protection case, although I'm leaving it open that no major controversial changes were made to medical to get it being made permanent passed easily and these issues will be fixed. I don't see how they will get away with treating the sick and disabled this differently to buy the same product for long.
If they're on the honor system we should be on the honor system which takes away the need to register at a dispensary. If their plates aren't flagged ours don't need to be. If their cannabis use is left up to them to convey to their Drs our Drs don't need to be alerted to ours.
But dispensary switches are to be immediate. I'm assuming since you can go into a dispensary and have them switch you now, you'll be able to go into a dispensary you are not registered at and have them switch you immediately whenever the rulemaking allows that to take place (that's in the medical bill not the recreational bill so 1/1/20 shouldn't apply like growing for medical does).
Reasons to keep a medical card for $100/yr, 2.5oz possession limit (why you need to carry 2.5oz I don't know or judge), legal homegrowing, taxes will be 10% on most flower, 20% on edibles, 25% on most concentrates. And THC limits, not that IL sells anything higher than any other state's recreational limits now (many of our edibles are micro-doses), but we don't know what our recreational limits are yet.
High CBD flower, while I think they should and hope they do sell high CBD flower recreationally we won't know until they start selling recreational.
You need to post more to get a like button.