MasterK is a PUSSY


Junior Creatologist
You wouldn't believe I've been in a lot of trouble because I don't keep my mouth shut would you ?

your cool in my book man, but thats not exactly an encourageing thing to hear from somebody on a forum completely dedicated to growing marijuana. cmon man, its only a resident forum asshole, they exist in every forum dude. Usually theres more than one. least in here we get them only once in a while...


"job". lolololol like we get paid to do this. :roll:

i'm neck deep in work as i type this with vinyl gloves on. i am working, silly. :mrgreen:

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i luv your office fdd.
as to everthing else its over my head,the posts i have seen LA9 and info you have given has been good dont worry man chill,i see people get threatened all the time by playing poker those guys go off man.i will give you a saying they may come in handy." winners are grinners and the rest of you can go get fucked"


Junior Creatologist
hey la, are you referring to the G13 thread, when you were bashin G13's seeds?? im not tryin to put u on blast, but is that the thread bro??