Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

View attachment 4344211 View attachment 4344212 View attachment 4344213 View attachment 4344221 I saw some pics a couple pages back of ppl showing off. Great job! Here are mine in a 4x4 grasssroots living soil bed (now that I have internet It’s a Coots no-till soil with some extras at about a year a half old. Over did the amendments somewhere along the line and it’s water only now. But they are WWxBB at week 10, I’m about to harvest them.

Great work! Good to see some other photos in here! :)
We have chooks and a big bag of crushed Oyster shells for a food supplement - BUT they are 'pullet sized', maybe 1/4", which I think may be too big to use in a SS mix. Should I bother? Maybe I can crush some up with a mortar and pestle? Anyone have experience with that?

So far I have some used soil,
Bone Meal
Blood meal
Kelp meal
Alfalfa meal
Worm castings
And I'm going to add:
Neem meal,
Maybe some crab or Crustacean meal.

Does this sound like a decent recipe?

Sounds good, a little gypsum never hurts
Running outa containers, bamboo stakes, n tomato cages, just topped everyhing off with some fresh compost and worms. Foliar feeding epsom salt. Ran outa LAB's and weeping willow tree tea n havent brewed any more yet. Working on multiplying bottled microbes with aeration dilution and sugars in effort to get my dollars worth back outa it (lol( so ill put that to the test next week. Got some corn seed sprouting gonna make a sst and throw it in with the microbes for a ultimate microbe enzyme tea lol

No topping thus year just letting the plant go as naturally as i possibly can without diminished returns. Lollipopped this year and sewms to keep alota bugs out.

All my own home brewed strains except the tallest lanky sativa on the right. Its nearly 7 feet at this point tied a broomstick to it lol. Given to me as a seedling in a phillidelphia cheese container from a friend. Its name is philly cheese.

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